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SPSM-AL_22.2.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: February 22, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-56810IEP Cover Page Continued Error Message - Logic in the IEP document Student Profile (continued) section
  • Corrected the logic in the IEP document Student Profile (continued) section to Question 8, "Has the IEP Team determined the student meets the participation criteria for the Alabama Alternate Assessment and will be taught the alternate achievement standards?."
  • Users will no longer be able to select "Yes" (for Question 8) for students from 3 to 5 years and in grade level PK2, PK3, or PK4.
SPEDSM-57171IEP: Service Section - Frequency Updates

Updated the following changes to each service area under the IEP Services section:

  • The anticipated frequency (number of times) field is now optional.
  • The frequency type box, such as Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc., is now required.
SPEDSM-56734IEP: Signature Page section

Updated the following changes to the IEP Signature Page section:

  • Added non-lookup functionality to the signatures.
  • Removed duplicate sections.
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