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SPSM-AL_22.9.1.0 Release Notes

Release date: September 30, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-60609ACAP Alternate Participation Decision-Making Tool

Added a new document titled ACAP Alternate Participation Decision-Making Tool within the Miscellaneous Forms document category. Note you must add applicable security permissions to the security groups for this document.

SPEDSM-62072Behavioral Intervention Plan document

Expanded the Intervention fields within the Behavioral Intervention Plan document to allow for more text.

SPEDSM-69779Child Count snapshot and export reports

Made the following changes to Child Count reports:

  • Changed the column name from Child Count date to Snapshot date within the Child Count Snapshot report.
  • Added a column for the Child Count date.
  • Added the Child Count date to the snapshot. It will appear within the Student Child Count snapshot profile.
  • Added the Child Count date from global to the State reporting profile.
  • S_AL_STU_STATE_ChildCount_X - The Count Date column will now appear from Snapshot. Previously, it would appear from the global profile.
SPEDSM-59713Country of Origin
  • Corrected Country of Origin to sync up with PowerSchool SIS fields.
  • Cleaned up the keyword table.
  • Created a one-time script for country codes used in migration to match those in the code set from PowerScool SIS.
SPEDSM-62236Cover Page: Student Profile

Changed the IEP Type Annual Review checkbox to Annual IEP within Student Profile.

SPEDSM-60779Deactivate and Status

When a profile is deactivated, the Special Education and Gifted status field will now change to Inactive.

SPEDDEV-35048General Ed Profile: Integrated Race and Ethnicity

Changed the integration to populate the race and ethnicity fields added in the General Ed profile.

SPEDSM-68132General Ed Student Profile

Added Ethnicity and Race fields to the General Ed Student Profile.

SPEDSM-62983Gifted Referral Reports

Added the LEA name in the title for the following Gifted reports:

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log
  • Gifted Referral Snapshot
  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Without Assessments
  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Master/Detail
SPEDSM-64671IEP document - Annual Goal section

On the Annual Goal section, the Date of Mastery field is now editable when finalized.

SPEDSM-66193Post-School Outcomes Survey

Resolved an issue on the Post-School Outcomes Survey document when selecting Person Interviewed/Contacted (select only one): “Unable to locate former student/knowledgeable person” then in the Reason No Contact was Made textbox would allow users to only select “A. Former student and or family declined to participate”.

SPEDSM-61493Referral for Evaluation document and other documents

Corrected the data flow from document to profile for several documents, including the Referral for Evaluation document. Updated document property to add bypassing profile security. This allows data flow for staff that is in security groups that do not have profile edit permissions.

SPEDDEV-34879Transfer Notification

Corrected an issue where the Transfer Notification email communication message continued after a student withdrew from the district.

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