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SPSM-AL_22.6.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: June 30, 2022



Release Note





Global profile fields added for state reports

New fields added to global profile, Date range, Snapshot date, Approval checkbox for each of the following state reports.

  • EI to Pre-School Snapshot report
  • Post School Student Snapshot Report
  • Transition Verification Snapshot Report
  • Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot Report

SPEDSM-52674Child Count Snapshot Total Report

Created the Child Count Snapshot Total Report within Standard Report, State Reports Snapshot.

SPEDSM-52293EI to Pre-School reports

Advanced report

  • You can now run EI to Pre-School Tracking Log Summary report for a range of dates. Select Process Schedule to enter dates, or if already processed, select Unprocess, then Process Schedule.

EI to Pre-School Tracking Log Validation report

  • Corrected the report to only include students with the same selection criteria in the EI to Pre-School Tracking Log report. In addition, you can now run the report for a range of dates.
SPEDSM-54965Fixed IEP Annual Goal and Transition Goal hyperlinks

Corrected the hyperlinks for Curriculum Guides and Alternate Achievement Standards on the IEP document in the Annual Goal section and the Transition Standards link in the Transition Goal section.

SPEDSM-62751IEP document Signature section

Updated the properties on the Signature page section to be required when finalized.

SPEDSM-60737Manifestation Determination Review Document

Removed the data flow from a Student Profile to the Manifestation Determination Review document for the Review date field.

SPEDSM-62585Modifications to EI to Pre-School Tracking Log reports

EI to Pre-School Eligible Less 90 Disaggregation.

  • Modified the selection criteria to use the new date fields added in the global profile.
  • Added IntegrationIDT.

EI to Pre-School Tracking Log Summary report.

  • Add date range to the Process Schedule.
  • Modified the selection criteria to use the new date fields in the global profile.
  • Corrected logic for the percentages.
SPEDSM-57018Modifications to EI to Preschool Snapshot report

Standard Report - State report - EI to Preschool Snapshot report.

  • Modified the selection criteria to include students from the EI to Preschool report.
  • Added reporting date range fields to global profile to be used in the selection criteria.
  • Modified the approval process.

Advanced report - EI to Preschool Tracking Log Summary

  • Added a date range to run the report.
SPEDSM-63213Modifications to Other Delay and Parent Delay keyword tables

Modified the keyword tables Other Delay and Parent Delay that is used for the Preschool report. These codes will not display in the Preschool profile or the IEP and Notice and Eligibility Decision documents.

Removed the following code from Parent Delay:


Removed the following codes from Other Delay:

  • EIWR
  • EICF
  • EU

One time script will be run to convert the codes as follows:

  • Code FCOECS used on the IEP or EligDec document or in a profile will be converted to PSP.
  • Codes EU, LHRML, LHIML, LHEML used on the IEP or EligDec document or in a profile will be converted to COD.
SPEDSM-61935Modifications to Post School Student Report and Post School Student Report Snapshot

Post-School Student Report

  • Added IntegrationIDT

Post-School Student Snapshot report

  • Modified the snapshot and approval process
  • Added IntegrationIDT
  • Added a section in the global profile for a range of dates, snapshot, and approval.

Added a district name to both reports for state printing.

SPEDSM-57054Modifications to Students Evaluated Within Timeline Reports

Student Evaluated Within Timeline Validation report:

  • Changed the ID column to SSID.
  • Modified the selection criteria.
  • Added IntegrationIDT.

Students Evaluated Within Timeline Report:

  • Modified the selection criteria. If the Date Signed Notice and Consent for Evaluation Received in Public Agency is 60 days less than the end date in the reporting range the student will not be in the report.
  • The Date range to run the report will now be a required field.

Advanced report - Students Evaluated Within Timeline Summary:

  • Added a range of dates to run the report under the process schedule.

Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot report:

  • Added reporting date range in global profile. Also, added these dates to the selection criteria.
  • Added IntegrationIDT.
  • Modified the snapshot and approval process.

Advanced report - Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot Summary:

  • Modified the percentage to only return out two decimals places.

Added the district name to all reports for state printing purposes.

SPEDSM-63720Modifications to Transition Verification Report

Modified the Transition Verification Report selection criteria to pull data in from the new Transition profile.

SPEDSM-60960Modifications to Transition Verification Report

Corrected the data for the Other Agency Invited with Prior Consent column to display a blank if not selected in the IEP Transition section. Previously, the column would display N.

SPEDSM-61929Modifications to Transition Verification Report and Transition Verification Report Snapshot

Transition Verification Report:

  • Added IntegrationIDT.
  • Modified the selection criteria to use new date range fields added to the global profile.

Transition Verification Report Snapshot:

  • Modified the snapshot and approval process.
  • Added IntegrationIDT.
  • Added a section in the global profile for a range of dates, snapshot, and approval.

Advanced reports - Transition Verification Report Summary:

  • Added range of dates in Process Schedule.
  • Modified the report to display zero when zero instead of blank percent.

Added a district name to all reports for state printing.

SPEDSM-63080New Profile for Transition

Created a new profile for Transition data to preserve history which will be used for the Transition Verification report.

Data from the following fields will populate fields within the Transition profile. A one-time script will be run to populate the fields.

  • New live IEP documents with a Transition section for all students.
  • New live IEP documents for students 16 or older or will become 16 during the IEP To and IEP From dates.
  • Migration of data for students with IEP dates within the reporting range of 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2022.

Note that you need to add security permissions to the select groups that will have permissions to the profile.

SPEDSM-63720New Report - Transition Missing Data

A new report under the category Transition Validation was created to assist LEAs with possible missing data from the transition section on the IEP document when the 'Student is in a middle school course of student' question is not address to display some hidden fields.

Note that you need to add security permissions to the select groups that will have permissions to the profile.

SPEDSM-60736Notice and Eligibility Decision document

On the SLD section of the Notice and Eligibility Decision document in the area Complete for all students suspected of SLD, regardless of the options chosen above. 

For point 1, changed the field from numeric to text to allow for more than one-page number.

SPEDDEV-32895PowerSchool SIS Export report, S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X

Updated export report S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X to include IntgrationIDT from Post School Student snapshot data.

SPEDDEV-32893PowerSchool SIS Export report, S_AL_STU_StuEvalWithinTLne_X

Updated export report S_AL_STU_StuEvalWithinTLne_X to include IntgrationIDT from Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot data.

SPEDDEV-32894PowerSchool SIS Export report, S_AL_STU_TransitionVerific_X

Updated export report S_AL_STU_TransitionVerific_X to include IntgrationIDT from Transition Verification Report Snapshot data.


PowerSchool SIS Export report, S_AL_STU_PreschoolTracking_X

Updated export report S_AL_STU_PreschoolTracking_X to include IntgrationIDT from EI to Preschool Snapshot data.

SPEDSM-61995Referral for Gifted Services document

The data flow for the Teacher field within the Referral for Gifted Services document will no longer populate the Case Manager profile field.

SPEDSM-60780Special Education Profile - Status field

Modified the logic for the Inactive Reason field within the Special Education Profile. The Inactive Reason field will now be exited if the special education exit date and special education exit reason have data. This was added for students that transferred with exiting data entered and the status remained active.

SPEDSM-59666Student Exiting Special Education Breakdown Snapshot report

Created a Student Exiting Special Education Breakdown Snapshot report to display the breakdown from the Snapshot.




Advanced reportsAdvanced reports will be unprocessed for changes to add date range fields.  The reports will have to be processed again after the release, if previously processed.
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