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SPSM-AB_22.1.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: January 12, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-51586IPP, Intensive Behavior Support Plan section title change

Modified the IPP, Intensive Behavior Support Plan section to remove the word Intensive from the Section Name and Form Title (total three places).

SPEDSM-51649IPP & ISP-A,B,C: Flag Icon display

Modified the calculated fields HasIPP and HasISP to display in Draft, Review Status, or Final state.

SPEDSM-51590IPP: Start Date & Required fields

Updated the following changes to the IPP document:

  • Relabeled Document Date to Start Date in the following IPP sections: 
    • Cover Page
    • Page Headers
    • Transition Summary page
  • Added a new Behavior Option to indicate when required fields are needed.
    •  Not required the fields in Transition Planning, Semester Year-End Summary.
    • Existing functionality, all fields are required all the time (Default).

Note to Administrator:  If you wish to not require the fields in Transition, Semester Year-End Summary, you will need to modify the Behavior Option = RequiredALlFields.

SPEDSM-53014ISP & Behavior Support Plan (BSP): Preferred Name, remove address or phone

Made the following changes to the ISP-A, B, C & BSP forms:

  • Added a Profile indicator to identify if the preferred name is used instead of the legal name. 
  • Modified the ISP and Behavior Support Plans to display a student's preferred name, removed their address and phone numbers, and used the preferred name in goal statements when appropriate. The IPP & BSP form will display both legal and preferred names unless the profile indication is selected only for the Preferred name.
    Note: The Behavior Support Plan will display the student's legal name on subsequent pages when the browser setting, More Settings, Options = Headers and Footers is selected. The user will need to ensure that this option is not selected in print settings.
SPEDSM-55050ISP: Print Progress Report with form

Added the ability to Print Progress as part of the ISP-A, B, C forms.

SPEDSM-51656K&E Form changes 2021

ISP-A, B, C (three forms), Semester End of Year Summary section flows data to Profile when a Student no longer requires an ISP for the Reason indicated, date, and changes the Special Education Status to Inactive when the form is finalized.

SPEDSM-52200K&E Form modifications

Made the following changes to the K&E form:

  • Modified Strengths & Competencies to become a rapid repeater row and added a date field with calendar control.
  • Exchanged Strengths, Interest, and Learning Preferences with Competencies to Develop boxes for better data entry.
  • Changed the heading from Competencies to Develop to Develop Goals.
  • Changed the footer to Revised January 2022.
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