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SPSM-AK_22.5.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: May 13, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-51346Digital Signature

Added Digital Signature to Authorization To Obtain Information within Other and the following documents within Section 504:

  • Section 504 - Plan
  • Written Notice/Consent
  • Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review
  • Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information
SPEDSM-59233IEP: State and District-Wide Assessments

Added AK STAR as an option within the Assessments drop-down.

SPEDSM-56730Meeting Participants

Introduced the capability for meeting participants to provide the date of signing for the following documents:

  • Evaluation Summary and Eligibility Reports
  • Individualized Education Programs
SPEDSM-58236OASIS Profile

Added the following fields to the OASIS Profile:

  • Economically Disadvantaged (Low Income)
  • U.S. Armed Forces Parent/Guardian
  • Internet Access in Residence
  • Digital Device at Home
  • Device Access
  • Internet Access Type in Residence
  • Internet Performance

Created the following Keyword tables:

  • DigitalDevice
  • DeviceAccess
  • NetTypeRes
  • NetPerformance
SPEDSM-56728Program Exit Form

Included the Prior Written Notice as a required section of the program exit form.

SPEDSM-60315Service Plan Document
  • Added progress reporting capability to the Service Plan document.
  • Introduced a frequency column for Services Provided.
SPEDSM-56729SpEd_Location keyword table

Modified the SpEd_Location keyword table to be admin-editable.

SPEDSM-54054Student Observation Form

Modified the description from Written Comprehension to Written Expression under Area of Academic Concern.

SPEDSM-56727Student Profile

Added Case Manager field under the 504 section of the student profile.

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