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SPSM-AL_23.4.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: May 8, 2023



Release Note


ACAP Testing Supports form, school field is made editable

Added a School field lookup to the ACAP Testing Supports document to allow this field to be edited when needed. The student’s current school will still populate in the document when created.


Alternate Participation Decision-Making Tool document

The following changes were made in the document Alternate Participation Decision-Making Tool [ACAP].

  • Moved the document from the Miscellaneous Forms category to IEP Process category.

  • Added a STOP sign and message, which will display in the first column under PART A- DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY for “Specific Learning Disability” or “Speech or Language Impairment (only)” .

    • Message: Stop here- The Student is not eligible for alternate services. Proceed to the Signature page.

  • Under PART D - ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS section, the checkbox “No” will be auto-selected when either “Specific Learning Disability” or “Speech or Language Impairment (only)” is selected. The user will not be able to deselect the option “No” manually.


Keyword table Transition Assessments

  • Added the InUse column to the Transition Assessments keyword table.

  • The keyword “Casey Life Skills (CLS)” In User has been set to No. Therefore, this keyword will no longer be a selection in the IEP Transition section, transition assessment field.


Enrollment Exit Reason keyword table

The following changes were made to the Enrollment Exit Reason keyword table to match the code set in the SIS. This will eliminate integration errors for these codes.

  • Added two keywords with the InUse column set as Yes.

    • G - Graduated

    • WX1 - Exit Cross LEA

  • The InUse column was set to ‘No’ for the keywords 16, 9, 00, 10, 19, 17, 18, 01, 11, and 04 as they were retired in the SIS code set.


New child profile - Special Education history

Created a new child profile - Special Education History to capture the history of IEP document data. The Special Education History profile will display a history of finalized IEP document data.

The following fields are included in this profile:

  • LRE

  • IEP From Date

  • IEP To Date

  • Graduation Pathway

  • Alternate Assessment Participation

  • Document creation date

Note: Security privileges will have to be added for each group that will be allowed access to this profile. This can be done by the Admins that control security.


Special Education Profile - IEP area

Added update script “Set Special Education profile from SPED_History” to copy the IEP data as of the current date from the child profile Special Education History.

Note: Data in the IEP area in the Special Education profile will no longer display the most current finalized IEP document if the IEP From and IEP To dates do not encompass the current date. If the dates are out side of the current date they can be viewed in the Special Education History profile.


Gifted Referral By Test, Race, Gender, Max Score report

Added Gifted Eligibility to the Gifted Referral By Test, Race, Gender, Max Score report.


Modified the selection criteria for Gifted reports

Modified the selection criteria to use the reporting date range fields in the global profile Gifted Referral Snapshot Options area for the following Gifted reports:

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log

  • Gifted Referral by Grade, Race, Gender, Eligible

  • Gifted Referral by Test, Race, Gender, Max Score

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Master/Detail

  • Gifted Referral Tracking Log Without Assessments



Clear Approval and Snapshot for State Report: Gifted Referral Snapshot

Added a new update script, “Rollover Cleanup: GiftedReferralSnapshots,” that will run at rollover. The update script will:

  • Set the dates in global profile Gifted Referral Snapshots area for the reporting date range for the next reporting period.

  • Clear the approval and snapshot from the prior reporting period.

  • Clear the approval flag and Gifted Referral Last Snapshot Taken date in the global profile.


Gifted Referral Snapshot and export S_AL_STU_GiftedReferralTrk_X

The Gifted Referral Snapshot report and "S_AL_STU_GiftedReferralTrk_X" export report have been modified as follows:

  • Added the reporting date range from the Gifted Referral Snapshot Options area int he global profile to the Gifted Referral Snapshot profile.

  • Modified the export report S_AL_STU_GiftedReferralTrk_X  to include the start and end dates added to the Gifted Referral Snapshot profile.

  • Added the reporting date range to the heading of the Gifted Referral Snapshot report. This will allow you to see the date range used in the snapshot. Dates will display from the global profile dates in the Gifted Referral Snapshot Options area.


Section 504 Plan - Review and Acknowledgement

  • The Review and Acknowledge for the Section 504 plan document was corrected by modifying the fields that were editable in final as follows:

    • In the Permission to Implement 504 Plan area the Consent check boxes, Parent Signature, and Date fields are now not editable in Final. The fields are editable when the document is in draft and review status.

    • Document Delivery was moved to a separate section and is optional.


Section 504 Plan - Document Delivery

Made the following changes in the Section 504 Plan for Document Delivery:

  • Moved Document Delivery to be a new section that is optional. The section can be added when the document is in draft or review.

  • Mapped the Mode of Delivery to the correct keyword table - ModeOfDelivery.

    • Before this release, the field was mapped incorrectly to the keyword table - DeliveryMethod.

  • Data will flow to Document Delivery profile when finalizing the document.


Evaluations Completed within 60 Days calculation

Modified the calculation of the Evaluations Completed within 60 Days field in the Special Education and State Reporting profiles to ensure that appropriate data is displayed in the State Report - Students Evaluated Within Timeline.

  • If the Final Completion Date of ALL Evaluations is blank, then the Evaluations Completed within 60 Days field will be blank. It will no longer display “No.”


IEP document Annual Goal section

In IEP document, Annual Goal section made the Date of Mastery field for Benchmarks editable in final.


SpecialEdExitReason keyword table

Modified the descriptions in the SpecialEdExitReason keyword table by prefixing the current description with the code.


Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot and export S_AL_STU_StuEvalWithinTLne_X

The Students Evaluated within Timeline Snapshot report and S_AL_STU_StuEvalWithinTLne_X export report have been modified as follows:

  • Added the reporting date range from the Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot options area in the global profile to the Timeline Snapshots profile.

  • Modified the export report S_AL_STU_StuEvalWithinTLne_X  to include the start and end dates from the Timeline Snapshots.

  • Added the reporting date range to the heading of the Students Evaluated within Timeline Snapshot report. This will allow you to see the date range used in the snapshot. Dates will display from the global profile dates in the Students Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot options area.


Post School Student Snapshot and export S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X

The Post School Student Snapshot report and "S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X" export report have been modified as follows:

  • Added the reporting date range from the Post School Snapshot Options area in the Global profile to the Post School Snapshots profile.

  • Modified the export report S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X  to include the start and end dates from the Post School Student Snapshots profile.

  • Added the reporting date range to the heading of the Post School Student Snapshot report. This will allow you to see the date range used in the snapshot. Dates will display from the global profile dates in the Post School Snapshot Options area.


Transition Verification Report Snapshot and export S_AL_STU_TransitionVerific_X

The Transition Verification Report Snapshot report and "S_AL_STU_TransitionVerific_X" export report have been modified as follows:

  • Added the reporting date range from Transition Verification Snapshot options area in the global profile to the Transition Snapshots profile.

  • Modified the export report S_AL_STU_TransitionVerific_X  to include the start and end dates from the Transition Snapshots profile.

  • Added the reporting date range to the heading of the Transition Verification Report Snapshot report. This will allow you to see the date range used in the snapshot. Dates will display from the global profile dates in the Transition Verification Snapshot options area.


Transition Verification Report

Modified the selection criteria to exclude students in location code 4999 Private School - Services Only from the following reports:

  • Standard Reports

    • State Report - Transition Verification Report

    • State Report Snapshots - Transition Verification Report Snapshots

  • Advanced Reports

    • Transition Verification Report - Transition Verification Report Snapshot Totals

    • Transition Verification Report - Transition Verification Report Summary


PSTracking Snapshots profile and export report S_AL_STU_PreschoolTracking_X

The PSTracking Snapshots profile and S_AL_STU_PreschoolTracking_X export reports have been modified as follows:

  • Added the start and end dates to the EI to the PSTracking Snapshots profile.

  • Modified the export report S_AL_STU_PreschoolTracking_X  to include the start and end dates from the PSTracking Snapshots profile.

  • Added the start and end dates in the heading of the EI to the Pre-School Snapshot report. This will allow you to see the dates used in the snapshot. Dates will display from the global profile dates in the EI to Pre-School Snapshot options area.


Personnel Snapshot, Supplemental Snapshot, and Student Exiting Special Education Snapshot reports

  • The following snapshot reports will have the approval and snapshots cleared in preparation for the next reporting period.

    • Personnel Snapshot

    • Supplemental Snapshot

    • Students Exiting Special Education Snapshot

  • The dates in the global profile for each of these reports will be populated with the next reporting period dates.


Clear Approval and Snapshot for state reports

Update scripts were created to clear the Approval and Snapshot for state reports in preparation for next reporting period.

Update script - Rollover SPP Reporting Globals was added to run at rollover. It will clear the approval flag, snapshot taken date and reset the reporting date range in the global profile for the following reports:

  • EI to Preschool Snapshot

  • Post-School Snapshot

  • Student’s Evaluated Within Timeline Snapshot

  • Transition Verification Report Snapshot

Update script - Rollover SPP Reporting Globals was added and will clear the approvals and snapshots on 4/1 each year. It will clear the approval flag, snapshot taken date and reset the reporting date range in the global profile for the following reports:

  • Personnel Snapshot

  • Supplemental Snapshot

  • Students Exiting Special Education Snapshot


Keyword tables OtherDelays, ParentDelays and EIDelays

  • Keyword tables OtherDelays and ParentDelays will no longer be used, and the InUse for all keywords within the tables has been set to InUse "No.”

  • Added keyword table ElDelays with the following keyword descriptions:

Keyword Description

  • PD - Parent Delay

  • SIA - Student Illness or Absence

  • PIA - Parent Illness or Absence

  • STILEASTILEA - Student transferred Into LEA

  • STOLEASTOLEA - Student transferred Out of LEA

  • RDL - Referral declined by LEA (not accepted)

  • COD - Central Office Delay

  • EID – Early Intervention Delay

These new keywords will be used to Eligibility and IEP delays.


Converted keyword entries for the Parent Delays and Other Delays fields

Added two new fields in the Preschool and State Report profiles to replace Parent Delays and Other Delays in the Eligibility and IEP areas. The change is for data collected in the state report - EI to Preschool report. Reasons for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination and Reasons for Late (or no) IEP Development and Implementation will use a new keyword table ‘EIDelays’ for data selections.

Data was converted as follows:

Other Delay                                                          Converted To:

CI - Child illness                                                     SIA - Student Illness or Absence

FE - Family emergency                                           PD - Parent Delay

CM - Child moved out of State                              STOLEA - Student Transferred Out LEA                     

CD - Child deceased                                               SIA - Student Illness or Absence                          

COD - Central Office Delay                                     COD - Central Office Delay

CTI - Child Transferred in LEA                                  STILEA - Student Transferred In LEA

CTO - Child Transferred Out of LEA                         STOLEA - Student Transferred Out LEA

EISNL - EI sent letter of Notification late                  EID - Early Intervention Delay

EISML- EI scheduled transition meeting late            EID - Early Intervention Delay

RFWL - Referral forwarded-wrong LEA                     EID - Early Intervention Delay

RDL - Referral declined by LEA                                 RDL - Referral declined by LEA

RFRL - Recvd forwarded Referral for wrong LEA      EID - Early Intervention Delay

Parent Delay                                                             Converted To:  

PDS - Parent declined services                                   PD - Parent Delay

UC - Unable to contact                                               PD - Parent Delay

RW - Referral withdrawn                                             PD - Parent Delay

AL2NSM - At least 2 No Show meetings                    PD - Parent Delay

PSP - Parent stopped process                                     PD - Parent Delay


Notice and Eligibility Decision document changes for Parent and Other delay reasons

The Notice and Eligibility decision document - section Eligibility Decision has been modified with the following changes:

  • The fields EI - Reason for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination - Parent Delays and EI - Reason for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination - Other Delays will no longer display in the document. They have been replaced with Reason for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination. This field will use the new keyword table - ElDelays.

  • Data will flow to the Preschool and State Reporting profile fields.


IEP document changes for Parents and Other Delay reasons

The IEP document - section Student Profile (cont) has been modified with the following changes:

  • The fields EI - Reason for Late (or no) IEP development - Parent Delays and EI - Reason for Late (or no) IEP development- Other Delays will no longer display in the document. They have been replaced with “Reason for Late (or no) IEP Development and Implementation.”

  • This field will use the new keyword table - ElDelays.

  • Data will flow to the Preschool and State Reporting Profile fields.


Preschool, State Report, and PSTrackingSnapshot Profiles

The following changes have been made in the Preschool, State Report, and PSTrackingSnapshot Profiles:

  • Removed:

    • Reason For Late (or No) Eligibility Determination: Parent Delays.

    • Reason For Late (or No) Eligibility Determination: Other Delays.

    • Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation: Parent Delays.

    • Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation: Other Delay.

  • Replaced the above fields with:

    • Reasons for Late (or No) Eligibility Determination

    • Reasons for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation

  • Data will flow from the Notice and Eligibility Determination and IEP documents to the Preschool profile and State Report Profile.

  • The new fields added will display in the PSTrackingSnapshot Profile when a snapshot is created.


EI to PreSchool Tracking Log report

The following changes were made to the El to PreSchool Tracking Log report:

  • Removed the following columns and fields:

    • Reason For Late (or No) Eligibility Determination: Parent Delays.

    • Reason For Late (or No) Eligibility Determination: Other Delays.

    • Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation: Parent Delays.

    • Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation: Other Delay.

    • Type of Referral.

    • Date of Transition.

  • Added the following columns:

    • Reason For Late (or No) Eligibility Determination

    • Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation

  • Data will display from the State reporting profile for the fields that were added in the preceding bullet point.

  • Removed text “(El Only)” from the columns “Date of Initial Eligibility Determination (EI Only)” and “Date of Initial IEP Meeting (EI Only).”


EI to PreSchool Tracking Log Validation report

The following changes have been made in the El to PreSchool Tracking Log Validation report:

  • Report selection criteria are updated to replace the fields Parent Delay and Other Delay reasons with EIEligDelay and EIIEPDelay

  • In columns 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9, references to Parent Delay and Other Delays were replaced with new fields EIEligDelay and EIIEPDelay

  • Renamed Column 5 and Column 6 to the following with logic to new fields EIEligDelay and EIIEPDelay:

    • Students with a Reason for Late (or no) Eligibility Determination.

    • Students with a Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation.

  • In Column heading 8 - Changed text PDS to PD.

  • In Column heading 9 - Changed text CTO to STOLEA.


EI to PreSchool Snapshot report

The following changes were made to the El to PreSchool Snapshot report:

  • Removed the following columns and fields:

    • Reason For Late (or No) Eligibility Determination: Parent Delays.

    • Reason For Late (or No) Eligibility Determination: Other Delays.

    • Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation: Parent Delays.

    • Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation: Other Delay.

    • Type of Referral.

    • Date of Transition.

  • Added the following columns:

    • Reason For Late (or No) Eligibility Determination

    • Reason for Late (or No) IEP Development and Implementation

  • Data will display from the PSTracking Snapshots profile for the fields that were added in the preceding bullet point.

  • Removed text “(El Only)” from the columns “Date of Initial Eligibility Determination (EI Only)” and “Date of Initial IEP Meeting (EI Only).”


Advanced reports - EI to PreSchool Tracking Log Summary and EI to PreSchool Tracking Log Snapshot Summary

The following changes were made to the advance reports - EI to PreSchool Tracking Log Summary and EI to PreSchool Tracking Log Snapshot Summary:

  • Removed the following:

    • Group 1 Total

    • Group 2 Total

  • Changed logic for the following:

    • a. Number of children who have been served in Part C and referred to Part B for eligibility determination will include all students that meet the selection criteria.

    • f. Number of students included in a. but not included in b, c, d, or e. will no longer include Group 1 Total.

    • d. Number of children for whom parent refusal to provide consent caused delays in evaluation or initial services was updated to remove Other Delay and Parent Delay and to include the EIDelay codes in new fields EIEligDelay and EIIEPDelay:

      • PD: Parent Delay

      • SIA: Student Illness or Absence

      • PIA: Parent Illness/Absence

      • STILEA: Student transferred into LEA

      • STOLEA: Student transferred out of LEA

    • f. Number of students included in a. but not included in b, c, d, or e. the "f" was removed.

Please note that these reports will have to be unprocessed and processed again for the noted changes to display.


State Accommodations export S_AL_STU_StateAccommodations_C

The State Accommodations export will send the follow data from the State Accommodations profile to the SIS:

  • State ID

  • Profile_Created_On

  • ACAP Alt Date Det

  • Accommodation

  • ACAP Accommodations Keyword Selection

  • EL Will Not Part English Lang

  • School Year

  • Student Program Keyword Selection

  • ACAP Subject Keyword Selection


Export Reports S_AL_STU_ExitingStuData_X and S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X modified for Hispanic ethnicity

The following export reports will be modified to accurately report ethnicity/race for Hispanic:

  • Student Exiting export report - S_AL_STU_ExitingStuData_X

  • Post School Survey export report - S_AL_STU_PostSchoolSurvey_X

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