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SPSM-AB_21.2.1.0 Release Notes

Alberta Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-33575Behaviour Assessment Plan: Acknowledge electronically
  • Added Electronic Signature Instructions and checkboxes to the Behaviour Assessment and Intervention Plan (BAIP) form. Once the user selects the checkbox, the form will display "Acknowledged electronically."
  • Added Parent/Guardian name to the report.
SPEDSM-33579Global > Goal Wizard

Updated the text of the following form options available in Globals > Alberta Model Options > Form Options section:

  • Global Wizard Enabled For IPP
  • Global Wizard Enabled For ISP-B
SPEDSM-34481IPP > Accommodations: Teacher instruction

Removed the teacher instruction statement about Universal supports within the parents’ portal. Teachers or Educators can see this statement only in Edit mode.

SPEDSM-33368IPP > Progress Reporting file attachment area

Added the text "This section is used to attach evidence of learning by the student to demonstrate the progression towards the attainment of the student’s goal using the instructional strategies and supports provided” as a heading for the IPP > Progress Reporting file attachment area. The heading text now provides more clarity about the associated area.

SPEDSM-33527IPP > Strengths, Interest & Learning Competencies: Home & Community text

Added text in IPP > Strengths > Home & Community area for more context and to enhance clarity. This text will appear only in Edit mode.

SPEDSM-34322IPP, ISP-A,B,C: Keyword Table: Programs filtering

Corrected the Program keyword table. The keyword table will no longer display keywords that are set as InUse=No.

SPEDSM-36351IPP, ISP-A,B,C: Semester/Year-End and Signature Page change

Updated the following changes to the IPP, ISP -A, B, C Forms:

  • Semester/Year-End Summary Page: Renamed "Recommendation" title to "Other Information."
  • Signature Page: Added a new stylized text box labeled “Additional Information” at the bottom of the page. The text box will not be printed when blank.
SPEDSM-30239IPP: Contact information

Removed the Contact Information section from the IPP form.

SPEDSM-33580ISP-B: Last years progress

Fixed issues with the newly created ISP-B form which occurred when users copied from an existing ISP-B form. The following areas will now remain blank after users create a copy:

  • Individual Learning Goals
  • Mid-Year and End-of-year progress report
  • Fields in Signature page
SPEDSM-37556PASI Reporting

Added new reports to Reporting > Standard Reports > PASI Document Loads. The reports help users upload multiple form types to PASI. These new reports include IPP, ISP-A, ISP-B, ISP-C, Electronic signature page, Mult-Disciplinary Team, Success in School Plan. Users may be able to set up a scheduled task to automate these reports in the future.

SPEDSM-29682PASI Reporting

Updated the DCT tool to create PDF documents for upload to the state using the following naming convention:

  • Student's ASN
  • Meeting Date
  • Form Type
SPEDSM-30237Preferred Name: Electronic Signature Form

Updated the following changes to the Electronic Signature Form:

  • Added Student's Name and Preferred name field.
  • The Student's Name field will not be displayed when the "Use Preferred Name Only" option is selected.
SPEDSM-30235Preferred Name: Safety Plan

Updated the following changes to the Safety Plan form:

  • Added Student's Name and Preferred name field.
  • The Student's Name field will not be displayed when the "Use Preferred Name Only" option is selected.
SPEDSM-30238Preferred Name: Student Growth Plan

Updated the following changes to the Student Growth Plan form:

  • Added Student's Name and Preferred name field.
  • The Student's Name field will not be displayed when the "Use Preferred Name Only" option is selected.
SPEDSM-30236Preferred Name: Success in School Plan

Updated the following changes to the Student Success in School Plan form:

  • Added Student's Name and Preferred name field.
  • The Student's Name field will not be displayed when the "Use Preferred Name Only" option is selected.
SPEDSM-26092Profile: Accommodations

Added a new profile “Accommodations” to run reports that display student accommodations details. Student data comes from a finalized IPP form or ISP-A/B/C form. When a new form is finalized, existing student’s data will be replaced.

SPEDSM-37787Report: Accommodations

Added a new "Accommodations Report" within Public Student Reports > Accommodation Report. This new report selects all active finalized IEP's with accommodations per student or location.

SPEDSM-36353Report: Signatures Missing

Added new reports to Reporting > Standard Reports > Signatures. These new reports will show the signature status of the IPP, ISP-A, ISP-B, ISP-C, Electronic Signature Page for a finalized form. Filters available are:

  • By Location
  • Date Range
  • All
  • Unsigned Only
SPEDSM-33456Safety Plan: Risk Behaviour

Changed the term “Acting Out” to “Risk Behaviour” within the Safety Plan document.

SPEDSM-34318Unspecified Gender:

Made the following changes into the Special Transportation document when gender is not specified:

  • Updated the following texts:
    • “Will the student pose a risk of injury to either themself or others?”
    • “Will the student require a harness to remain in their seat?”
  • Updated the following keywords in the model gender table:
    • Reflective = Themself
    • Possessive Pronoun = They
    • Subjective = They
    • Objective = Self
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