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SPSM-AL_23.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 18, 2023



Release Note


ACAP Testing Support

Made the following changes to the ACAP Testing Support document:

  • Merged Accessibility Supports and Accommodations and labelled as Accessibility Supports, Accommodations, or both, as only one of the two will be selected. Previously, these were listed separately.

  • Removed the check boxes for Accommodations and the label.

  • Renamed the assessment PreACT as PreACT Secure and added English as a new subject selection for PreACT Secure.

  • Added ALL as a selection under subjects for all assessment types so that staff can avoid adding each subject separately.

  • Added tooltip to the date fields DATE OF DETERMINATION and DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION.


Advanced Report - EI to Preschool Tracking Log

Made the following logic changes to the advance reports EI to PreSchool Tracking Log Summary and EI to PreSchool Tracking Log Snapshot Summary:

  • Percentage (%) of students was corrected to display 100% when field e = Yes. Previously, the report displayed greater than 100%.

  • Updated row d, Number of children for whom parent refusal to provide consent caused delays in evaluation or initial services to remove RDL delay code. The only codes displayed in row d are PD, SIA, PIA, STILEA, and STOLEA.

  • Updated row b, Number of those referred determined to be NOT eligible and whose eligibilities were determined before their third birthdays to include either not eligible or students with delay code RDL. Previously, row b displayed only the not eligible students.

These reports must be unprocessed and processed again for the noted changes to display.


AL Special Education Documents Transfers Will Now Stay in Final Status

Added a property to the following documents to stay in Final status when transferred and made a live document:

  • Referral - Referral for Evaluation

  • InitEvCons - Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation

  • ProvServ - Notice and Consent for the Provision of Services

  • NRCIE - Notice of Revocation of Consent for Initial Eval

  • NAITMC - Notice and Invitation / Consent for Agency Part

  • NotOfRefus - Notice of Proposal or Refusal to Take Action

  • FBABIP - Behavioral Intervention Plan

  • WABPPA - Written Agreement to Amend IEP

  • EligDec - Notice and Eligibility Decision

  • NotOfReEva - Notice and Consent for Reevaluation

  • ReDecision - Notice of IEP Team's Decision Regarding Reeval

  • IORWA - Initial or Reevaluation Written Agreement(s)

  • VisionSF - Vision Screening Form

  • HearingSF - Hearing Screening Form

  • OBSVFORM - Observation Form

  • ECAOEC - Environmental Cultural and/or Economic Concerns

  • SAAFP - Summary of Academic Achievement & Functional Perf

  • PostSchSur - Post-School Outcomes Survey

  • NRC12 - Notice of Revocation of Consent for Services

  • ACAP - Alternate Participation Decision-Making Tool

  • ACAPTSF - ACAP Testing Supports Form


AL Gifted Documents Transfers Will Now Stay in Final Status

Added a property to the following documents to stay in Final status when transferred and made a live document:

  • NPMFG - Notice of Proposed Meeting for Gifted

  • RFGS - Referral for Gifted Services

  • NotifCons - Notification and Consent for Gifted Screening

  • NGRSTD - Notification of Gifted Referral Screening Team Dec

  • GiftElig - Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination Form

  • NotifEligD - Notification of Eligibility Determination and Plac

  • NotEligDe - Notification of Eligibility Determination Team Dec

  • GEP - Gifted Education Plan

  • GEPAccom - Accommodations For Gifted Students in GenEd

  • GRASR - Gifted Record of Access to Student Records


Behavioral Intervention Plan

Made the grade level and school fields editable in the Functional Behavioral Assessment section. Once the document is finalized, a revision will be made to edit the grade level and school as necessary.


Description of Progress / Comments Field Is Added for Graph

  • Before this release, users could not enter the comments for Progress Monitoring (Graph) as the Comments field was unavailable.

  • Added a new field labelled Description of Progress / Comments. Hence, comments entered in the initial IEP will be copied using Progress Monitoring (Graph) in the revision.


Enrollment/Exit Reason Keyword Table

Added a keyword WB4 Transfer in State - Alabama Independent School to the Enrollment/Exit Reason keyword table with the InUse column set as Yes.


Gifted Documents - Staff Position

Made the Staff Position as a drop-down list on the following documents: 

  • Referral for Gifted Services Form

  • Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination Form

Previously, this was a textbox.

Added Gifted column to the StaffPositions keyword table and set as Yes for below existing staff positions:

  • School Counselor

  • Teacher – Gifted

  • Teacher - Regular

  • Teacher – Retired

  • Teacher – Virtual Program

  • Coordinator – Special Education

  • Administrator

  • Psychometrist

  • Other

Added the following three new staff positions with the Gifted column set as Yes:

  • P1322 Coordinator – Gifted Program

  • P1302 Principal

  • P1303 Principal - Assistant


Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination Form

Resolved an issue in the Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination form to update the responses of Yes or No in the Eligibility Decision field based on Column E value for Aptitude Tests Administered.

Previously, staff were allowed to select Yes in the Eligibility Decision field when the Column E value for Aptitude Tests Administered was No and documents were finalized without error.


Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination Form

Added a field labelled School Name in the header of the Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination document. The data flows from profile to document.


IEP - Transition Goal

On the IEP - Transition Goal section, the Date of Mastery field is now editable on documents created and finalized after this release.


IEP Document Student Profile (Continued) Section

Modified the Student Profile (Continued) section to always display the Transportation Needs checkboxes and make them optional. Previously, these fields were hidden until Yes was selected for the Does the student require transportation as a related service? checkbox.


Notice and Consent for Reevaluation

Resolved an issue where the document could not be finalized without the Consent, Signature, and Date of Signature fields. These fields become optional when the second attempt date and data are entered.


Notice and Eligibility Decision - Text Change

Changed text from affect to effect in the following question:

  • Does the disability have an adverse affect on educational performance?


Notice and Invitation to a Meeting / Consent for Agency Participation - Text Change

Corrected the spelling of assessment in the following statement:

  • The purpose of this meeting is to: > Develop Functional Behavioral Assessment Plan.


Notice of IEP Team's Decision Regarding Reeval

Added an insert icon to add additional attendees to the Notice of IEP Team's Decision Regarding Reevaluation document.


RecordOfAccessCategory Keyword Table

Made the following changes to the Record of Access to Student Records document:

  • Added a new keyword Category 7 Other.

  • Updated the column heading from Category 1-6 to Category 1-7.

  • Staff can now select option 7 for Other in Category 1-7.

  • Added 7 Other in the key at the top of the document.


Referral for Gifted Services

Updated the Referral for Gifted Services document to display the EL Status next to the following statement when it is selected:

  • Limited opportunity to acquire depth in English (English not spoken in home, transiency due to migrant employment of family, dialectical differences acting as a barrier to learning).


Revocation Documents - Removal of Draft Watermark

Removed the Draft watermark from displaying on the following documents when they are in draft status:

  • Notice of Revocation of Consent for Services

  • Notice of Revocation of Consent for Initial Eval


Section 504 - Plan

Made the grade level and school fields editable in the Section 504 - Plan document. Once the document is finalized, a revision will be made to edit the grade level and school as needed.


Student Profile

Updated the Is_IEP profile field calculation to include both Student Status and Status to display the IEP icon alert in the student profile when a student is active and eligible.

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