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SPSM-CA_21.7.1.0 Release Notes

California Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-45275IEP Amendment/Revision: Signature and Parent Consent section

Updated the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP Amendment/Revision. It will now prevent finalizing the document if the Signature and Parent Consent section is blank and all the required fields are not filled.

SPEDSM-44862IEP, Cover Sheet: Behavior Option ShowMigrant
  • Created a behavior option ShowMigrant for the field "Migrant" within the Cover Sheet.
  • The default setting for this behavior option will be "True," and the “Migrant” field will be displayed. The behavior option will need to be "False" to not display the “Migrant” field in the cover sheet.
SPEDSM-46045IEP: Cover Sheet and Signature and Parent Consent
  • Updated the Cover Sheet to disable the "Not Eligible for Special Education" and "Exiting Sp.Ed" checkboxes when the student is eligible and a disability is present in the Cover Sheet.
  • Updated the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP to disable the 2a and 2b checkboxes when the student is eligible and a disability is present in the Cover Sheet.

Updated the PLAAFP1 section of the IEP by enabling the "Describe the disability and how that affects involvement and progress in general curriculum (or for preschoolers, participation in appropriate activities)" textbox to be updated after the IEP is created.

SPEDSM-44594IEP: Services

Updated the Services section of the IEP to make the "In selecting Least Restrictive Environment, for each service option considered above, list the potential harmful effects (detrimental, negative, unfavorable, etc.) for the child or on the quality of services that he or she needs" textbox mandatory.

SPEDSM-46047IEP: Signature and Parent Consent

Updated the following changes to the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP when the student is not eligible or exiting from Special Education:

  • When the Meeting type is Initial:
    • Only the checkboxes 1a and 1c will be enabled in the Agreement area.
    • The 2a checkbox will be required when the user has chosen 1a in the Agreement area, and the 2b checkbox will be disabled.
    • The 2a and 2b checkboxes will be disabled when the user has chosen 1c in the Agreement area.
  • When Meeting Type is Triennial:
    • The 1a, 1b, and 1c checkboxes will be enabled in the Agreement area. The 1d checkbox will be disabled.
    • The 2b checkbox will be required when the user has chosen 1a in the Agreement area. The 2a checkbox will be disabled.
    • The 2a checkbox will be disabled, and the 2b checkbox will be optional when the user has selected either 1b or 1c in the Agreement area.
SPEDSM-45299IEP: Signature and Parent Consent

Updated the Signature and Parent Consent section of the IEP to make the Signature area mandatory when any one of the following Agreement options is selected:

  • 1a-1d
  • 2a-2b
SPEDSM-43195IEP: Special Factors
  • Updated the Special Factors section of the IEP to include the Physical Fitness Test in the Assessment Type drop-down list. The Physical Fitness Test will only be applicable for students in grades 5, 7, and 9.
  • Created an admin-editable keyword table PhysFitAccommodations, which contains the accommodations for the Physical Fitness Test.
SPEDSM-46006Interim Placement Form: Data flow to Student profile
  • Added the data flow from the "Parent Consent to the Initial Evaluation" field in the Interim Placement Form to the "Initial IEP Consent Date" field in the Student Profile if there is no value already present in the profile.
  • Added the data flow from the Original Special Ed Entry Date in the Interim Placement Form to the "Initial IEP Meeting Date" field in the Student Profile if there is no value already present in the profile.
SPEDSM-45535Keyword Table: Languages

Updated the Languages keyword table. This keyword table now matches the state code set with the correct code numbers for state reporting to be compliant.

SPEDSM-44338Multiple Documents: Secondary Disability

Added a rule to not display the Multiple Disabilities value in the Secondary Disability drop-down list in these places:

  • Evaluation Report
  • IEP
  • Interim Placement Form
  • Student profile
SPEDSM-41372Parent Acknowledgement and Consent to Bill Medi-Cal Insurance

Created a new form labeled "Acknowledgement and Consent to Bill Medi-Cal Insurance" under the Letters/Notices category of the document templates.

SPEDSM-44596Section 504 - Eligibility: ShowParentGuardian Behavior option

Updated the functionality of the behavior option "ShowParentGuardian" in Section 504 - Eligibility form to not display the following fields when the behavior option is turned off:

  • Parent/Guardian
  • Address
  • Home Phone
SPEDSM-38461Section 504 - Parent Consent for Evaluation: Adding a new section Uniform Authorization to use and/or exchange of information

Added a new section labeled "Uniform Authorization" to use and/or exchange information to the Section 504 - Parent Consent for Evaluation document. This section is not mandatory for finalizing the document.

SPEDSM-43762Service Plan for Parentally Placed Private School Students

Added a new field labeled "District Staff Completing Services Plan" with lookup/non-lookup functionality in the Service Plan. It will be a repeating row so that multiple staff names can be entered.

SPEDSM-44467Student Profile: Future dates to display only when student is not eligible

Updated the Special Education section of the Student profile to display a value in the following fields only when the student is eligible:

  • Reeval Due Date
  • Assessment Plan Due Date
  • Annual review Due Date
SPEDSM-46003Student Profile: Revocation of Consent Date
  • Updated the data flow to the "Revocation of Consent Date" field in the Special Education section of the Student Profile to clear the date in the field when the parent changes the consent from "I Withdraw" to "I Give Consent" or "I prefer to discuss" in the Assessment Plan Signature Page
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