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Student Transfer

When one or more students are transferred to your school or district from another school or district that uses PowerSchool Special Program, the sending school or district can send you a Student Transfer Envelope. This Envelope contains the student's profiles and documents that you can import into your database. While the envelope contains documents as a PDF, the sender can also include "Live Documents" (working documents) if they use the same PowerSchool Special Programs model as your school or district.

The sender may send the student transfer envelope in one of the following ways:

  • Direct Database Method

  • Email Method

Refer to Transfer or Receive Students from a Sending School or District for more information on the two methods.

Schools and districts within Alabama send Student Transfer Envelopes using the Email Method.

Log in as a system administrator or staff member with the proper permissions to view the Transfer Notification message within the Unread Messages panel on the Home Page. The message notifies the recipient school or district of the transfer of a student's profile and documents and displays the name of the student, sending school and the district.


To add documents:

  1. Choose Administration, then Security.

  2. Click to expand Building Staff (Security Group Default).

  3. Click Transfer Notification (Security Group Default).

  4. Click Document Templates.

  5. In the Select Profile Type field, choose the profile type (for example, Students).

  6. In the Select Template Category field, choose the document type (for example, Individualized Education Program).

  7. Click the edit icon to modify Document-Wide View/Edit Rights. Click Save.

  8. Click the edit icon to modify Section-Wide View/Edit Rights. Click Save.

  9. To add and modify other documents, repeat steps 6 to 8.

Once the Transfer Notification security group is set up, add users to manage transfers to the Transfer Notification (Security Group Default).

To confirm whether the student transfer package will include profile sections:

  1. Choose Administration, then Configuration.

  2. Click Profile Types.

  3. Click the magnifier icon for Students.

  4. Click Section Properties.

  5. If Include Fields in Transfer Envelope is listed within Options, then the student transfer package will allow you to select sections to include. If Include Fields in Transfer Envelope is not listed within Options, click Edit Security, and then Security.

  6. Select Transfer Notification (Security Group Default).

  7. Click Accept.

To set up other users to receive the Student Transfer Envelope:

  1. Choose Administration, then Utilities.

  2. In the Data Utilities field, choose the profile type (for example, Students).

  3. From Select Utility, choose Receive Student Transfer Envelope.

  4. Click Set Receiving User.

  5. Enter Staff ID or click the lookup icon to select staff.

  6. Click Accept.

View a Transfer Notification Report

To view a list of all students transferred to your school or district if you have the proper security privileges.

  1. Choose Reporting, then Standard Reports.

  2. Click to expand Public General Ed Student Reports.

  3. Click Transferred Student Messages. To view this list on the Home Page, click Publish.

Transfer Notification Messages

General Student Profile Transfer Information

Since General Ed student information is integrated, you will be able to search for the student included in the notification. The General Student Profile contains Transfer Information collected when new students enroll from another district within AL. If the student has any Special Programs (like IEP, 504, Gifted, EL, RTI), document or profile data in another AL district, the following information will display on the General Ed student record. To view this information, click the profile icon of the student selected.

The next step is to import to the student table.

  • Search for the student General Education for the student that is mentioned in the notification.

  • View the profile for the transfer information to make sure you have selected the correct student.

  • To import the student's details into the student table, click Import . You can now search for the student in Student.

Students that do not have the 10-digit state ID number will not appear in the General Ed search within Special Programs until the enrollment record has been resolved in the student record in the SIS.

Request a Transfer Envelope

Since all districts within AL are hosted on the same server, it is recommended that you request a Transfer Envelope for a student if you have the proper security privileges.

  1. Choose Administration , then Utilities.

  2. In the Data Utilities field, choose the profile type (for example, Students).

  3. From Select Utility, choose Receive Student Transfer Envelope.

  4. Click Request Envelope.

  5. In the School/District field, choose the school or district where the student was previously enrolled.

  6. Specify the student's name, ID, and state ID within the Message Body field.

  7. Click Request Envelope.

Send a Transfer Envelope

To create and send a student transfer package if you have the proper security privileges.

  1. Choose Administration, then Utilities.

  2. In the Data Utilities field, select the Students profile type.

  3. In the Select Utility field, select Send Student Transfer Envelope.

    If this option is not listed, you are not authorized to use this feature.

  4. Enter the ID or click the lookup icon of the student in the Include Student IDs field. To select multiple students using a single formula, click Use Formula to Select Students. Enter a formula to specify the criteria of the profiles that you want to select.

  5. Click Create Student Transfer Envelope.

  6. Click Generate Student Packages:

    • To add students, click Setup, then Add More Students.

    • To delete the package, click Setup, then Delete Envelope.

      A student transfer package will have an envelope with the student's profile, documents, and any other information, that a receiving school or district can use to import the student's information.

  7. Select the sections you want to add from the Select Profile Section list. To confirm that pre-selected profile sections are included within the package, refer to Profile Sections.

  8. Select the document templates you want to add from the Select Document Templates list. To select and configure the document template options in the student transfer envelope, refer to Set Up Document Template Options.

  9. Select a range from Include Documents From Years for the documents you want to include.

  10. If you want to include only finalized documents, choose Yes for Include Only Final Documents.

  11. Choose how you want to name the package by selecting one of the following options:

    • Name

    • State ID

    • ID

  12. Click Generate Student Packages.

  13. Click Send Envelope To, and select Email Address.

  14. Enter Email Address.

  15. Click Send Envelope and then click OK.

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