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SPSM-AB_21.10.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: October 25, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-49958ISP-A: Signature Page

Added the ability to enter multiple date fields on the Signature page.

SPEDSM-43899Knowledge & Employability Form
  • Created a new Knowledge and Employability Consent and Student Learning Plan form that includes the following eight sections:
    • Cover Page (same as the IPP cover sheet with the parent, student, and team information)
    • Section 1: Yearly Consent
    • Section 2: Student and Parent Goals
    • Section 3: Accommodations (same as the IPP form)
    • Section 4: Academic Component (includes a keyword table of all Course codes for user selection) and ability to enter Year-End Summary Marks
    • Section 5: Occupational Component and Other OT Related Courses
    • Section 6: Transition Planning and Semester/Year-End Summary (same as the IPP form)
    • Section 7: Signatures
  • Added the following keyword tables:
    • AcademicSubject
    • AcademicCourses
      These tables are filled from the DOE course list. Currently, only KAE courses are listed as InUse. District Administrators have full control over additions and active course display. 
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