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SPSM-AL_21.11.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: November 15, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-52310Child Count Snapshot and Export reports

Updated the Child Count snapshot report and export report S_AL_STU_STATE_ChildCount_X to display students and counts when a student was inactivated after the snapshot, approval, or both were taken.

SPEDSM-51320Corrected data flow from revision IEP document to Special Education profile for IEP signature field.

Corrected the data flow from the IEP document special education teacher signature date fields to not update the IEP signature field in the Special Education Profile when the document is revised.

SPEDSM-49455Data will now flow to the Special Education profile from the IEP document.

Updated to flow the data from the IEP document special education teacher signature date field and LRE fields to the Special Education profile fields when staff does not have security set to edit profiles.
Note: The script will run once to correct data the flow to profile fields from existing documents.

Support Case: 05881460, 05835711

SPEDSM-49026Document Section 504 - Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information - modifications to document text

Changed the text in the Section 504 documents to be consistent with Alabama language and terminology throughout all documents.

SPEDSM-49025Document Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review - modifications to document text

Changed the text in the Section 504 documents to be consistent with Alabama language and terminology throughout all documents.

SPEDSM-49024Document Section 504 - Plan - modifications to document text

Changed the text in the Section 504 documents to be consistent with Alabama language and terminology throughout all documents.

SPEDSM-45587EL - Individual English Language Plan document

Updated the following changes to the EL - Individual English Language Plan document:

  • Added additional space between each domain area to make it easier to distinguish each domain.
  • Enlarged the Alternate Grading, Explain textbox within the Accommodations area in Part III section to make the data entered easier to read.
  • Corrected the misspelling of Principal in the Relationship/Position column in the PART III section of the document.
  • Corrected a typo in Part II in the area of WIDA Assessment in the test column. Scanner changed to Screener.

Support Case: 05808289, 05808525

SPEDSM-49797Progress Report (Migration) can now be transferred as a live document

Updated to set properties to allow the Progress Report (Migration) document to transfer as a live document.

SPEDSM-51528Progress Report (Migration) was corrected to display the transitions goals missing for some students

Corrected an issue where transition goals for students 14 years of age or younger would not appear in the Progress Report (Migration) document.

Support Case: 05869608

SPEDSM-49798Redesigned IEP Progress Report section

Updated the following changes to the IEP Progress Report to allow for the selection of the Graph feature:

  • Added the following two new Progress Report sections to the IEP:
    • Annual Goal Progress Report
    • Transition Progress Report
  • The existing Progress Report is still available on the existing IEP.
  • For existing IEP, these sections can be added if the graph feature is used.
  • Security groups that need to see these sections will have to be added to document security.
SPEDSM-49023Section 504 document - Eligibility document - modifications to document text

Changed the text in the Section 504 documents to be consistent with Alabama language and terminology throughout all documents.

SPEDSM-48881Section 504 Document - Meeting Notice and Invitation - modifications to document text

Changed the text in the Section 504 documents to be consistent with Alabama language and terminology throughout all documents.

SPEDSM-48882Section 504 document - Parent Rights - modifications to document text

Changed the text in the Section 504 documents to be consistent with Alabama language and terminology throughout all documents.

SPEDSM-48883Section 504 document - Written Notice / Consent - modifications to document text

Changed the text in the Section 504 documents to be consistent with Alabama language and terminology throughout all documents.

SPEDSM-48676Set Property to allow quick search for General Ed Students

Updated to set the property to allow staff users access to a quick search of the General Ed Student profile when security privileges are set to access the General Ed Student profile.

Support Case: 05771935

SPEDDEV-28187State defined codes will be locked down to not allow editing.

Updated the following codes (keyword tables) to be locked to not allow editing:

  • CountryTable
  • ELStatus
  • ELWaiverChoices
  • Languages
  • StaffPositions
  • StudentContactEmailType
  • StudentContactPhoneType
  • DiplomaPathways
  • Exceptionality
  • Five04Eligibility
  • LRECode
  • SpecialEdExitReason
  • Status
  • StateTable

Students on the Gifted Referral Tracking log - Without Assessments report 

Updated to include students in the Gifted Referral Tracking log - Without Assessments report within the Gifted Referral Tracking Log snapshot report. This snapshot report will also have the same functionality as the Child Count report.

Support Case: 05889567

SPEDSM-49081Staff work email field - modified character field size

Updated the Staff Work Email field to allow email addresses up to 100 characters. Previously, it was limited to 25 characters.

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