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SPSM-CA_21.4.1.0 Release Notes

California Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-40767Assessment Plan & Prior Written Notice > Assessment Plan Signature Page
  • Updated the “Assessment Plan Signature Page” section of the Assessment Plan & Prior Written Notice to make the “Office Use Only” section mandatory except for the “The Student left district. Eligibility not completed” checkbox.
  • The Consent for Reeval Date in Student profile will be populated from the Assessment Plan Signature Page, then Office Use Only, and then Date Received field only when the “Assessment Type” is Triennial.
SPEDSM-27532Assessment Plan & Prior Written Notice Update
  • Updated the "Assessment Plan" Section of the Assessment Plan & Prior Written Notice not to print the Enclosures & text box and/or Attachment if blank or no file is attached.
  • Added a rule to populate the "Special Education Exit Date" field in the Student Profile with the Date of PWN and the Special Education Exit Reason with Returned to General Ed or No longer Eligible when:
    • The "District Deems Assessment Not Needed" is selected.
    • The “Assessment Type” is Initial in the Prior Written Notice section of the Assessment Plan & Prior Written Notice document.
SPEDSM-41094Assessment Plan & PWN and Evaluation Report Document Templates - Translation to Spanish

Updated the Assessment Plan & PWN and Evaluation Report document template to be translatable to Spanish.

SPEDSM-26039CALPADS > Post Secondary Status File Updates

Updated the Post-Secondary Status File in Standard Reports, then CALPADS to comply with the format and selection criteria provided by CALPADS.

SPEDSM-39719CALPADS Special Education Program File: Interim Placement Form

Added reporting of the transition question responses as N in the CALPADS Special Education Program File for students with an Interim Placement Form without an IEP.

SPEDDEV-18040CALPADS: Modifications
  • Modified CALPADS SE Program Export file to ensure it matches PowerSchool Special Program Report.
  • Disability #2 will report Code 200 when this field is blank.
  • The Transportation field will report N if blank.
  • Added the Export Integration Scripts to collect data for the PowerSchool SIS.
SPEDDEV-18356Data Integration: Student Import & Change Notification (Model)

Added data flow from PS SIS to PSSP for Overall Performance Level and Overall Proficiency Level.

SPEDSM-40848Evaluation Report > Student Information

Updated the Student Information section of the Evaluation Report to add the non-lookup functionality to the District of Residence field. This field is editable if the District of Residence field is not populated in Student Profile.

SPEDSM-41243IEP > Annual Goals and Objectives

Updated the Annual Goals and Objectives section of the IEP to make the baseline text box mandatory.

SPEDSM-39642IEP > Cover Sheet updates
  • Created a behavior option "ShowEligibleCheckboxes" to display or hide the "Not Eligible for Special Education" or "Existing from Sp. ED" checkbox.
  • When the behavior option is ON, the "Not eligible for Special Education" checkbox in the Cover Sheet will be auto selected if:
    • The Meeting Type is Part B Initial Evaluation, and Purpose of Meeting is Initial.
    • Student Profile, then Special Education. then Disability Information, and then Eligibility Status is Not Eligible.
  • When the behavior option is ON, the "Exiting Sp. ED" checkbox in the Cover Sheet will be auto selected if:
    • The Meeting Type is Triennial Evaluation, and the Purpose of the Meeting is Triennial.
    • Student Profile, then Special Education, then Disability Information, and then Eligibility Status is Not Eligible.
  • Added a comment text box under the two checkboxes that will only be displayed if the behavior option is ON.
  • When the behavior option is OFF, the "Not Eligible for Special Education" or "Exiting from Sp. ED" checkbox will not be displayed in the Cover Sheet.
SPEDSM-40924IEP > Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan

Updated the Positive Behavioral Intervention Plan section of the IEP to replace the word Impending with Impeding.

SPEDSM-42193IEP > Section Signature: No Parent Response or Final Attempt

Corrected the Signature page not to appear 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d on finalization when "No Parent Response" or "Final Attempt" checkbox is selected.

SPEDSM-41414IEP > Signature and Parent Consent
  • Added two new rows with the role hardcoded as Parent/Guardian in the IEP Meeting Participants area of the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP. The names of the parents'/guardians' marked as "Receives Letters" in the profile will be auto-populated and editable.
  • Added Lookup/Non-Lookup functionality to all the rows in the IEP Meeting Participants area where the roles have been hardcoded apart from the Parent/Guardian rows.
  • Added the functionality to override the role of the staff selected using the lookup option in the rapid repeater rows of the IEP Meeting Participants area.
SPEDSM-40769IEP > Signature and Parent Consent
  • Updated the IEP Meeting Participants area in the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP to replace the hardcoded role "Special Education Teacher" with "Education Specialist."
  • Added two new rows at the top of the IEP Meeting Participants area with the role hardcoded as Parent/Guardian. The Parent/Guardian name will be populated from the Student profile.
SPEDSM-39883IEP > Signature and Parent Consent
  • Updated the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP to display all questions as editable such as questions 1a-d and 2a-b when either one of the IEP, then Cover Page, and then "Not Eligible for Special Education" or "Existing from Sp. ED" checkbox is selected.
  • Removed the heading labeled "Eligibility" above the 2a-b checkboxes.
SPEDSM-40062IEP > Special Factors

Updated the Special Factors section of the IEP to display the message "Has the student taken CAST or CAA Science in high school? If taking CAST or CAA Science this year, please indicate in Assessment Type row" when:

  • The student is in grades 10,11,12.
  • CAST or CAA Science is not added in the assessment row.
SPEDSM-39529IEP and IFSP Document Templates - Translation to Spanish

Updated all the documents in the IEP and IFSP document template category to be translatable to Spanish.

SPEDSM-39526IEP Referral, ESY Eligibility, and SLD Eligibility Document Templates - Translation to Spanish

Updated the IEP Referral, ESY Eligibility, and SLD Eligibility document templates to be translatable to Spanish.

SPEDSM-41423IEP, Amendment - Refresh Original IEP Meeting Date
  • Created a new field labeled "Update meeting dates in amendments from the current profile value" in the Globals profile.
  • When the "Update meeting dates in amendments from the current profile value" field is selected, the Original Meeting Date in the amendment documents will be updated from the Student Profile, then Special Education, then Compliance Timelines, and then IEP Meeting date. If not selected, the Meeting Date in amendment documents will be populated from the Meeting date in the original document.
SPEDSM-41286IEP, Cover Sheet: Data flow for Last Eval and Next Eval
  • Updated the Cover Sheet to display the "LastEvaluation" field from the Student profile, then Disability Information, and then Eligibility Determination Date.
  • The "ReEvalDueDate" field in the Cover Sheet will be populated when the Student Profile, then Disability Information, and then Disability Status is either Eligible or blank.
SPEDSM-42682IEP, Educational Setting - PlacementEdSetting

Updated the PlacementEdSetting keyword table. The keyword table now reflects the community-based setting as InUse=No if the student's age is less than 3. This filter enables the proper drop-down for Ages 6-22 or Ages 3-5 for selection.

SPEDSM-41704IEP, Educational Setting - PlacementEdSetting

Updated the PlacementEdSetting keyword table. The keyword table now reflects the community-based setting as InUse=No if the student's age is less than 3. This filter enables the proper drop-down for Ages 6-22 or Ages 3-5 for selection.

SPEDSM-41585IEP: Data Flow from IEP Meeting Date to Student Profile, Initial Eligibility

Modified IEP data flow for the Initial Eligibility Date and the Initial Evaluation Consent Received Date to display IEP Meeting Date on finalization when the “Meeting Type” is Part B Initial Evaluation. It also applies to the ISP form.

SPEDDEV-16505Integration: Student Race

Modified the Student Race Import layout to download race from the PowerSchool SIS to PowerSchool Special Programs. This data will be downloaded into Race fields 1-5 in the required CALPADS order.

SPEDSM-41575Interim Placement Form (IPF): Data Flow
  • Modified several data flows to the IPF.
  • The following fields are editable on the Interim Placement Form only when the profile fields are blank on form creation:

    • Referral Date
    • Referred By
    • Initial IEP Meeting date
    • Initial Evaluation Consent Received date
    • Date of Initial IEP
    • IEP Consent date

    Note: Upon finalizing the form, the data flows back. If data exists, the above listed fields will be displayed in read-only mode.

SPEDSM-40453Interim Placement Form: Calculation of Annual Review Due Date

Updated the rule to set the Annual Review Due Date in the Student profile to 30 days after the Interim Placement Meeting date if the student's active document is an Interim Placement Form.

SPEDSM-38494Letters/Notices Document Templates - Translation to Spanish

Updated all the documents in the Letters/Notices document template category to be translatable to Spanish.

SPEDSM-39527Multiple Document Templates - Translation to Spanish

Updated the following document templates to be translatable to Spanish:

  • Service Plan
  • Manifestation Determination Review
  • Functional Behavioral Assessment
  • MDR IEP Team Meeting Notice
  • Summary of Performance
  • Electronic Signature Form
SPEDSM-42064Multiple Documents > PWN

Updated the Prior Written Notice section of multiple documents such as IEP, IFSP, Service Plan to make the "Date Notice of Procedural Safeguards was sent to parent" date field blank, editable, and mandatory.

SPEDSM-38430Multiple Documents: Meeting Delay

Updated the rule to replace the Calendar days with "In Session" days when calculating whether a meeting was delayed or not.

SPEDSM-39727Notice of Meeting
  • Added the "Administrator/Designee," "Student," "Case Manager," and "General Education Teacher" positions under the label of "We anticipate that the following members will also attend."
  • Added a stylized text box after Additional Attendees and before Parent/Guardian signature box labeled "Comments." This text box will not be printed if no text is entered.
  • Added the data flow from the Additional Participants text box to the Additional Participants text box in the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP.
SPEDSM-39525Section 504 Document Templates - Translation to Spanish

Updated all the documents in the Section 504 document template category to be translatable to Spanish.

SPEDSM-26294Section 504: Meeting Participants updates
  • Updated the Section 504 Eligibility and Section 504 Plan document to populate the Meeting Participants area from the Section 504 Meeting Notice and Invitation document.
  • The Meeting Participants area in Section 504 Eligibility and Section 504 Plan is editable.
SPEDSM-40768Student Profile : Clearing Eligibility Status

Updated the Eligibility Status field in the Student Profile to clear the current status of "Not Eligible" if a new Assessment Plan & Prior Written Notice document is finalized without selecting the "District Deems Assessment Not Needed and Prior Written Notice Sent" checkbox.

SPEDSM-36843Student Profile > All Services : Displaying Current Services
  • Added "Current Services Only" in the All Services section of the Student Profile. This area will display only the details of the services present in the active document.
  • A new row will be created in the All Services section when a service is modified in an amendment as it will have a new meeting date. If the document is not finalized but the service is modified, no row is added.
SPEDSM-40925Student Profile > CALPADS Summary : Special Education Meeting Type Code

Updated the CALPADS Summary section of the Student Profile to set the Special Education Meeting Type Code field as Annual Education or Service Plan Meeting when an Interim Placement Form is finalized.

SPEDSM-41603Student Profile > Special Education > Compliance Timelines: IEP Initiation Date

Updated the “IEP Initiation Date” field in the Special Education section of the Student Profile to populate with the earliest start date of the service present in the document.

SPEDSM-41413Student profile: CALPADS Post Secondary Statuses Section Update
  • Added a new section labeled "Post-Secondary Status" in the Student Profile. Multiple Post-Secondary Statuses can be added for a student in this section.
  • Removed the "Post-Secondary Employment" field from the CALPADS Post-Secondary section of the Student Profile.
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