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Model Description

This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs Alabama (AL) state model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate the sales, implementation, and support for this product.

When there is a Software menu path link in a section, you can click that link to go to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.

Modules Available

The following modules are available and are individually licensed:

  • Special Education

  • Response to Intervention (RtI)

  • Section 504

  • English Learners (EL)

  • Gifted and Talented

Document Templates

Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Document Templates

The AL state model includes the following document templates:

Referral Process

  • Early Intervention to Preschool Transition Plan

  • Referral for Evaluation

  • Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation

  • Notice and Consent for the Provision of Services

  • Notice of Revocation of Consent for Initial Eval

IEP Process

  • Individualized Education Program

  • Persons Responsible for IEP Implementation

  • Behavioral Intervention Plan

  • Manifestation Determination Review

  • Written Agreement to Amend IEP

  • Notice and Consent Regarding Payment from Medicaid

  • Progress Report (Migration)


  • Notice and Eligibility Decision

  • Notice and Consent for Reevaluation

  • Notice of IEP Team's Decision Regarding Reeval

  • Initial or Reevaluation Written Agreement(s)

Forms for Multiple Processes

  • Notice and Invitation / Consent for Agency Part

  • Special Education Rights Under the IDEA

  • Notice of Proposal or Refusal to Take Action

  • Electronic Signature Form

Miscellaneous Forms

  • Record Of Access To Student Records

  • Vision Screening Form

  • Hearing Screening Form

  • Observation Form

  • Environmental, Cultural and/or Economic Concerns

  • Summary of Academic Achievement & Functional Perf

  • Student Transfer Review

  • Post-School Outcomes Survey

  • Notice of Revocation of Consent for Services

  • Alternate Participation Decision-Making Tool


  • Notice of Proposed Meeting for Gifted

  • Referral for Gifted Services

  • Notification and Consent for Gifted Screening

  • Rights in Gifted Education

  • Notification of Gifted Referral Screening Team Dec

  • Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination Form

  • Notification of Eligibility Determination and Plac

  • Notification of Eligibility Determination Team Dec

  • Gifted Education Plan

  • Accommodations For Gifted Students in GenEd

  • Gifted Record of Access to Student Records


  • Parent Letter for Intervention (Entrance)

  • Parent /Guardian Invite High School

  • Parent /Guardian Invite Elem & MS

  • Student Interview (For Students 10 & Older)

  • Student Observation Form (RTI)

  • Developmental & Social History

  • Group Instruction Plan Record

  • Individual Instruction Plan

  • Tier III Meeting Request

  • Initial Tier III Meeting Summary

  • Tier III Instructional Plan

  • Parent Letter Intervention (Exit)

  • Student Support Team Referral - RTI

  • In-Class Individual Intervention Plan

Section 504

  • Written Notice/Consent

  • Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information

  • Parents Rights

  • Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation

  • Section 504 - Eligibility

  • Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review

  • Section 504 - Plan

English Learners (EL)

  • Notification to Parents on the Initial Screener Re

  • EL Title III Waiver

  • Individual English Language Plan

  • English Language Exit Letter

District Documents

Software menu path: Search, Districts, Select the district, and then Documents

  • Projected Special Education Supplemental Data

  • Special Education Personnel Data Summary

Profile Types

Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Profile Types

The AL state model includes the following profile types:


  • Class Student Roster

  • Class Staff Roster


  • State Reporting

  • Locations

  • Personnel Snapshots

  • Supplemental Snapshots

General Education Student

  • General Education Student



  • Classes

  • Alternate Staff Locations


  • Caseload

  • Supervisors

  • Alternate Staff Locations

  • Class Staff Roster


  • Student Demographics

  • Special Education

  • Gifted

  • Section 504

  • RTI

  • Preschool

  • Services

  • State Reporting

  • English Learners (EL)

Students, then Other

  • Access

  • Accommodations Assessments

  • Assistive Technology

  • Child Count Snapshots

  • Contact Log

  • Document Delivery

  • Exiting Snapshots

  • Gifted Referral Snapshots

  • Gifted Aptitude Tests

  • Post School Snapshots

  • Program Modifications

  • Preschool Tracking Snapshots

  • Related Services

  • Special Education Services

  • Student Contacts

  • Supplementary Services

  • Support for Personnel

  • Eval Within Timeline Snapshots

  • Transition Snapshots

Model Reports

The AL state model includes the following reports:

Standard Reports

Software menu path: Reporting, and then Standard Reports


  • DocuSign Status Report

English Learners (EL)

  • English Learners (EL) Student listing

Migration Verification

  • Migration Verification ELL Data

  • Migration Verification Gifted Data

  • Migration Verification Special Education Data

Section 504 Report

  • Section 504 student listing


  • RTI student listing

PowerSchool Export

  • PowerSchool Alert Export

PowerSchool SIS Export

PowerSchool Alert Export

  • PS English Learner Export

  • PS Special Education Exports

  • S_AL_SpecEdPersonnel_S

  • S_AL_SpecEdSuppData_S

  • S_AL_STU_ExitingStuData_X

  • S_AL_STU_GiftedReferralTrk_X

  • S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X

  • S_AL_STU_PreschoolTracking_X

  • S_AL_STU_SpecEdProfile_X_1

  • S_AL_STU_SpecEdProfile_X_2

  • S_AL_STU_STATE_ChildCount_X

  • S_AL_STU_StuEvalWithinTLne_X

  • S_AL_STU_TransitionVerific_X

Public Caseload Reports

  • Caseload

State Report - Child Count

  • Child Count Student Listing

  • Child Count Total

  • Child Count Validation

  • Child Count Validations - Errors

  • Child Count Validations - Warnings

State Report - District Data

  • Special Education Personnel Data

  • Special Education Supplemental Data

State Report - EI to Pre-School Tracking Log

  • EI to Pre-School Eligible Less 90 Disaggregation

  • EI to Pre-School Tracking Log

  • EI to Pre-School Tracking Log Validation

State Report - Gifted Referral Tracking Log

  • Gifted Referral by Grade, Race, Gender, and Eligible

  • Gifted Referral by Test, Race, Gender, Max Score

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Master/Detail

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Without Assessments

State Report - Post School Student Report

  • Post-School Student Report

State Report - Student Exiting Special Education

  • Student Exiting Special Education

  • Student Exiting Special Education Breakdown

State Report - Students Evaluated Within Timeline

  • Students Evaluated Summary of Reasons

  • Students Evaluated Within Timeline

  • Students Evaluated Within Timeline Validation

State Report - Transition Verification Report

  • Transition Verification Report

State Report Snapshots

  • Child Count Snapshot

  • EI to Pre-School Snapshot

  • Gifted Referral Snapshot

  • ODS Special Ed Profile

  • Personnel Snapshot

  • Post School Student Snapshot

  • Student Exiting Special Education Snapshot

  • Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot

  • Supplemental Snapshot

  • Transition Verification Report Snapshot

Public Student Reports

  • Eligibility by Ethnicity

  • Eligibility by Gender

  • Eligibility by Grade

  • IEP Workflow Compliance - Annual Review Stoplight

  • IEP Workflow Compliance - Reevaluation Stoplight

  • Special Education Information

Public Document Reports

  • Student Progress Reporting List

Advanced Reports

Software menu path: Reporting, and then Advanced Reports

EI to Pre-School Tracking Log

  • EI to Pre-School Tracking Log Snapshot Summary

  • EI to Pre-School Tracking Log Summary

Students Evaluated Within Timeline

  • Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot Summary

  • Students Evaluated Within Timeline Summary

Transition Verification Report

  • Transition Verification Report Snapshot Totals

  • Transition Verification Report Totals

Keyword Tables

Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, and then Keyword Tables

Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, and exit reasons, etc.

  • Fields required for state reporting, found in the state reporting profiles, are not editable by the system administrator.

  • Those keyword tables that are not required for state reporting can be edited by the system administrator.

The AL state model includes the following editable keyword tables:

Table Name



Annual Goal Area


Calendar tracks for the district used to define calendar days.


Contains an entry for each country of origin (for students).


Curriculum used on the RTI documents


Eligibility Assessments


Evaluation Tool used on the RTI documents


504 Disabilities


Frequency in RTI Plan


Student Generation


Gifted Aptitude Tests


Gifted Instruments


Gifted Subscales and Indicators


GradeType for RTI


Contains the results of the most recent hearing screening


Duration used in the RTI In-Class Individual Intervention Plan document


In-Class Frequencies used in the RTI document


In-Class Individual Intervention used in RTI documents


In-Class Minute Choices used in RTI document


In-Class Progress Monitoring Schedule used in RTI document


In-Class Schedule used in RTI document


Intervention Session Lengths used in RTI document


Student languages


Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district.


Meeting Purpose used in 504 document


Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation


Parent Responses for Document Delivery


Progress Monitoring Schedule Choices used in RTI document


RTI Group Names Table


Service Locations used on the IEP services section


RTI Service Setting


Services Types for Related Services in Service section of IEP


Contains an entry for each position a staff may have. Used in 504 document


Strategies used in RTI documents


Contains student contact address type.


Contains student contact email type.


Contains student contact phone type.


Contains student contact relationship type.


Transition Assessments in the IEP Transition section

Special Features

The following special features enhance the overall AL state model:

  • Revision feature

  • Program icons/flags

  • Snippet

  • Contact Log

  • Event Log

  • DocuSign (limited documents)

  • PowerSchool SIS Unlimited Contacts Integration

  • Snapshot feature for state reporting

  • Transfer Alert feature

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