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SPSM-AL_21.3.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: March 25, 2021

ReferenceSummaryRelease Note
SPEDSM-37386Accommodations for Gifted Students in the General Education Classroom form

Updated the Accommodations for Gifted Students section within the General Education Classroom form. Users are required to enter at least one Signature and Date field.

SPEDSM-38012Behavioral Intervention Plan

Updated the Person(s) Responsible field within the Behavioral Intervention Plan as a repeating row. Users can now add more than one Person Responsible for the plan.

SPEDSM-38015Column change in Gifted Reports

Changed the text of the “Other” column to “Gifted Tracking Com” within the following Reports:

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log
  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Without Assessments
  • Gifted Referral Snapshot
SPEDSM-38473Documents - Do not allow copying

Updated the property on all documents so that "Allow Manual Copying from Other Documents from This Same Template" is not selected to prevent copying.  The Assessment section on the Notice and Eligibility Decision form is the only section that allows copying. 

SPEDSM-39651EI to Pre-School Tracking Log, EI to Pre-School Eligible Less 90 Disaggregation, and EI to Pre-School Snapshot Reports
  • Updated the following reports to include students with no exceptionality:
    • EI to Pre-School Tracking Log
    • EI to Pre-School Eligible Less 90 Disaggregation
  • Updated the sort order to be by Student Last Name, then Student First Name for the following reports:
    • EI to Pre-School Tracking Log
    • EI to Pre-School Snapshot
SPEDSM-37881English Learners (EL) Student Listing report
  • Added the following columns to the EL Student Listing report:
    • EL Status
    • Is_EL
    • Enrollment Start Date
    • Enrollment End Date
  • Updated the sort order on the report to be by Enrollment Start Date.
SPEDSM-40144Enrollment Exit Reason Keyword Table
  • Added the following reason codes to the Enrollment Exit Reason keyword table: 
    • TA1 Sch Choice Transfer in System - Public
    • TA2 Sch Choice Transfer in System - Private
    • TA3 Sch Choice Transfer in System - Church or Home
    • TB1 Sch Choice Transfer in State-Public
    • TB2 Sch Choice Transfer in State - Private
    • TB3 Sch Choice Transfer in State - Church or Home
    • TD5 Sch Choice Transfer - Special Services
    • PD5 Parent Placed - Special Services
    • NS Non-return in fall - No show (Not In Use, used for migration only)
  • Updated the column heading eSchoolPLUSCode to PowerSchoolSISCode.
SPEDSM-39626General Ed Students profile

Fixed an issue in the General Education Students profile so that a dash can be entered in the “Zip Code” field.

SPEDSM-39503Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination Form

Updated the Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination Form so that when the screening decision is marked as No, then the Aptitude test doesn't have to match the Test used with N/A or blank and allow the document to be completed. Previously, an error would appear when trying to complete the document.

SPEDSM-39289Gifted Referral Reports

Renamed the column heading from “Eligibility?” to “Eligible?” on the following reports:

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log
  • Gifted Referral Snapshot
  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Master/Detail
  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Without Assessments
SPEDSM-40653GradeTable keyword table

Added G99 to the GradeTable keyword table so that when migrated, there is no error for students with G99 as their Grade level.

SPEDSM-37999Manifestation Determination Review

Fixed an issue on the Manifestation Determination Review document where the text-to-speech functionality was not working in the Student IEP long text field.

SPEDSM-37209Notice and Eligibility Decision

Fixed an issue on the Notice and Eligibility Decision document where the “Evaluations Completed within 60 days” field “Yes” or “No” will be selected if Initial is selected in the Assessments area. Additionally, “The Range of Days in Excess” and “Reason for Late Evaluation” fields will only be required when the field for Evaluations Completed within 60 days is set to “No.”

SPEDSM-38016Referral for Gifted Services form
  • Updated the Referral for Gifted Services form to highlight the required fields in red.
  • Removed the document action, which would auto-select one of the checkboxes in the "Check one" area.
SPEDSM-38331Student Profile > Student Demographics

Changed the following labels available within the Student Profile > Student Demographics area:

  • From “Primary Language” to “Native Language.”
  • From “Student Home Language” to “Home Language.”
SPEDSM-40676StudentContactPhoneType keyword table

Added “Other” to the StudentContactPhoneType keyword table so that when a keyword marked as “Other” is integrated from SIS, Special Programs has the “Other” option.

SPEDSM-40701StudentContactRelType keyword table

Added the following options to the StudentContactRelType keyword table so that they are matched to the relationship types that will be integrated from PowerSchool SIS:

  • Foster Father
  • Foster Mother
  • Guardian
  • Stepfather
  • Stepmother
  • Unspecified Relationship
SPEDSM-39665Students Evaluated Within Timeline and Students Evaluated Within Timeline Validation Reports
  • Updated the following reports so that students with a Date Signed Notice and Consent for Evaluation Received in Public Agency within the report date range and have no exceptionality will display on the reports:
    • Students Evaluated Within Timeline
    • Students Evaluated Within Timeline Validation
  • Changed the sort order to be by Student's Last Name.
SPEDSM-39427Transferred Student Messages report

Updated the Transferred Student Messages report so that “Auto-Send Report Data as Messages” and “Auto Refresh System-Wide Report View Overnight” are selected to update the information on the report nightly.

SPEDSM-38404Transition Verification Report and Transition Verification Report Snapshot reports

Updated the sort order on the following reports so that they are sorted by School and then by Student Last Name:

  • Transition Verification Report
  • Transition Verification Report Snapshot
SPEDSM-39799Workflow Case Types

Enabled Case Types to set up Workflow Case Types in the ALMODEL.

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