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SPSM-CA_21.6.1.0 Release Notes

California Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-43807Assessment Plan & PWN > Assessment Plan Signature Page

Updated the Assessment Plan Signature Page section of the Assessment Plan & PWN to display the Office Use Only area only in Edit and View mode even if the Student left the district. The "Eligibility not completed" checkbox is selected.

SPEDSM-44190CALPADS > Student Special Education Program File: District of Special Ed Accountability

Updated the District of Special Ed Accountability field in the CALPADS Student Special Education Program File. The file will now populate with the ID of the Student's District of Residence.

SPEDSM-44470IEP > Cover Sheet

Updated the Cover Sheet section to make the checkboxes "Not eligible for Special Education" and "Exiting from Sp.Ed" editable when the "Type of Meeting" is Annual and when there is no disability mentioned in the profile.

SPEDSM-43205IEP > Services: Behavior Option for Service Provider
  • Created a behavior option ServiceProviderRequired for the field Service Provider within the Services section of the IEP to make it a required or optional field.
  • This behavior option will be disabled by default, and the Service Provider field will be optional. When the behavior option is enabled, the Service Provider field will be required.
SPEDSM-45834Interim Placement Form

Fixed an issue where the error message "Sorry, an error has occurred. Sending a report will help us correct any problem. Please complete the form below and click the "Send Report" button." would appear when the Interim Placement Date was empty.

SPEDSM-41908Multiple Documents > Services: Validations for Service Agency

Added the following validations for the Service Agency field in the Services section of multiple documents (IEP, IFSP, Service Plan, Interim Placement Form) to be compliant with CALPADS. 

  • The Service Agency WorkAbility I (WAI) (Code 200) or Transition Partnership Program (TPP) (Code 210) is applicable only for students whose age is at least 12 years.
  • The service agency Child development funded program (Code 240) is relevant only for students whose age is less than 13 years.
  • The service agency Head Start (Code 250) is applicable only for students whose age is less than six years.
  • The service agency Alcohol and drug prevention programs (Code 230) is relevant only for students whose age is at least two years.
  • The service agency California Children’s Services (CCS) (Code 310) is applicable only for students whose age is less than 21.

Note: A warning message will appear if an incorrect Service Agency is selected.

SPEDSM-45845Section 504 Plan: Behavior option for Consent to Implement
  • Updated the ShowConsent option to now have the following behaviors:
    • When ShowConsent is On: 
      • The section name in the flyout is titled "Consents/Meeting Participants."
      • The section will display both the Consent area checkboxes along with the Meeting Participants.
    • When ShowConsent is Off:
      • The section name in the flyout is titled "Meeting Participants."
      • The section will display only the Meeting Participants area.
SPEDSM-28616Student Profile > Document Delivery

Updated the Document Delivery section of the Student Profile to display the list of documents of the student along with the Document Date. The Document Date is the date the meeting was held for that specific document.

SPEDSM-42918Student Profile > Special Education: Initial IEP Days Late field

Updated the Initial IEP Days Late field in Student Profile to report the number of days late only when it is over 60 days between the Initial Eligibility Date and the Initial IEP Consent Date.

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