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PowerSchool SIS Integration

This guide provides information for data elements written between your PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS) and PowerSchool Special Programs to mitigate the dual data entry.

The intent is to provide a single entry for student demographic data and migrate defined special education data through PowerSchool Special Programs and PowerSchool SIS.

Data Imports

PowerSchool SIS owns student demographic data (for example, student name, gender, contacts, etc.).  These data fields are imported into PowerSchool Special Programs using the Student Demographics import that can be generated manually or configured to run on a scheduled basis using an API Integration Tool.

This and other Import Layouts can be found by navigating to Administration, Configuration, Integration, and then Import Layouts using the PowerSchool SIS Rest API data source type.

The following is a list of Import Layouts available within the AL Model.

Import Layout Name

Profile Type


PowerSchool - AlternateStaffLocation Change Notification (model)


Alternate Staff Location changes

PowerSchool - AlternateStaffLocation Import (model)


Alternate Staff Locations

PowerSchool - Class Change Notification (model)


Classes changes

PowerSchool - Class Import (model)



PowerSchool - ClassStaffRoster Import (model)


Class Staff Roster

PowerSchool - ClassStudentRoster Import (model)


Class Student Roster

PowerSchool - District Import (model)



PowerSchool - Extra Staff Info Import (model)



PowerSchool - GeneralEdStudent Change Notification (model)


General Ed Students changes

PowerSchool - GeneralEdStudent Import (model)


General Ed Students

PowerSchool - Location Import (model)



PowerSchool - PowerSchool ID Import (model)



PowerSchool - Staff Change Notification (model)


Staff changes

PowerSchool - Staff Import (model)



PowerSchool - Student Change Notification (model)


Students changes

PowerSchool - Student English Learner Import (model)


EL Home Language Survey, Immigrant data entered in PowerSchool SIS.

PowerSchool - Student Import (model)



PowerSchool - StudentContact Import (model)


Student Contacts

Export Reports

Administrators can access the export data through Reporting, Standard Reports, and PowerSchool SIS Export. Several reports select student data that will display in or pass through to PowerSchool SIS. Upon saving student profile data, the data is written to the applicable report in real-time. A scheduled task is run to upload the data to or through PowerSchool SIS, comparing the data in PowerSchool SIS with the data in the export reports. If the data does not exist, the data will be added to PowerSchool SIS. If the data exists, it will be updated. Data fields not existing in the PowerSchool SIS will flow to the ODS for state reporting and other data collections.

Menu Path

Choose Reporting from the main navigation menu, then choose Standard Reports, then select PowerSchool SIS Export.

Types of Report

The AL state model generates the following reports:

  • PowerSchool Alert Export 
    This report includes the following information for the students listed in the table below:

    Field NameField LocationsDescription
    IntegrationIDTStudent RecordThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    IS_504Section 504 profileAlert on student records when 504 Eligible is not NO and Section 504 Exit Date is empty.
    IS_ELEnglish Learners (EL) ProfileAlert on student records when EL Program Entry Date is not empty and EL Program Entry Date less than the current date and EL Program Exit Date is empty or EL Program Exit Date is greater than the current date.
    IS_GTGifted ProfileAlert on student records when Gifted Eligibility =True.
    IS_IEPSpecial Education ProfileAlert on student records when Special Education Determined Eligible for Services (EligServices) is Yes AND IEP From Date (CurrentIEPStartDate) is less than the current date AND current date is less than the IEP To Date (CurrentIEPEndDate).
    IS_RTIRTI ProfileAlert on student records when Date of Group Instructional Plan (GroupInstrPlanStartDate) is less than the current date OR Date of Individual Instructional Plan (IndividualInstrPlanDate) is less than the current date OR Date of Tier 3 Plan (Tier3InstrPlanDate) is less than the current date AND Intervention Exit Date (ParentLetIntExitLetDate) Is EMPTY.

    This data upload from Special Programs into PowerSchool SIS will show the applicable alert icon on student records.

  • PS English Learner Export
    This report includes the following information for the students listed in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    StudentsDCIDN/AThe number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    StudentIDIDThe ID is assigned to student records.
    FirstNameStudent's NameStudent's First Name
    LastNameStudent's NameStudent's Last Name
    EL_TFAlert flagIS_EL
    CountryOfOriginCounty of OriginStudent's Country of Origin
    EL_StatusEL StatusStudent's EL Status
    EL_PRO_ENTRY_DATEEL Program Entry DateThis is the date the student entered the EL program.
    EL_PRO_EXIT_DATEEL Program Exit DateThis is the date the student exited the EL program.
    EL_NO_FORMAL_SCHStudents with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)This indicates the student had no formal schooling.
    EL_LIMITED_FORMAL_SCHStudents with Limited and Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)This indicates the student has limited formal schooling.
    EL_Long_Term_LearnerLong-Term English LearnerThis indicates the student is a long-term English Learner
    EL_WAVE_TITLE_III_SER_TFEL Title III services waivedThis indicates EL Title III services have been waived.

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_FEDERAL_X TABLE. Data in this report is extracted from the English Learner (EL) profile. This data will be displayed in the PowerSchool SIS fields in the EL area on the Federal Programs screen.

  • PS Special Education Exports
    This report pulls data for students with an integration ID and a case manager that is not blank. This data will populate fields in the PowerSchool SISState/Province - AL menu, and Special Programs tab.

Field Name

Field Label









Last Name

Student's last name


First Name

Student's first name



Status in the student's Special Education and Gifted status.


Case Manager

Case manager name


Is Gifted

If the student is also Gifted.



Student's Exceptionality


IEP From Date

IEP start date


IEP To Date

IEP end date



Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Code


Annual Review Due Date

Date the next IEP is due.


Current Evaluation Date

Current Evaluation Date


Reevaluation Due Date

Date the next evaluation is due.


Graduation Pathway

Graduation Pathway from student's IEP.


Special Education Exit Date

Date student exits special education services.


Special Education Exit Reason

The reason student exits special education services.


Exiting Exceptionality

The Exceptionality at the time the student exits special education services.


In-State Transfer

Indicates if the student is an In-State Transfer.


Gifted Teacher

Name of Gifted Teacher


Out of State Transfer

Indicates if the student is Out of State Transfer.


Student is eligible under Section 504

Indicates the student's section 504 eligibility.


Gifted Consent Denied

Indicates if Gifted Consent Denied.

  • S_AL_SpecEdPersonnel_S
    This is a district-level report and not a student-level report. It pulls Special Education Personnel data entered on the district document (Special Education Personnel Data Summary) that flows to the district profile and then to the report. The extract is created from an approved snapshot for state reporting. This report pulls the district-entered information as mentioned in the following table.

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.


    District count entered for this personnel category.
    CounselorsRehabCounselors / RehabDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    InterpretersInterpretersDistrict count entered for this personnel category.

    Medical Nursing

    District count entered for this personnel category.
    MobilityMobilityDistrict count entered for this personnel category.

    Occupational Therapists

    District count entered for this personnel category.
    OrientationOrientationDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    Para3to5NotQualParaprofessionals Ages 3-5 Not QualifiedDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    Para3to5QualParaprofessionals Ages 3-5 QualifiedDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    Para6to21NotQualParaprofessionals Ages 6-21 Not QualifiedDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    Para6to21QualParaprofessionals Ages 6-21 QualifiedDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    PhysEdRecTeachersPhysical Education / Rec TeachersDistrict count entered for this personnel category.

    Physical Therapists

    District count entered for this personnel category.
    ProjectionYearProjection School YearThe school year for the projected personnel counts.


    District count entered for this personnel category.
    SocialWorkersSocial WorkersDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    SpEd3to5CertSpec Ed Teachers Ages 3-5 who meet the applicable State certification and licensure requirementsThe number of Special Education teachers for ages 3-5, ages 6-21, or both meets the applicable State certification and licensure requirements.
    SpEd3to5NotCertSpec Ed Teachers Ages 3-5 who do not meet the applicable State certification and licensure requirementsThe number of Special Education teachers for ages 3-5, 6-21, or both does not meet the applicable State certification and licensure requirements.
    SpEd6to21CertSpec Ed Teachers Ages 6-21 who meet the applicable State certification and licensure requirementsDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    SpEd6to21NotCertSpec Ed Teachers Ages 6-21 who do not meet the applicable State certification and licensure requirementsDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    SpeechLangPathSpeech-Language PathologistsDistrict count entered for this personnel category.
    ApprovalDateApproval DateDate of approval for this report submission.

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Education Personnel Snapshot profile into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_SpecEdPersonnel_S.  A snapshot must be created and approved to create this table.

  • S_AL_SpecEdSuppData_S
    This is a district-level report and not a student-level report. It pulls Supplemental Special Education data entered on the district document (Projected Special Education Supplemental Data) that flows to the district profile and then to the report. The extract is created from an approved snapshot for state reporting. This report includes the following information for the students listed in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    District(LEA) District NameLEA district name as assigned by the state.
    ProjectionYearProjection School YearThe school year for the projected personnel counts.
    CollabSpecialEdCollaborative Special EducationDistrict count entered for Teachers - Projected Need.
    VisualImpairmentVisual ImpairmentDistrict count entered for Teachers - Projected Need.
    SpeechLangImpairSpeech / Language ImpairedDistrict count entered for Teachers - Projected Need.
    HearingImpairedHearing ImpairedDistrict count entered for Teachers - Projected Need.
    EarlyChildSpecialEdEarly Child Special EducationDistrict count entered for Teachers - Projected Need.
    GiftedCertTeaCertified Gifted TeachersDistrict count entered for Teachers - Projected Need.
    PsychomPsycholoPsychometrist/PsychologistDistrict count entered for Support Staff - Projected Need.
    OccupationalTherOccupational TherapistDistrict count entered for Support Staff - Projected Need.
    CertOccupTherAssistCertified Occupational Therapist AssistantDistrict count entered for Support Staff - Projected Need.
    InterpreterInterpreterDistrict count entered for Support Staff - Projected Need.
    AudiologistAudiologistDistrict count entered for Support Staff - Projected Need.
    ParaprofessionalParaprofessionalDistrict count entered for Support Staff - Projected Need.
    NonCertGiftedTeaNon-Certified Gifted TeachersDistrict count entered for Support Staff - Projected Need.
    PhysicalTherapistPhysical TherapistDistrict count entered for Support Staff - Projected Need.
    ApprovalDateApproval DateDate of approval for this report submission

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Education Supplemental Snapshot profile into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_SpecEdSuppData_S. A snapshot must be created and approved to create this table.

  • S_AL_STU_ExitingStuData_X
    This report pulls the Student Exiting Special Education Information data for state reporting. This report pulls the State Reporting child profile and the Student Exiting Special Education Information area for students as mentioned in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    District(LEA) District NameLEA district name as assigned by the state.
    SchoolNumberSchool NumberSchool number as assigned by the state.

    School Name

    School name as assigned by the state.

    Student DCID

    The number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    StateIDState IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.

    Student's Name

    Student's First Name
    MiddleNameStudent's NameStudent's Middle Name
    LastNameStudent's NameStudent's Last Name
    Student's Generation

    Date of Birth

    Student's date of birth
    AgeAgeStudent's Age
    Race_ARace - AsianStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_BRace - Black or African AmericanStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_HRace - HispanicStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_IRace - American Indian or Alaskan NativeStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_MRace - Two or More RacesStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_PRace - Native Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_WRace - WhiteStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.


    Student's Gender
    IS_ELLIf the student is ELIndicates if the student is currently EL.
    SpecialEducationExitDateSpecial Education Exit DateThe date the student exited Special Education.
    SpecialEducationExitReasonSpecial Education Exit ReasonThe reason the student exited Special Education.
    ExitExceptionalitySpecial Education Exiting ExceptionalityThe student's Exceptionality at the time they exited Special Education.
    ReportStartDateReport Start DateThe report start date.
    ReportEndDateReport End DateThe report end date.
    ApprovalDateApproval DateDate of approval for this report submission.

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Education Exiting Student Snapshot profile into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_ExitingStuData_X. A snapshot must be created and approved to create this table.

  • S_AL_STU_GiftedReferralTrk_X
    This report pulls the Gifted Referral data for state reporting. This report pulls from the State Reporting child profile and the Gifted Referral Tracking area for students as mentioned in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    District(LEA) District NameLEA district name as assigned by the state.

    Student SSID

    The number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    StateIDState IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.

    Student's Name

    Student's Last Name
    FirstNameStudent's NameStudent's First Name
    MiddleIntMiddle InitialsStudent's Middle Initial
    SchoolIDSchool IDThis is the School ID number assigned by the state within the LEA.
    SchoolSchool NameSchool name as assigned by the state.

    Date of Birth

    Student's date of birth
    Race_ARace - AsianStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_BRace - Black or African AmericanStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_HRace - HispanicStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_IRace - American Indian or Alaskan NativeStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_MRace - Two or More RacesStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_PRace - Native Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_WRace - WhiteStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.


    Student's Gender
    GradeGradeStudent's Grade
    GRefDateGifted Referral DateGifted Referral Date
    GRefSourceGifted Referral SourceGifted Referral Source
    GPassScreenGifted Passed ScreeningGifted Passed Screening Y or N checkboxes
    ATTestAptitudes - Test AdministeredThis is the Aptitude test administered in the first row.
    ATScore_S1Aptitudes - Test Scores (S1)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S1 in the first row.
    ATScore_S2Aptitudes - Test Scores (S2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S2 in the first row.
    ATScore_S3Aptitudes - Test Scores (S3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S3 in the first row.
    ATScore_S4Aptitudes - Test Scores (S4)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S4 in the first row.
    ATScore_S5Aptitudes - Test Scores (S5)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S5 in the first row.
    ATScore_S6Aptitudes - Test Scores (S6)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S6 in the first row.
    ATScore_S7Aptitudes - Test Scores (S7)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S7 in the first row.
    ATScore_S8Aptitudes - Test Scores (S8)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S8 in the first row.
    ATScore_S9Aptitudes - Test Scores (S9)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S9 in the first row.
    ATScore_S10Aptitudes - Test Scores (S10)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S10 in the first row.
    ATEligibleTestAptitudes - Eligible TestThis is the Aptitude Eligible test in the first row.
    GAptitudeTest2Aptitudes - Test Administered (row 2)This is the Aptitude test administered in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S1Aptitudes - Test Scores (S1) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S1 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S2Aptitudes - Test Scores (S2) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S2 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S3Aptitudes - Test Scores (S3) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S3 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S4Aptitudes - Test Scores (S4) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S4 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S5Aptitudes - Test Scores (S5) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S5 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S6Aptitudes - Test Scores (S6) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S6 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S7Aptitudes - Test Scores (S7) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S7 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S8Aptitudes - Test Scores (S8) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S8 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S9Aptitudes - Test Scores (S9) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S9 in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest2Score_S10Aptitudes - Test Scores (S10) (row 2)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S10 in the second row.
    GiftedAptitudeTest2EligibleAptitudes - Eligibility Test 2This is the Aptitude Eligible test in the second row.
    GAptitudeTest3Aptitudes - Test Administered (row 3)This is the Aptitude test administered in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S1Aptitudes - Test Scores (S1) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S1 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S2Aptitudes - Test Scores (S2) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S2 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S3Aptitudes - Test Scores (S3) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S3 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S4Aptitudes - Test Scores (S4) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S4 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S5Aptitudes - Test Scores (S5) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S5 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S6Aptitudes - Test Scores (S6) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S6 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S7Aptitudes - Test Scores (S7) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S7 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S8Aptitudes - Test Scores (S8) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S8 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S9Aptitudes - Test Scores (S9) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S9 in the third row.
    GAptitudeTest3Score_S10Aptitudes - Test Scores (S10) (row 3)This is the Aptitude test score entered in S10 in the second row.
    GiftedAptitudeTest3EligibleAptitudes - Eligibility Test 3This is the Aptitude Eligible test in the third row.
    GCharInstrumentCharacteristics RSThis is the Characteristics test entered.
    GCharSubscaleCharacteristics AThis is the Characteristic Sub-scale entered.
    GCharPointsCharacteristics PEThese are the Characteristic Points entered.
    GiftedIndicator1Performance P1This is the Performance Indicator test entered in row 1.
    GiftedIndicatorPoints1Performance S1These are the Performance Indicator points entered in row 1.
    GiftedIndicator2Performance P2This is the Performance Indicator test entered in row 2.
    GiftedIndicatorPoints2Performance S2These are the Performance Indicator points entered in row 2.
    GiftedIndicator3Performance P3This is the Performance Indicator test entered in row 3.
    GiftedIndicatorPoints3Performance S3These are the Performance Indicator points entered in row 3.
    GNumDaysNumber of days fr Ref. to EligThis is the number of days from the Gifted Referral date to the Gifted Eligibility date.
    GEligibilityGifted EligibilityThis is a Yes, No, NA entered for Gifted Eligible.
    GEligDateGifted Eligibility DateThis is the date of Gifted Eligibility.
    GTrackComTracking Log CommentsThis the comments entered for the tracking log.
    GTimeDelaysTimeline DelaysThis is the reason for the timeline delays that have been entered.
    StartDateStart DateThis is the report start date.
    EndDateEnd DateThis is the report's end date.
    ApprovalDateApproval DateDate of approval for this report submission

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs Gifted Referral Snapshot profile into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_GiftedReferralTrk_X. A snapshot must be created and approved to create this table.

  • S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X
    This report pulls student data from the Post-School Student Survey data for state reporting. This report pulls the State Reporting child profile and the Post-School Student Survey Output area for students as mentioned in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    District(LEA) District NameLEA district name as assigned by the state.
    StudentsDCIDStudent SSIDThe number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    StudentIDIDThe ID is assigned to student records.
    LastNameStudent's NameStudent's Last Name
    FirstNameStudent's NameStudent's First Name
    MiddleNameStudent's NameStudent's Middle Name
    StateIDState IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.
    Race_ARace - AsianStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_BRace - Black or African AmericanStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_HRace - HispanicStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_IRace - American Indian or Alaskan NativeStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_MRace - Two or More RacesStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_PRace - Native Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_WRace - WhiteStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.


    Student's Gender

    Date of Birth

    Student's date of birth
    HomePhoneTelephoneStudent's Home Phone number
    ExceptionalityExceptionalityStudent's Exceptionality
    LRECodeLRE CodeLeast Restricted Environment (LRE) code.
    PostSchGoalSchoolPost-School GoalsPost-School goals entered for the student.
    PostSchGoalEmploymentPost-School Goals EmploymentPost-School goals Employment entered for the student.
    PostSchGoalOtherPost-School Goals OtherPost-School goals Other entered for the student.
    PostSchExitPost-School ExitPost-School Exit date
    PostSchServiceFrmGenEdTeaPost School Service from Gen. Ed. TeacherThe former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Gen Ed Teacher.
    PostSchServFrmSpecEdTeaPost-School Service from Special Ed TeacherThe former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Special Ed Teacher.
    PostSchServFrmCarTechTeaPost-School Service from Career Tech TeacherThe former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Career Tech Teacher.
    PostSchSrvFrmJobCoachPost-School Service from Job CoachThe former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Job Coach.
    PostSchSrvFrmRehabCounselPost School Service from Rehab CounselorThe former student’s high school program included instruction/services from - Rehab Counselor.
    PostSchPersInvPerson Interviewed / ContactedPerson Interviewed or Contacted
    PostSchPersInvOtherPerson Interviewed / Contacted: Other: ExplainPerson Interviewed or Contacted: Other: Explain
    PostSchInterviewerPost School InterviewerA person who interviewed or contacted the student.
    PostSchIntCompDtInterview Completed DateInterview Completed Date
    PostSchIntWasAblePost-School Interview AttemptIf the Interviewer was able or not able to reach the student.
    PostSchFirstAttDtDate and Time of the First attemptDate and Time of the First attempt
    PostSchFirstAttReasonPost School First Attempt ReasonPost School First Attempt Reason
    PostSchSecondAttDtDate and Time of the Second attemptDate and Time of the Second attempt
    PostSchSecondReasonPost School Second Attempt ReasonPost School Second Attempt Reason
    PostSchThirdAttDtDate and Time of the Third AttemptDate and Time of the Third Attempt
    PostSchThirdAttReasonPost-School Third Attempt ReasonPost-School Third Attempt Reason
    PostSchPayingJobPost-School Paying JobSurvey response to question 1. Did you have a paying job at the time you left high school?
    PostSchEverWorkedPost-School Ever WorkedSurvey response to question 2. At any time after leaving high school, have you ever worked?
    PostSchNotWorkedPost-School Not WorkedSurvey response to question 3. If you have NOT worked at any time since leaving high school, is it mainly because of you…
    PostSchWorkedLongInAfter leaving high school, have you worked longest in . . .Survey response to question 4. After leaving high school, have you worked longest in . . .
    PostSchDaysWorkedPost-School Days WorkedSurvey response to question 5. After leaving high school, how many days have you worked at your job (or jobs)?
    PostSchDaysWorkedAtPost-School Days Worked AtSurvey response to question 5 part two, If you worked 90 days or more, where did you work?
    PostSchPaidPost-School PaidSurvey response to question 6. How much are you/were you usually paid for your job?
    PostSchPaidTipsPost-School Paid TipsIf less than minimum wage, did you receive tips at your job?
    PostSchJobBenf_InsurancePost-School Job Benefits - InsuranceSurvey response to question 7. Does/Did the job provide the following benefits?
    PostSchJobBenf_LeavePost-School Job Benefits - LeaveSurvey response to question 7. Does/Did the job provide the following benefits?
    PostSchJobBenf_OtherPost-School Job Benefits - OthersSurvey response to question 7. Does/Did the job provide the following benefits?
    PostSchJobBenf_NoReplyPost-School Job Benefits - No ResponseSurvey response to question 7. Does/Did the job provide the following benefits?
    PostSchEmpHelpPost-School Employment HelpSurvey response to question 8. To assist you in your employment after leaving high school, have you asked for help because you have a disability?
    PostSchRecdHelpPost-School Received HelpSurvey response to question 9. Have you received the help requested for your employment since leaving high school?
    PostSchEnrEdTrainingPost-School enrolled in education or trainingSurvey response to the question, 10. At any time since leaving high school, have you ever been enrolled in any type of education or training program?
    PostSchDescrEdTrainPost-School description of education or trainingSurvey response to question 11. Describe the kind of postsecondary education or training program.
    PostSchSemEdTrainPost-School semesters enrolled in education or trainingSurvey response to question 12. After leaving high school, how many semesters have you been continuously enrolled in postsecondary education or training?
    PostSchPrepForJobPost-School prepare you for a jobSurvey response to question 13. After leaving high school, have you been, or are you currently, enrolled in an education or training program to prepare you for a job?
    PostSchReqFrProgOfficePost School Request for accommodation from the program officeSurvey response to question 14. To assist you in your education or training program after leaving high school, have you requested any accommodation from the program office that is supposed to help persons with disabilities?
    PostSchRecAccRegPost School received accommodation requestedSurvey response to question 15. Have you received the accommodation requested for your education or training program attended since leaving high school?
    PostSchNoTrainEdBecausePost School No training or educationSurvey response to question 16. If you have NOT received any type of training or education at any time since leaving high school, is it mainly because you?
    StartDateStart DateThis is the report start date.
    EndDateEnd DateThis is the report's end date.
    ApprovalDateApproval DateDate of approval for this report submission

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs Post School Snapshot profile into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X. A snapshot must be created and approved to create this table.

  • S_AL_STU_PreschoolTracking_X
    This report pulls data for EI to Preschool students data for state reporting. This report pulls data from the State Reporting child profile and the EI to Preschool Tracking area for students as mentioned in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    StudentsDCIDStudent DC IDThe number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    District(LEA) District NameLEA district name as assigned by the state.
    FirstNameStudent's NameStudent's First Name
    MiddleNameStudent's NameStudent's Middle Name
    LastNameStudent's NameStudent's Last Name
    GenerationGenerationStudent's Generation
    StateIDState IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.
    BirthDateDate of BirthStudent's date of birth
    EINoticeDateDate Letter of Notification Received from ELDate Letter of Notification Received from EL
    EILess90DaysEligible for EI services (under part C) less than 90 daysEligible for EI services (under part C) less than 90 days.
    TransitionEIDateDate of EI Transition MeetingDate of EI Transition Meeting
    ReferralTypeType of ReferralType of Referral
    EIIntEligibilityDateDate of Initial Eligibility DeterminationDate of Initial Eligibility Determination.
    PSEligibleDetermined Eligible for EI ServicesDetermined Eligible for EI Services.
    EligBy3Eligibility Determined Before 3rd BirthdayEligibility Determined Before 3rd Birthday.
    EIRangeofDaysRange of Days Eligibility Determined After 3rd BirthdayIf "No," Range of Days Eligibility Determined After 3rd Birthday.
    EIParentDelayParent DelaysReasons for delay in eligibility determination - Parent Delays.
    EIOtherDelayEligibility Determination - Other DelaysReasons for delay in eligibility determination - Other Delays.
    EIIntIEPDateDate of Initial IEP Meeting for EL studentsDate of Initial IEP Meeting for EL students.
    IEPBy3rdBthdayIEP Developed and Implemented by 3rd BirthdayIEP Developed and Implemented by 3rd Birthday.
    EIIEPRangeEI IEP rangeIf "No," Range of Days IEP Developed And Implemented After 3rd Birthday.
    EIIEPOtherRsnEI IEP Other ReasonReason for Late (or no) IEP Development and Implementation - Other Delay.
    EIIEPParentRsnEI IEP Parent ReasonReason for Late (or no) IEP Development and Implementation - Parent Delay.
    SignConsInitEvalSigned Consent received for Initial EvaluationDate Signed Notice and Consent for Evaluation Received in Public Agency/LEA.
    StartDateStart DateThis is the report start date.
    EndDateEnd DateThis is the report's end date.
    ApprovalDateApproval DateDate of approval for this report submission.

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs PSTracking Snapshot profile into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_PreschoolTracking_X. A snapshot must be created and approved to create this table.

  • S_AL_STU_SpecEdProfile_X_1
    This report pulls all Special Education data fields from the Special Education Profile for students.

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    StudentsDCIDStudents DC IDThe number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    StateIDState IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.
    FirstNameStudent's NameStudent's First Name
    MiddleNameStudent's NameStudent's Middle Name
    LastNameStudent's NameStudent's Last Name
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    District(LEA) District NameLEA district name as assigned by the state.
    SchoolIDSchool IDThis is the School ID number assigned by the state within the LEA.
    SchoolSchool NameSchool name as assigned by the state.
    CaseManagerCase ManagerCase Manager
    ReferralDateReferral DateReferral Date
    ReferralTypeType of ReferralType of Referral
    ConsInitEvalNotice and Consent for Initial EvaluationNotice and Consent for Initial Evaluation.
    SignConsInitEvalDate Signed Notice and Consent for Evaluation Received in Public AgencyDate Signed Notice and Consent for Evaluation Received in Public Agency.
    EvalCompleteDateFinal Completion Date of All EvaluationsFinal Completion Date of All Evaluations.
    RevIniEvalConsDateDate of Revocation of Consent/Initial EvaluationDate of Revocation of Consent/Initial Evaluation.
    InitialEligibilityDateInitial Eligibility DateInitial Eligibility Date
    InitExceptionalityInitial ExceptionalityInitial Exceptionality
    EligServicesEligible ServicesEligible Services - Y or N check box
    Evalin60DaysEvaluations Completed within 60 DaysEvaluations are Completed within 60 Days.
    ExcessDaysRange to days when evaluations are not completed within 60 days.
    EvalDelayReaReason for Late EvaluationReason for Late Evaluation
    Eligwithin30DaysEligibility within 30 Days from the Completion Date of All EvaluationsEligibility within 30 Days from the Completion Date of All Evaluations
    MostRecEligDateDate of Most Recent Eligibility DeterminationDate of Most Recent Eligibility Determination
    WritAgrReevalDueDateWritten Agreement - The next reevaluation for continued eligibility determination is dueWritten Agreement - The next reevaluation for continued eligibility determination is due.
    EligMeetDueDateNext Eligibility Meeting Due DateNext Eligibility Meeting Due Date
    ConReevalSentDateNotice of Consent For Reevaluation DateNotice of Consent For Reevaluation Date
    ConReevalRcdDateDate Consent for Reevaluation ReceivedDate Consent for Reevaluation Received
    NotEligibleDateNo Longer Eligible DateNo Longer Eligible Date
    IntIEPDateDate of Initial IEPDate of Initial IEP
    IntConServicesRcdDateConsent for the Provision of ServicesConsent for the Provision of Services
    IEPSignDateIEP Signature DateIEP Signature Date
    CurrentIEPStartDateCurrent IEP Start DateIEP From Date
    CurrentIEPEndDateCurrent IEP End DateIEP End Date
    ReviewDateReview DateReview Date
    AnRevDueDateAnnual Review Due DateAnnual Review Due Date
    LRECodeLRE CodeLeast Restrictive Environment (LRE) Code
    ALAltAssPartAlabama Alternate Assessment ParticipationAlabama Alternate Assessment Participation
    StuInvStudent InvitedStudent Invited
    OthAgenOther AgencyOther Agency
    CourOfStudyCourse of StudyCourse of Study
    ProgCredProgram Credits to be EarnedProgram Credits to be Earned
    TransAssesTransition AssessmentTransition Assessment
    TransGoalsTransition GoalsTransition Goals
    TransServTransition ServicesTransition Services
    IEPAnnualReviewDueDateIEP Annual Review Due DateThis is the date the next IEP Annual Review is due.
    CurrentEvaluationDateCurrent Evaluation DateCurrent Evaluation Date
    ReevaluationDueDateReevaluation Due DateReevaluation Due Date
    SpEdRightsDateSpecial Education Rights DateSpecial Education Rights Date
    InvMeetDateNotice and Invitation to a MeetingNotice and Invitation to a Meeting
    TransportationTransportation RelatedTransportation Related
    GraduationMonthAnticipated Date of Exit - MonthAnticipated Date of Exit - Month
    GraduationYearAnticipated Date of Exit - YearAnticipated Date of Exit - Year
    GraduationPathGraduation PathwayGraduation Pathway
    TranRightsDateTransfer of RightsTransfer of Rights
    SpecialEducationExitDateSpecial Education Exit DateSpecial Education Exit Date
    SpecialEducationExitReasSpecial Education Exit ReasonSpecial Education Exit Reason
    ExitExceptionalityExiting ExceptionalityExiting Exceptionality
    FBABIPDateFBA/BIP Meeting DateFBA/BIP Meeting Date
    HearScrDateHearing Screening DateHearing Screening Date
    HearScrResultsHearing Screening ResultsHearing Screening Results
    VisScrDateVision Screening DateVision Screening Date
    VisScrResultsVision Screening ResultsVision Screening Results
    InStateTransferIn-State TransferIn-State Transfer
    OutofStateTransferOut-of-State TransferOut-of-State Transfer
    MedConDateMedicaid Consent DateMedicaid Consent Date
    MedNotDateMedicaid Notification DateMedicaid Notification Date

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs Special Education profile into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_SPECEDPROFILE_X.

  • S_AL_STU_SpecEdProfile_X_2
    This report pulls Special Education data for students. This report pulls student data from the Preschool Profile, Gifted Profile, and Section 504 Profile for students listed in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    StudentsDCIDStudents DC IDThe number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    StateIDState IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.
    FirstNameStudent's NameStudent's First Name
    MiddleNameStudent's NameStudent's Middle Name
    LastNameStudent's NameStudent's Last Name
    EIReferralDateDate of Referral Signature from EIDate of Referral Signature from EI
    TransitionEIDateDate of EI Transition MeetingDate of EI Transition Meeting
    EINoticeDateDate letter of Notification from EI ReceivedDate letter of Notification from EI Received
    EIIntEligibilityDateDate of Initial Eligibility Determination (EI Only)Date of Initial Eligibility Determination (EI Only)
    PSEligibleDetermined Eligible for Services - EI to PSDetermined Eligible for Services - EI to PS
    EligBy3Eligibility Determined Before 3rd BirthdayEligibility Determined Before 3rd Birthday
    EIRangeofDaysIf NO, Range of Days Eligibility Determined After 3rd BirthdayIf NO, Range of Days Eligibility Determined After 3rd Birthday.
    EILess90DaysEligible for EI services (under part C) less than 90 daysEligible for EI services (under part C) less than 90 days
    EIParentDelayReason for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination - Parent DelaysReason for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination - Parent Delays
    EIOtherDelayReason for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination - Other DelaysReason for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination - Other Delays
    EIIntIEPDateDate of Initial IEP Meeting for EI studentsDate of Initial IEP Meeting for EI students
    PreServBegDatePreschool Services Begin Date (3-5 yrs. old)Preschool Services Begin Date (3-5 yrs. old)
    IEPBy3rdBthdayEligibility determined before 3rd birthdayEligibility determined before 3rd birthday
    EIIEPRangeIf NO, range of days IEP developed after 3rd birthdayIf NO, range of days IEP developed after 3rd birthday
    EIIEPParentRsnReason for Late (or no) IEP development - Parent DelaysReason for Late (or no) IEP development - Parent Delays
    EIIEPOtherRsnReason for Late (or no) IEP development - Other DelaysReason for Late (or no) IEP development - Other Delays
    DateConsentReceivedDate of Section 504 Consent to EvaluateDate of Section 504 Consent to Evaluate
    Section504EligMeetingDate Date of Section 504 Eligibility MeetingDate of Section 504 Eligibility Meeting
    Five04EligibilityThe student is eligible under Section 504The student is eligible under Section 504
    Section504ReEvalSection 504 Re-evaluationSection 504 Re-evaluation
    Section504MeetingDateSection 504 Meeting DateSection 504 Meeting Date
    Section504StartDateSection 504 Meeting DateSection 504 Meeting Date
    Section504AntReviewSection 504 Date of Anticipated ReviewSection 504 Date of Anticipated Review
    Section504ToIEPTransitionSection 504 Date Transitioned to IEPSection 504 Date Transitioned to IEP
    MDRDateManifestation Determination ReviewManifestation Determination Review
    Section504ExitDateDate Exited Section 504Date Exited Section 504
    Section504ExitReasonReason Exited Section 504Reason Exited Section 504
    GiftedTeacherGifted TeacherGifted Teacher
    GStatusGifted Referral StatusGifted Referral Status
    GStatusOtherGifted Status OtherGifted Referral Status - Other
    GConDeniedGifted Consent DeniedGifted Consent Denied
    GPartStatusGifted Participation StatusGifted Participation Status
    GPartStatusOtherGifted Participation Status OtherGifted Participation Status - Other
    GRefDateGifted Referral DateGifted Referral Date
    GRefSourceGifted Referral SourceGifted Referral Source
    GPassScreenGifted Passed ScreeningGifted Passed Screening
    GEligibilityGifted EligibilityGifted Eligibility
    GEligDateGifted Eligibility DateGifted Eligibility Date
    GPsyTestDatePsychological Test DatePsychological Test Date
    GEPToGradeGEP to GradeGEP to Grade
    GEPFromGradeGEP from GradeGEP from Grade
    GTrackComTracking Log CommentsTracking Log Comments
    GTimeDelaysGifted Time DelaysGifted Time Delays
    ParentLetIntEntrLetDateDate Parent Letter for InterventionRTI - Date Parent Letter for Intervention
    ParentLetIntExitLetDateIntervention Exit DateRTI - Intervention Exit Date
    GroupInstrPlanStartDateDate of Group Instructional PlanRTI - Date of Group Instructional Plan
    GroupInstrPlanReviewDateReview Date of Group Instruction PlanRTI - Review Date of Group Instruction Plan
    IndividualInstrPlanDateDate of Individual Instructional PlanRTI - Date of Individual Instructional Plan
    Tier3InstrPlanDateDate of Tier 3 PlanRTI - Date of Tier 3 Plan
    IS_ELLIf the student is ELIndicates if the student is currently EL.
    CountryOfOriginCounty of OriginStudent's Country of Origin
    ELStatusEL StatusEL Status
    ELProgramEntryDateEL Program Entry DateEL Program Entry Date
    ELProgramExitDateEL Program Exit DateEL Program Exit Date
    ELNoFormalSchoolingStudent with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)EL - Student with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)
    ELLimitedFormalSchoolingStudent with Limited and Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)EL - Student with Limited and Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)
    ELLongTermLearnerLong-Term English LearnerEL - Long-Term English Learner
    ELWaivedTitleIIIServicesEL Waived Title III ServicesEL Waived Title III Services
    NotifyOfTransferNotify OfTransferIndicate that the student is transferring between districts

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_SpecEdProfile_X_2.

  • S_AL_STU_STATE_ChildCount_X
    This report pulls students that have integrationIDT that is not empty and ApprovalDate is not empty in the Child Count Snapshot report. This report contains the student data when the snapshot data has been Approved by selecting Approve Reporting Snapshot in the Child Count Snapshot report. See data collected in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationidtN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    StudentsDCIDStudents DCIDThe number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    District(LEA) District NameLEA district name as assigned by the state.
    IDStudent IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.
    SchoolSchool NameSchool name as assigned by the state.
    StateIDState IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.
    FirstNameStudent's NameStudent's First Name
    MiddleNameStudent's NameStudent's Middle Name
    LastNameStudent's NameStudent's Last Name
    GenerationGenerationStudent's Generation
    GradeGradeStudent's Grade
    BirthDateBirth DateStudent's date of birth
    AgeAgeStudent's Age
    SchoolYearSchool YearSchool Year
    Race_ARace - AsianStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_BRace - Black or African AmericanStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_HRace - HispanicStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_IRace - American Indian or Alaskan NativeStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_MRace - Two or More RacesStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_PRace - Native Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    Race_WRace - WhiteStudent's race entered in SIS field - Race field.
    GenderGenderStudent's Gender
    IS_ELLIf the student is ELIndicates if the student is currently EL.
    EnrollmentStartDateEnrollment Start DateEnrollment Start Date
    EnrollmentEndDateEnrollment End DateEnrollment End Date
    LRECodeLRE CodeLRE Code
    IsGiftedIs the student giftedIs the student gifted?
    ReferralDateReferral DateReferral Date
    AnRevDueDateAnnual Review Due DateAnnual Review Due Date
    CountDateCount DateCount Date
    CaseManagerCase ManagerCase Manager
    CurrentIEPStartDateCurrent IEP Start DateCurrent IEP Start Date
    CurrentIEPEndDateCurrent IEP End DateCurrent IEP End Date
    IEPBy3rdBthdayIEP Developed and Implemented by 3rd BirthdayIEP Developed and Implemented by 3rd Birthday.
    IEPSignDateIEP Signature DateIEP Signature Date
    IntIEPDateInitial IEP DateInitial IEP Date
    MostRecEligDateMost Recent Eligibility DateMost Recent Eligibility Date
    EligMeetDueDateNext Eligibility Meeting Due DateNext Eligibility Meeting Due Date
    PreServBegDatePreschool Services Begin Date (3-5 yrs. old)Preschool Services Begin Date (3-5 yrs. old)
    SnapShotDateSnap-Shot DateSnap-Shot Date
    ApprovalDateApproval DateDate of approval for this report submission

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_STATE_ChildCount_X.

  • S_AL_STU_StuEvalWithinTLne_X
    This report pulls students who meet certain criteria in the Students Evaluated Within Timeline (Indicator 11) state reporting. This report pulls student data from the State Reporting child profile and the Students Evaluated Within Timeline area as mentioned in the table below:

    Field NameField LabelDescription
    IntegrationIDTN/AThe number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.
    DistrictIDDistrict (LEA) CodeLEA district code as assigned by the state.
    District(LEA) District NameLEA district name as assigned by the state.
    SchoolNumberSchool NumberSchool number as assigned by the state.
    SchoolSchool NameSchool name as assigned by the state.
    StudentsDCIDStudent DC IDThe number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    StudentNumberStudent NumberThe number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.
    StateIDState IDThe state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.
    FirstNameStudent's NameStudent's First Name
    MiddleNameStudent's NameStudent's Middle Name
    LastNameStudent's NameStudent's Last Name
    GenerationGenerationStudent's Generation
    BirthDateBirth DateStudent's date of birth
    ElNoticeDateDate letter of notification from EI ReceivedDate letter of notification from EI Received.
    SignConsInitEvalSigned Consent of Initial EvaluationSigned Consent of Initial Evaluation.
    EvalCompleteDateFinal Completion Date of All EvaluationsFinal Completion Date of All Evaluations.
    Evalin60DaysEvaluations Completed within 60 DaysEvaluations Completed within 60 Days.
    ExcessDaysRange of Days in ExcessRange of Days in Excess.
    EvalDelayReaReason For Late EvaluationReason For Late Evaluation
    StartDateStart DateThis is the report start date.
    EndDateEnd DateThis is the report's end date.
    ApprovalDateApproval DateDate of approval for this report submission

    This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_StuEvalWithinTLne_X.

  • S_AL_STU_TransitionVerific_X

This report pulls students who meet certain criteria in the Students Evaluated Within Timeline (Indicator 13) state reporting. This report pulls student data from the State Reporting child profile and the Transition Verification area as mentioned in the table below:

Field Name

Field Label




The number assigned to students integrated with PowerSchool SIS.


(LEA) District Name

LEA district name as assigned by the state.


District (LEA) Code

LEA district code as assigned by the state.


School ID

This is the School ID number assigned by the state within the LEA.


School Name

School name as assigned by the state.


Student DC ID

The number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.


Student Number

The number assigned to students in PowerSchool SIS.


State ID

The state ID number assigned to the student in PowerSchool SIS.


Student's Name

Student's First Name


Student's Name

Student's Middle Name


Student's Name

Student's Last Name



Student's Generation


Birth Date

Student's date of birth.



Student's Age


Course of study

Course of study


Other Agency Invited with prior Consent

Other Agency Invited with prior Consent.


Program Credits to be Earned

Program Credits to be Earned.


Student Invited

Student Invited


Transition Assessment

Transition Assessment


Goals for Postsecondary Transition

Goals for Postsecondary Transition.


Transition Services

Transition Services


Verification Summary

Verification Summary


Start Date

This is the report's start date.


End Date

This is the report's end date.


Approval Date

Date of approval for this report submission

This data will be uploaded from the Special Programs into the PowerSchool SIS table S_AL_STU_TransitionVerific_X.

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