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Child Count

This template describes the primary details of students' participation in special education during the current school year. Special education students in school-age programs PK3 – 12 who have a valid IEP on October 1 with an Active status and Gifted students with an Active status will be included in the October 1 submission.

All school districts in Alabama must create a snapshot of their data on October 1 each year and submit the following reports as part of this Special Education and Gifted Data Collection:

  • Child Count Snapshot

  • S_AL_STU_STATE_ChildCount_X

Before submission review, make corrections, or both, of student data on the Child Count validation reports. For additional information on how to create the snapshot, refer to the State Reports Snapshot section.

Timeline for Submission

The timeline for the snapshot is October 1. A snapshot of the Child Count data must be taken on October 1 of each year. If October 1 falls on a weekend, the State will announce the date on which the snapshot will be taken. The state snapshot submission begins on October 1 and must be submitted within the state-specified submission window. Changes to the snapshot can only be made during the designated submission window.

The Alabama model includes several Child Count reports to review and validate before completing and approving the snapshot for state submission. In the next section, the report definitions and selection criteria are listed for each report. Use these reports to review the data and make corrections throughout the year.

Navigate to Reporting, Standard Reports, and then State Reports - Child Count to locate the following reports:

  • Child Count Student Listing

  • Child Count Total

  • Child Count Validation Errors

  • Child Count Validation Warning

Child Count Student Listing

The Child Count Student Listing report collects Child Count data that occurs annually. The date for the data collection is October 1 each year. The public agencies have approximately one week from the capture date to verify and submit the data to the state. This report lists all students that will meet the criteria to be submitted for state reporting. It is a condensed listing of data fields that will be submitted to the state. Special Education and Gifted students will be included in the Child Count submission.

When reviewing this report, if a student is missing, review the Child Count Validations - Error report. After fixing the errors, refresh this report to see the students added to this report.

The formula for students to be included in this report includes the following criteria:

  • The student has a status of Active.

  • Students between and including ages 3 to 21 as of October 1.

  • The Enrollment start date is before or on October 1 of the current school year and is after the first day of school in that reporting year.

  • The Enrollment end date is null or less than the current date.

  • The student record must have data for these fields:

    • LEA Code

    • School Code

    • School Name

    • Student Name – Last Name, First Name, Middle Name

    • Grade

    • Date of Birth

    • Race

    • Gender

    • State ID

    • Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) - (excluding students with Gifted exceptionally)

    • Exceptionality

    • Case Manager

Filters for the Child Count Student Listing Report include All Schools or a single school, All Case Managers, or a selection of case managers. By default, ALL is applied for each filter. There are sort options in the report for the following fields using the column headings of the report for additional review of the students in this report:

  • Student

  • School

  • Grade

  • Exceptionality

  • LRE

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Field Label

Database Field Name

Keyword Table

Field Logic

Data Source (Manual, PowerSchool SIS Integration, or Form)

Child Count Date


Federal Count Date



This reports the date for which the count is taken. This is October 1 of every school year.


This date must be set manually at the beginning of each school year.

Student State Number

Student Demographics

State ID



This pulls in the Student's State Number. The maximum character limit is 10 for the Student State Number.

PowerSchool SIS Integration - {student_state_province_id}

Student Name

Student Demographics

Student Name

{FirstName} {MiddleName}



This pulls in the Student's Name, which includes First, Last, and Middle Name, as well as Generation.

PowerSchool SIS Integration -





Student Demographics




This pulls the Student's School from the Enrollment Information section on the Student Demographics profile.

PowerSchool SIS Integration - {__DS__?InstanceID}:{student_school_enrollment_school_id}


Student Demographics

Birth Date



This pulls the Student's Date of Birth from the Demographics information section on the Student Demographics profile.

PowerSchool SIS Integration - {student_demographics_birth_date}


Student Demographics




This pulls the Student's Grade from the Enrollment Information section on the Student Demographics profile.

PowerSchool SIS Integration - G{student_school_enrollment_grade_level:1,2<0}


Student Demographics




This pulls the Student's Gender from the Demographics Information section on the Student Demographics profile.

PowerSchool SIS Integration - {student_demographics_gender}


Student Demographics




This pulls the Student's Race from the Ethnic Information on the Student Demographics profile.

PowerSchool SIS Integration - {student_ethnicity_race_scheduling_reporting_ethnicity}


Student Demographics




This pulls a logical value if the student is Hispanic or Latino. This pulls from the Ethnic Information section of the Student Demographics profile. Note: Special Education reporting will report as Race = Hispanic if this field is selected.

PowerSchool SIS Integration - {student_ethnicity_race_federal_ethnicity}


Special Education and Gifted




This pulls the Student's exceptionality value from the Special Education profile.

Form; Student Profile


Special Education




This pulls the Student's LRE from the Special Education profile.

Form; Student Profile

Case Manager

Special Education

Case Manager



This pulls the Student's Case Manager from the Special Education profile.

Form; Student Profile

Child Count Total

The Child Count Total report is a Count Summary of students with disabilities and students with an Exceptionality of Gifted on the Child Count Student Listing report.

Child Count Validation

The Child Count Validation report is a complete list of student records that need corrections due to errors or warnings. Students with errors will not be included in the following reports until the validation is corrected:

  • Child Count Student Listing

  • Child Count Snapshot

  • S_AL_STU_STATE_ChildCount_X

Students with warnings will be included in the reports. There is a notification if the data requires review or correction.

Report criteria and fields will be explained in more in-depth in the following two report sections.

Child Count Validation - Errors

The Child Count Validation - Errors report is a subset of the Child Count Validation report. It is a list of student records with validations that need to be corrected before the students are included in the following reports:

  • Child Count Student Listing

  • Child Count Snapshot

Validations are on important data fields that either have missing or invalid data needed to submit to the state for the Child Count submission. Columns that have an X are data fields that need to be corrected for the specified student. Data fields with errors in student demographics must be corrected in the PowerSchool SIS. The changes will be viewed when PowerSchool SIS Integration runs.

After corrections are made to this report, the students appear in the Child Count Student Listing report. Refresh the report to view the students included.

The following data fields are validated:

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Field Label

Database Field Name

Keyword Table

Field Logic

Data Source (Manual, SIS Integration, or Form)


Special Education and Gifted




Students 3 - 21 inclusive with a status equal to Active, will be included in this report.

Student Profile

Student State Number

Student Demographics

State ID



This pulls in the Student's State Number. The maximum character limit is 10 for the Student State Number.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Student Name

Student Demographics

Student Name




This pulls in the Student's Name, which includes First, Last, and Middle Name and Generation.

PowerSchool SIS Integration


Student Demographics




This pulls the Student's School from the Enrollment Information section on the Student Demographics profile.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Case Manager

Special Education

Case Manager



This pulls the Student's Case Manager from the Special Education profile.

Migration; Form

Blank Exceptionality

Special Education and Gifted




Exceptionality is empty

Migration; Form

Gender Code Invalid

Student Demographics




Gender is empty

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Invalid Race Code

Student Demographics




Reported Race is empty

PowerSchool SIS Integration - {student_ethnicity_race_scheduling_reporting_ethnicity}

Blank LRE

Special Education




LRE Code is empty, and Exceptionality is not GT.

Migration; Form

LRE age 6 - 21 Invalid Code

Special Education




Invalid LRE code selected for student's age.

Birth Date as of Globals.CountDate >= 6 or Grade in G00, and Exceptionality is not GT.

Migration; Form

LRE age 3 - 5 Invalid Code

Special Education




Invalid LRE code selected for student's age.

Birth Date as of Globals.CountDate < 6 and LRE Code is LREAge6to21 and Grade is not in G00, and Exceptionality is not in GT.

Migration; Form

Date Enrolled Blank or > October 1

Student Demographics

Enrollment Start Date



Date enrolled is blank or is greater than the October 1 Child Count date. To correct, see if the Count Date in Globals is correct or make sure the student is enrolled in the PowerSchool SIS.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Invalid Exceptionality DD age > 8

Student Demographics; Special Education




Students with an Exceptionality of DD can not be greater than age 8.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Date of Birth > Date of Enrollment

Student Demographics

Birth Date



The student's date of birth is greater than the enrollment state date. A review date of birth in PowerSchool SIS to correct.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Not Enrolled in Current Acad. Year

Student Demographics

Academic Year



The student is not enrolled in the current academic year. When corrections are made in the PowerSchool SIS integration will update the student record.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Missing State ID

Student Demographics

State Student ID



The student's state ID is missing or invalid. State ID must be 10 characters and must be within the following digit range (1000000000 and 2999999999).

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Active Student Status with W/D entry

Student Demographics; Special Education

Status / Enrollment End Date

Status / EnrollmentEndDate


The student has an active status and also an enrollment exit date.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Invalid or Missing LEA

Student Demographics




The student has an invalid or missing LEA code.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Invalid or Missing School Number

Student Demographics

School Code



The student has an invalid or missing school number.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Invalid or Missing Grade

Student Demographics




The student has an invalid or missing grade code.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Invalid Student Age (CC for students age 3-21)

Student Demographics




The student has an invalid age as of the Child Count date. Only students aged 3 to 21 will be included in Child Count reports.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Student Missing Birth Date

Student Demographics

Birth Date



The student is missing the birth date.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Missing Integration IDT

Student Demographics




The Student is missing the IntegrationIDT. The student must be enrolled in the PowerSchool SIS to get the IntegrationIDT. If the student is not enrolled in the district, the status must be inactive. The record could also be deactivated.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Child Count Validation - Warnings

The Child Count Validation - Warnings report is a subset of the Child Count Validation report. It is a list of student records with validations for warnings that need to be reviewed. Students with warnings will be included in the following reports:

  • Child Count Student Listing

  • Child Count Snapshot

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Field Label

Database Field Name

Keyword Table

Field Logic

Data Source (Manual, PowerSchool SIS Integration, or Form)


Special Education and Gifted




Students 3 - 21 inclusive with a status equal to Active will be included in this report.

Student Profile

Student State Number

Student Demographics

State ID



This pulls in the Student's State Number. The maximum character limit is 10 for the Student State Number.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Student Name

Student Demographics

Student Name




This pulls in the Student's Name, which includes First, Last, and Middle Name and Generation.

PowerSchool SIS Integration


Student Demographics




This pulls the Student's School from the Enrollment Information section on the Student Demographics profile.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Case Manager

Special Education

Case Manager



This pulls the Student's Case Manager from the Special Education profile.

Migration; Form

Possible Duplicate

Student Demographics




A student with the same First name, Last name, and birth date as another student.

PowerSchool SIS Integration

Next Eligibility Meeting Due date less than Child Count Date

Special Education




The student has the Next Eligibility Meeting Due date that is less than the Child Count date.

Migration; Form

Next IEP Due date less than Child Count Date

Special Education




The student has the Next IEP Due date that is less than the Child Count Date.

Migration; Form

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