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SPSM-CA_21.1.1.0 Release Notes

California Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-28214504 Meeting Notice and Invitation: Added Validations

Added the following validations in the 504 Meeting Notice and Invitation document:

  • The "Invitation Date" should default to the current date and will be editable.
  • The date in the "Meeting will be held on" field should be greater than the "Invitation Date" and one day less than a year from the "Invitation Date."
  • At least one name/title should be added to the Invitation document.
SPEDSM-34004504 Plan Behavior Option: Show Assessment

Improved usability of the Show Assessment behavior option. Eliminates confusion.

SPEDSM-35752Assessment Plan & Prior Written Notice > Prior Written Notice

Updated the Prior Written Notice section of the Assessment Plan & PWN so that the school field is now populated with the School of Attendance from the Student Profile.

SPEDSM-36821Assessment Plan & PWN > Assessment Plan: Evaluation area

Updated the error message which appears when the user does not select at least one Examiner Title for the selected Evaluation Areas.

SPEDSM-36618Assessment Plan & PWN: Assessment Plan status
  • Added two fields to Student Profile > Special Education > Initial Special Education Eligibility Milestones:
    • District Deemed Assessment not needed: This field will be selected in profile if "District Deems Assessment Not Needed" has been selected in the Prior Written Notice section of the Assessment Plan & PWN.
    • Student left district. Eligibility not completed: This field will be selected in profile if "Student left district. Eligibility not completed" has been selected in the Office Use Only area of the Assessment Plan Signature page of the Assessment Plan & PWN.
SPEDSM-36445Assessment Plan & PWN: Replacing (CEL-EL) with (CEP-EL) in Disproportionality Consideration section

Fixed the typo in the abbreviation of the word Comprehensive Evaluation Process for English Learners by replacing (CEL-EL) with (CEP-EL).

SPEDSM-36503Assessment Plan and PWN > Assessment plan signature page

Updated the following changes to the Assessment Plan Signature page:

  • Added validation to make the "Date Received by District" field a required field if the parent has selected any of the consent checkboxes.
  • All the fields are now optional if the "Student Left district, eligibility not completed" checkbox is selected in the Office Use Only section of the Assessment Plan Signature Page.
SPEDSM-36083Assessment Plan and PWN: Data flow

Updated the following changes in the Consent for Reeval and Consent for Reeval Date fields within Student Profile:

  • Assessment Plan & PWN information will now flow to the "Consent for Reeval" and "Consent for Reeval Date" fields.
  • The "Consent for Reeval" field will be populated based on the parent response in the Assessment Plan Signature Page > Office Use Only section.
  • The "Consent for Reeval Date" will be populated with the date in the Date Received field in the Office Use Only section of the Assessment Plan Signature Page if the parent response is 'Given'.
SPEDSM-37061CALPADS: Services file single record requirement

Modified CALPADS Service file (SSRV). This now complies with the DOE's latest rule to only report a single record for a service name, regardless of location.

SPEDSM-37125CALPADS > Multiple Modifications

Modified the following for CALPADS reporting:

  • Evaluation Delay Reason will report the last delay reason for a finalized IEP.
    Note: There are multiple delay reason fields.
    • 10 = Part B Initial Evaluation
    • 15 = Part C Initial Evaluation
    • 20 = Annual Education or Service Plan
    • 30 = Pending Initial Evaluation
    • 40 = Triennial Evaluation
  • General Ed Participation Range will report the appropriate number.
    • 1 = to or >80%
    • 2 = 40% to 79%
    • 3 = Less than 40%
  • Transportation: If the field is blank, CALPADS reporting will display an "N" for No.
SPEDDEV-16910CALPADS Error Report

Added a CALPADS Error report to PSSP > Reporting > CALPADS for the user's review when using the API.

SPEDSM-35795Evaluation Report > Eligibility Section text update

Updated the following text within the Eligibility Section of the Evaluation Report:
"The determining factor for the student's poor performance is not due to a lack of appropriate instruction in reading or match or the student's limited English proficiency. For the preschool-age student that determining factor for the student's poor performance is not due to lack of preschool pre-academics."
The new text is as follows:
"The student's educational needs are not primarily due to limited English proficiency; a lack of instruction in reading or mathematics or pre-academic instruction for preschool age students; temporary physical disabilities; social maladjustment; or environmental, cultural, or economic factors."

SPEDSM-28814IEP > Progress Report: Fixing formatting issues

Fixed the formatting issues in the Progress Report section of the IEP.

SPEDSM-35627IEP > Services > LRE Calculation

Modified the LRE calculation to create a new row when the Services Start date or Location (Environment) field changes. If the original date range is within the next record, it will combine these records to come up with a new total on the second row.

SPEDSM-36461IEP > Services: Updates to Supplemental Support

Added the ability to attach multiple files in the Supplemental Support Area within the Services section of the IEP.

SPEDSM-36815IEP > Signature and Parent Consent

Updated the IEP Meeting Participants area. The following titles will now appear in the "Role" field within the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP:

  • Administrator/Designee
  • General Education Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
SPEDSM-28077IEP > Signature and Parent Consent

Added the following validations in the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP:

  • The Student Participated (Applicable if student's age is 14 years or more) line will now be required only after the student turns 14.
  • A warning message will appear if the Signature Section is saved without the parent signatures completed.
  • A warning message will appear if the if IEP MEETING PARTICIPANTS section is blank.
SPEDSM-36057IEP > Special Factors: Update to English Learning/Language Development

Updated the following changes to the English Learning/Language Development section:

  • When the "Regular Classroom/Public Day School" and "Separate Classroom/Public School Site location" checkboxes appear, they are required fields and the user must select one of the two checkboxes.
  • The dropdown for "Designated English language development (dELD) will occur for the following approximate time" will now default to Daily and is editable.
SPEDSM-36485IEP > Transportation: Determining Transportation Eligibility

Updated the rule in the Transportation section within the IEP. A student will now be considered eligible and marked in profile as "Specialized Transportation Eligible" if at least one of the questions below is answered "Yes."

  • Does the student require transportation as a related service to the school of residence due to the severity of his/her disability (severe cognitive or physical disability)?
  • Does the student require transportation because the services required on the IEP are not available at the school of residence and student is placed at a site other than the school of residence by special education (example: low-incidence service, day treatment, separate school)?
  • Does the student require specialized transportation? (Bus to accommodate a wheelchair or prone position)
SPEDSM-32711IEP, IFSP, and Service Plan: Amendment date

Added the following validation to the amendment date field in IEP, IFSP, and Service Plan:

  • The Amendment date should always be greater than the Meeting Date.
SPEDSM-36170IFSP > Update to Disability Information
  • Updated the IFSP to make the Primary and Secondary disability fields editable irrespective of the availability of disability information or the purpose of the meeting.
  • Disability information will flow to the profile once the form is finalized.
SPEDSM-36858Interim Placement form: Data flow to profile on finalization

Updated the following changes to Student Profile:

  • Once the Interim Placement form is finalized, the Eligibility Status in Student Profile will be set as Eligible if the Student is no longer eligible for services as determined by the previous school district is not selected.
  • Once the Interim Placement form is finalized, the Eligibility Status in Student Profile will be set as Eligible if the Student is no longer eligible for services as determined by the previous school district is not selected.
  • The Specialized Transportation Eligible field in Student Profile will be set as Yes or No regardless of whether Transportation has been selected as Yes or No in the Interim Placement Form.
  • The Plan Type in the Student Profile will be set as Individualized Education Program on finalization of the Interim Placement form if the student is no longer eligible for services as determined by the previous school district is not selected.
SPEDSM-29087Interim Placement Form: Update to Initial textboxes

Updated the following changes to the Interim Placement Form:

  • The Initials text fields are now required if the corresponding checkbox is selected.
  • The Initials text fields will appear when printed even when blank.
SPEDSM-25183MeetingReasons keyword table

Updated the MeetingReasons keyword table to make it admin-editable.

SPEDSM-24786Prior Written Notice > Document Delivery: Print settings

Updated the Prior Written Notice document to not print the Document Delivery section.

SPEDSM-35682Section 504 Plan: Exit Date and Exit Reason
  • Added two new fields to the Section 504 Plan:
    • Exit Date
    • Exit Reason
  • Added two new fields to Student Profile > Section 504. These fields will be populated from the Exit Date and Exit Reason in the Section 504 Plan:
    • Exit Date
    • Exit Reason
SPEDSM-29126Section 504 Referral: Validation for Referral Date

Added validation to the Referral date field in the Section 504 Referral form. The Referral Date cannot be less than the date of birth of the student and cannot be a future date either.

SPEDSM-35767Services: Services dates (IEP and Interim Placement Form)

Added the following validations to the dates in the services area of the IEP and Interim Placement Form:

  • The Service start date should be equal to or greater than the Meeting date.
  • The Service start date should not be over 364 days from the meeting date for the IEP and should not be greater than 30 days from the Interim Placement Meeting Date for the Interim Placement Form.
  • The Service end date should be greater than the Service start date.
  • The Service end date must be no greater than 364 days from the meeting date for the IEP and should not be greater than 30 days from the Interim Placement Meeting Date for the Interim Placement Form.
SPEDSM-35806Services: Services dates (IFSP and Service Plan)

Added the following validations to the dates in the services area of the IFSP and Service Plan:

  • The Service start date should be equal to or greater than the Meeting date.
  • The Service start date should not be over 364 days from the meeting date.
  • The Service end date should be greater than the Service start date
  • The Service end date must be no greater than 364 days after the meeting date.
SPEDSM-36617Special Education > Referral

Added two fields within Student Profile > Special Education > Referral:

  • District Deemed Assessment not needed: This field will be selected in the profile if "District Deems Assessment Not Needed" has been selected in the IEP Referral form.
  • Student left district. Eligibility not completed: This field will be selected in the profile if "Student left district. Eligibility not completed" has been selected in the Office Use Only area of the IEP Referral form.
SPEDSM-37188Student Profile > Demographics: 504 Plan

Updated the 504 Plan field in the Demographics section of the Student Profile to not display the checkbox when in Edit mode. If the student has an active 504 plan, the checkbox will be selected and displayed in view/print mode.

SPEDSM-36462Student Profile: ESY Eligible and Specialized Transportation Eligible

Updated the ESY Eligible and Specialized Transportation Eligible field in the Disability Information area of the Special Education section to default to "No". This applies only to students whose profile was added new to Special Programs and will not apply to existing student profiles.

SPEDSM-35967Summary of Performance: Summary Of Performance Completed By field

Updated the Summary of Performance document by adding the non-lookup functionality for the SOP Completed By field.

SPEDSM-36444Tier 3 Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan

Updated the Tier 3 Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan by converting the short text fields to long stylized text fields.

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