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SPSM-AL_24.2.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: February 19, 2023



Release Note


EI to Preschool Tracking Log Validation Report

Made the following changes to the EI to Preschool Tracking Log Validation report:

  • Added a new column named 10. The date of Initial Eligibility Determination can't be greater than the Date of Initial IEP Meeting date.

  • The new validation compares the dates of the Initial Eligibility Determination and the Initial IEP Meeting.

  • The column displays X if the Date of Initial Eligibility Determination is greater than the date in the Date of Initial IEP field on the Preschool Profile.

  • On Preschool and State Reporting profiles, the system validates if the Date of Initial Eligibility Determination is later than the Date of Initial IEP. The user will be displayed with a validation message to correct the dates.


Gifted Eligibility/Screening Determination Form

Resolved the issue causing the error to update the Gifted Eligibility based on the Column E value selected for the Aptitude Tests under Section I Automatic Eligibility.

The Eligibility Decision will be auto-selected as Yes if the student is eligible for 17 or higher points or meets Automatic Eligibility criteria.


Integration API - Student Class Roster

The Integration API URL in Alabama Student Class Roaster now includes a new variable, FIRST_DAY_OF_SCHOOL. The variable must be used on the API calls for integration.


Keyword Table Updates - EIDelays and EvalDelayRea

  • Updated the keyword tables EIDelays and EvalDelayRea used for tracking Early Intervention Delay and Reason.

  • Added the new keyword code IW with the description as Inclement Weather (5 consecutive days or more) to both tables.


Post School Student Report and Post School Student Snapshot Report

Updated the standard state report Post School Student Report and state snapshot report Post School Student Snapshot to show the LRE code assigned to the student.


Post-School Outcomes Survey

Made the following changes to the Post-School Outcomes Survey form:

  • Updated Post-School Outcome Survey form or document to validate if the Student has Exceptionality and LRE code to finalize this form.

  • If the Disability Code or LRE is missing, then on finalizing the form, the system displays a message indicating to the user that Exceptionality and LRE fields are required to finalize the document.

  • Once the Disability Coder and LRE fields are populated on the form, the form can be finalized.


Preschool Profile - Field Level Updates

  • In the Preschool profile field, EI services (under part C) less than 90 days will be set as Yes or No based on the student's date of birth and the Date letter of Notification from EI Received.

  • The system validates that field EI services (under part C) less than 90 days is set to Yes when the date in the Date letter of Notification from EI Received compared to the student's date of birth is less than 90 days and vice-versa.

  • The user will be displayed with a message to correct the selection of Yes or No, based on the validation if the Date letter of Notification from EI Received is within 90 days from the student's date of birth or beyond.

  • Added a similar validation to the Early Intervention to Preschool Transition Plan form to ensure correct data from the document is updated to the profile. The document updates the Preschool profile fields Date letter of Notification from EI Received and EI services (under part C) less than 90 days on finalization.


Preschool Profile and S_AL_STU_SpecEdProfile_X_2 SIS Export Report

Made the following changes to the Preschool Profile and S_AL_STU_SpecEdProfile_X_2 SIS export report:

  • Removed the fields labeled Date of Referral Signature from EI and Preschool Services Begin Date (3-5 yrs old) from the profile. All references updating these fields or using these fields are retired.

  • Renamed the label for fields Date of Initial Eligibility Determination (EI Only) and Date of Initial IEP Meeting (EI Only) as Date of Initial Eligibility Determination and Date of Initial IEP Meeting.

  • Removed the fields labeled Columns Date of Referral Signature from EI and Preschool Services Begin Date (3-5 yrs old) from S_AL_STU_SpecEdProfile_X_2 SIS Export Report.


State Accommodation Profile, ACAP Testing Support Form, and S_AL_STU_StateAccommodations_C SIS Export Report

Made the following changes so the system tracks multiple plans the student has on Profile, Document & the SIS Export report:

Report changes:

  • In the S_AL_STU_StateAccommodations_C report, the StudentHasPlan column is modified to show all student's plans.

  • The column on the report displays comma-separated values for the plans assigned to the student.

State Accommodation Profile Changes:

  • Users will be able to select more than one plan for the student. The user must select at least one.

ACAP Testing Support Form:

  • Users can select one or more plans from the given list.

  • Once the document is finalized, the State Accommodation profile will be updated with the plans selected for the student.

  • Updated the field label indicating multiple plan selections with an instructional note.


Students Evaluated Within Timeline Validation Report

Made the following changes to the Students Evaluated Within Timeline Validation report:

  • Added a new column named 5. Students with a Reason for Late Evaluation Code of Student transferred out of LEA or Parent Revoked Consent who display a Range of Day and should not.

  • The validation verifies if a range of days has been entered when the Reason for the late evaluation code is PRC- Parent Revoked Consent or STOLEA - Student transferred Out of LEA.

  • The column displays X when the Reason for late evaluation code is PRC - Parent Revoked Consent or STOLEA - Student transferred Out of LEA and a Range of Days has been entered.

  • On the Special Education & State Reporting profile, if The range of days is selected for either the Late Evaluation Reasons PRC - Parent Revoked Consent or STOLEA - Student transferred Out of LEA. The user will be displayed with a message indicating the Range of Days is not required for the given Reasons for Late Evaluation.


Transition Profile

  • Resolved the system behavior to update the Transition profile only when the IEP or IEP Amendment document for the student is finalized.

  • The Trannsion details from the IEP or IEP Amendment will only be updated on the Transition profile when the document is finalized. IEP or Amendment document with Transition details saved in Draft and Review status will not add the records to the student's Transition profile.

  • The system will remove the respective Transition profile records if any IEP or IEP Amendment document is deleted. This data cleanup will be achieved by auto-execution of an update script, scheduled daily. It ensures the details on the Transition profile are accurate to the available IEP or IEP amendment documents.


Transition Profile and Transition Verification Report

Made changes to ensure accurate details in the Transition Verification Report and Transition Profile:

  • Corrected the system behavior to clear the transition records from the profile if the IEP or IEP Amendment document that added records to the profile is deleted.

  • Added a new update script named Delete Transition while deleting the IEP.

  • When an IEP or IEP Amendment document is deleted, on the execution of the update script, the transition records added by the given deleted document will be removed. Thus, the profile only holds the transition records based on the student's existing finalized IEP or IEP Amendment documents.

  • The transition records will be cleared once the script is executed. The script is scheduled to execute every day to ensure the Transition profile holds only valid records.


Transition Profiles - Manual Edits Restricted

  • Updated the system to restrict manual updates to the Transition profile.

  • Users can only view the details of the Transition profile.

  • Users cannot add, edit, or delete the Transition profile records.


Update Script - Rollover SPP Reporting Globals

Made the following changes to the update scripts related to SPP Reporting:

  • The update script Rollover SPP Reporting Globals will no longer update the Globals, Post School Snapshot Options section details and will not clear the post-school snapshot.

  • Added a new update script named Rollover SPP Reporting Post School. Upon execution of this script, the Globals profile, Post School Snapshot Options section will reset the reporting date range as 04/01 to 09/01 of the year when the script is executed. Both dates will fall within the same year.

  • The script execution will also clear snapshot approved/taken information for post-school reporting. 

  • The script is scheduled to execute automatically on the 1st of February of every year.

  • For the year 2024, the script will be executed with the deployment of this release-version


ACAP Testing Support Form - Accommodations and Accessibility Supports

Updated the Accommodations and Accessibility Supports list for the ACAP Testing Support Form.

It involved updates to the keyword table ACAPAccommodations for descriptions of a few keywords and associating the keyword under Accommodations, Accessibility Support, or ELA categories for specific Assessments.

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