Model Description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs Alaska (AK) state model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate the sales, implementation, and support for this product.
When a Software menu path appears in a section, you can navigate to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.
Modules Available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Section 504
English Language Learners (ELL)
Gifted and Talented
Service Capture
Document Templates
Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, and then Document Templates
The AK state model includes the following document templates:
Document Templates for Students
Evaluation and Eligibility Forms
Consent for Evaluation
Evaluation Summary and Eligibility Report
Student Observation Form
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Invitation to Attend A Meeting
Consent for Special Education Services
IEP/504 Team Assessment Guidance for Ninth Grade
Summary of Performance
Prior Written Notice
Program Exit Form
Individualized Education Program
IEP Excusal Form
Service Plan
Permission to Evaluate - Gifted
Notice of Intent to Reevaluate
Invitation to Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting
Notice of Recommended Assignment
Gifted Written Report (GWR)
Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP)
Section 504
Section 504 - Plan
Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation
Written Notice/Consent
Parents Rights
Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review
Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information
Section 504 - Eligibility
RTI Process
Parent Letter for Intervention (Entrance)
Parent/Guardian Invite High School
Parent/Guardian Invite Elem & MS
Student Interview (For Students 10 & Older)
Student Observation Form (RTI)
Developmental & Social History
Group Instruction Plan Record
Individual Instruction Plan
Tier lll Meeting Request
Initial Tier lll Meeting Summary
Tier lll Instructional Plan
Parent Letter Intervention (Exit)
Placement Forms
ELL Home Language Survey
ELL Standardized Testing Accommodations
Referral Form
Manifestation Determination
Student Accommodation Plan
Behavioral Intervention Plan
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Letter to Request Records for a Transfer Student
Notice of Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority
Authorization to Obtain Information
Authorization for Release of Confidential Info.
IEP Amendment
Electronic Signature Form
Child Outcome Summary
Authorization for Release of Information
Compensatory Education Plan
Revocation of Special Education Services by Parent
Medical Certification for Other Health-Impaired
Profile Types
Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, and then Profile Types
The AK state model includes the following profile types:
Class Student Roster
Class Staff Roster
General Ed Students
General Ed Student Profile
Alternate Staff Locations
Service Records
Class Staff Roster
Alternate Staff Locations
Demographics/Enrollment/Contact Info
Special Education
Early Childhood Outcome
Consent for Evaluation
IEP by 3
Secondary Transition - Indicator 13
Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS)
Medicaid Information
Section 504
Summer OASIS
RTI - Grades
Service Plan
ELL Student Demographics/Academic History
Student ELL/ESOL Data
ELL Testing Profile
Students - Other
Areas Of Concern
Contact Records
Discipline Infraction
Document Delivery
Elem Grades
ELLTest Scores
Instructional Focus
Related Services
School Entry-Exits
Service Records
Special Ed Services
State Assessment Accommodations
School Entry-Exits
Model Reports
The AK state model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Standard Reports
Student Demographics
ELL Reports
ELL Students by School & Grade
ELL Students Report
Systemwide Country Report
Systemwide Spoken Languages
IEP Compliance Timelines
All Students - Due Dates
IEP Due Dates
PowerSchool Export
PowerSchool State Reporting Export (S_AK_STU_X)
PowerSchool Alert Export
State Reports
Consent for Evaluation
Consent for Evaluation Diagnostic
Early Childhood Outcome
Early Childhood Outcome Diagnostic
Fall OASIS Diagnostic Report
IEP by 3
Secondary Transition - Indicator 13
State Assessment Accommodations
Summer OASIS
Summer OASIS Diagnostic
Public Student Reports
AK Multi Dimension
Disability by Gender
Disability by Grade
Example Diagnostic Reports
IEP Workflow Compliance
IEP Workflow Compliance - Annual Review
IEP Workflow Compliance - Reevaluation
Student Disability
Students Primary Disability
Timeframe Between Evaluation and Identification
Public District Reports
All Districts
Public Location Reports
All Locations
Public Staff Reports
Public Service Record Reports
Service Capture Export
Advanced Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Advanced Reports
Keyword Tables
Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, and then Keyword Tables
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, exit reasons, etc.
System administrators cannot edit fields required for state reporting in the state reporting profiles.
System administrators can edit keyword tables that are not required for state reporting.
The AK state model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Name | Description |
Accommodations_ | Accommodations for new IEP |
AdditlProperties | Contains an entry for each additional property of a record in a record list. |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district, used to define calendar days. |
Certifications | Contains every certification used by the district. |
ClassTypeTable | Indicates all the class types used in a district. This includes (but is not limited to) mainstream, bilingual, basic skills, and special education class types. |
ContactRelationships | Possible relationships to the student. |
CountryTable | Contains an entry for each country of origin (for students). |
CountyTable | Contains one entry for each county in the state. |
Curriculum | Curriculum |
dailyHoursContact | daily Hours of Contact |
DeliveryModes | Modes of Delivery for Notices |
DeviceAccess | DeviceAccess |
DigitalDevice | Digital Device at Home |
DisabilityCatgories | Contains the special education disability categories. |
ELLTier | Tiers for ELL |
ESOLAltProgram | ESOL Alternative Programs |
ESOLEngProf | ESOL English Proficiency |
EthnicTable | Contains an entry for each ethnic designation. |
EvaluationTool | Evaluation Tool |
ExitReasonTable | Contains an entry for each reason a student may exit a program or end enrollment. |
FormsKey | Contains the Name of the Form and Form ID. |
FrequencyPlanRTI | Frequency of RTI Plan |
GoalMethods | GoalMethods |
GoalTimeframes | GoalTimeframes |
GradeTable | Contains an entry for each grade. |
InstModel | Model of Instruction |
InstructionSettings | Contains an entry for each instructional setting (ie. self-contained). |
Lang_Instr_Testing | Contains an entry for each language of instruction or testing recognized by the state. |
Languages | Possible Languages |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
NativeLanguageTable | Contains an entry for each native language. |
NetPerformance | Internet Performance |
NetTypeRes | Internet Access Type in Residence |
PersonnelPositions | Contains an entry for each position an employee may have. |
Presentation_ELL | Presentation Accommodations |
ProgramTable | Contains an entry for every program. This includes special education, bilingual, basic skills, and mainstream programs. |
ProgressIndicators | Progress Indicators |
ProgressMonitoringSchedule | Progress Monitoring Schedule Choices |
RegEdSubjects | Subjects for Regular Education Participation |
RelSer_Provider | RelSer_Provider |
Response_ELL | ELL Response Accommodations |
RTIGroupNamesTable | RTI Group Names Table |
ServiceFrequency | Service Frequency |
ServiceLocations | Locations services may be given |
ServiceProviders | Possible providers of services |
Services_SC | Service Capture Services |
Setting_ELL | ELL Setting Accommodations |
SpEd_Location | SpEd_Location |
SpEd_Provider | SpEd_Provider |
SpEd_Services | SpEd_Services |
SpEdServices | Special Education Services |
StaffPositions | Contains an entry for each position a staff may have. |
StaffResponsible | Staff Responsible for Goal |
StateAssessment | State assessments |
StateTable | Contains an entry for each state. |
Strategies | Strategies |
StudentContactAddressType | Contains an entry for each address type. |
StudentContactEmailType | Contains an entry for each email type. |
StudentContactPhoneType | Contains an entry for each phone type. |
StudentContactRelType | Contains an entry for each email type. |
StudentsCaseClosureReasons | Delineates early case closure reasons |
SubtestCOGAT | SubtestCOGAT |
SubtestEOCT | SubtestEOCT |
SubtestGHSGT | SubtestGHSGT |
SubtestGHSWT | SubtestGHSWT |
SubtestITBS | SubtestITBS |
SubtestITBS_GAKIDS | SubtestITBS and GAKIDS |
Tests_ELL | ELL Tests |
TimingScheduling_ELL | Timing Scheduling for ELL |
WithdrawalCode | Withdrawal Codes |
YesNoNA | Yes, No, and N/A options |
Special Features
The following special features enhance the overall AK state model:
Revision feature
Active Document
Program icons/flags
IEP at a Glance
Document Delivery
Contact Log
Goal Wizard
Transfer Package