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SPSM-CA_21.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 30, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-49702Assessment Plan: Initial Meeting Type

Modified “District Deems Assessment Not needed” rule. If it is checked for a Meeting Type = Initial, it would only select this checkbox in Profile. The Eligibility Status will be blank.

SPEDSM-49957Assessment Plan: Triennial and Other Meeting Types

Updated the following changes to the Assessment plan document:

  • Modified the "Update Eligibility Status DD is empty" rule to not affect the Profile, Eligibility Status field.
  • Modified the "District Deems Assessment Not Needed and Prior Written Notice" checkbox to prohibit selection for Triennials. If the user selects this checkbox before the Meeting type, this field will be cleared.
  • Other meeting types will only update the "District Deems Assessment Not Needed and Prior Written Notice" in the Student Profile if selected. If not selected it will clear the profile if it exists once finalized.
SPEDSM-49505Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) State Reporting 21-22

Updated the following changes to the DRDP form:

  • Updated the Profile, State Reporting - DRDP with the latest changes for the academic year 2021-22. 
  • Modified the following sections:
    • Reporting
    • Standard
    • DRDP: Spring & Fall Formats (2)
SPEDSM-48507eSignature: Authorization for Use and/or Disclosure of Information

Added eSignature to these forms.

SPEDSM-45573eSignature: IEP and Assessment Plan

Added eSignature to these forms.

SPEDSM-48501eSignature: Individual Service Plan Notice of Meeting

Added eSignature to this form.

SPEDSM-46571eSignature: Interim Placement Form

Added eSignature to this form.

SPEDSM-45578eSignature: IEP Excusal and Manifestation Determination Team IEP Meeting Notice

Added eSignature to these forms.

SPEDSM-46568eSignature: Notice of Meeting and Evaluation Report

Added eSignature to these forms.

SPEDSM-48506eSignature: Section 504 Eligibility and Electronic Signature Forms

Added eSignature to these forms.

SPEDSM-45156eSignature: Section 504 Plan and 504 Consent to Evaluate

Added eSignature to these forms.

SPEDSM-45575eSignature: Service Plan for Parentally Placed Private School Student

Added eSignature to this form.

SPEDSM-45574eSignature: SLD Eligibility

Added eSignature to this form.

SPEDSM-45576eSignature: Transfer of Rights and IEP Amendment Form

Added eSignature to these forms.

SPEDSM-48509eSignature: Written Notice/Consent for Evaluation (504)

Added eSignature to this form.

SPEDSM-49411General Education Students:

Modified the download of newly enrolled students as they would not appear in the General Ed Students selection.

SPEDSM-49698IEP, Cover Page - Eligibility Status

Modified the IEP form to enable this field and also update the form to reflect a change of “Not Eligible” to “Eligible” from Profile.

SPEDSM-42402IEP, Goal & Progress Area
  • Updated to display the goal number and subject next to each Annual Goals & Objectives section on the top of the page.
  • Added this enhancement to the Progress Reporting.
SPEDSM-44593IEP, IEP at a Glance: Extended School Year (ESY)

Removed the ESY Least Restrictive Environment area from the IEP at a Glance section.

SPEDSM-45720IEP, Services - Separated Extended School Year (ESY) and Transportation

Modified the Services section to create separate blocks on the page for ESY and Transportation to make it easier to read.

SPEDSM-47062IEP, Services, Delivery text box
  • Moved the two textboxes from the right of Location (Environment) labeled as "List Area(s) of Need.." and "Describe what.." to a second row within each service block. It will increase the textbox size. 
  • Added a stylized textbox with Insert Statement capability.
SPEDSM-47155IEP, Signature & Parent Consent: No Parent Response

Moved the "No Parent Response" checkbox under the line "IEP not completed due to time constraints. - I have received a copy of the IEP" on the IEP signature page.

SPEDSM-48444IEP, Signature Page - 2a, 2b
  • Modified the Signature page to disable 2a and 2b checkboxes when a student is not eligible or exiting from SPED and Meeting Type is Initial, and when the user has chosen 1c checkbox (Do not consent) in the Agreement area within the IEP.
  • Disabled 2a checkbox when the student is not eligible or exiting from Special Education, and meeting type is Triennial. The 2b checkbox will be optional when the user has selected either 1b or 1c checkbox in the Agreement area within the IEP.
SPEDSM-46068IEP, Signature Page - Signature to authorize and confirm

Updated to restrict the user from selecting multiple checkboxes labeled Parent, Guardian, Surrogate, Adult Student within the Signature page. Users can now select only one checkbox at a time.

SPEDSM-48331IEP, Special Factors & Section 504 - Accommodation changes 2021

Created 2021-22 version of IEP, Special Factors, Assessment Type = Smarter Balanced (SBAC) for accommodations with changes to Universal Tools, Designed Supports, Accommodations (see pages 36, 37). Refer Smarter Balanced page for more details.

According to various manual dates, there were no changes to CAST (2017), CSA (2018), ELPAC (2019).

SPEDSM-48411IEP, Special Factors - Physical Fitness Test change
  • Removed the redundant red text.
  • Removed the specific grade requirement rule.
SPEDSM-47751Interim Placement Form - Student no longer eligible

Made the following modification to the Interim Placement form:

  • Updated to revert the Primary Disability Category field to (None).
  • Updated to reset the Disability description textbox to optional.
  • Cleared the "IEP End Date" field on the profile.
  • Cleared the "Reeval Due Date" field on the profile.
SPEDSM-47419Profile, Student: Initial IEP Days Late

Modified the Initial IEP Days late field to first check the Initial IEP Consent Date > 60 days + Date Initial Evaluation Consent Received date. If it is greater than 60, it will populate the number of extra days after 60 days in the Initial IEP days late field.

SPEDSM-48510Section 504 Consent for Evaluation - Uniform Authorization
  • Modified the paragraph from "This authorization shall become effective…." to include a space and a date field. 
  • Added a carriage return for the last sentence, "If I do not sign this form…."
SPEDSM-46163Section 504 Plan: Participation in State/District Wide Assessments
  • Added a new behavior option to enable participation in state/district assessments on the Section 504 form. This new option, ShowAssessments, is disabled by default.
    Note: A system administrator can enable this option for your district.
  • The “Participation in State/District-Wide Assessments Programs” is now in its own section ahead of Team Members and matches the IEP.
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