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SPSM-CA_22.1.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: February 4, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-55992Assessment Plan - Signature line missing

Modified the signature line on the Assessment Plan Signature section to display before the date field.

SPEDSM-54884CALPADS: Triennial Delay Reason records

Updated Education Plan Type Code = 100 (IEP) or 200 (ISP) with a Special Education Meeting Type Code = 40 (Triennial), and a required delay reason code to be reported with the 40 (Triennial Record) NOT 20 (Annual).
Note: The profile displays the delay reason code on both records, but the CALPADS report only indicates the delay code appropriately on the Triennial Record (40).

SPEDSM-48156Form creation restrictions

Added the following rules to assist the district in maintaining accurate data:

  • Do not allow a user to create any forms when the Profile, Demographic, Enrollment Information, Enrollment Start Date field is blank for forms IPF, IEP, ER, IEP, 504). 
    Message for User: This student does not have an Enrollment Start Date, forms cannot be created until this is corrected.
  • Do not allow a user to create any forms if the Enrollment End date is not blank and the Enrollment Start Date is less than the Enrollment End date. 
    Message for User: The student's enrollment is not correct. The enrollment start date is greater than the enrollment end date, which should be blank for returning students. Forms cannot be created until this is corrected.
SPEDSM-53960IEP, Service Plan and IFSP - Services Section: Rule for single service

Regardless of service type, any service will generate the following message:
Cannot have two services with the same Service, Start Date, End Date, and Location (Environment) under Special Education and Related Services.

SPEDSM-50768IEP, Signature and Parent Consent - text change

Changed the text under Graduation in the Signature and Parent Consent section. The text now displays as Graduation from high school by meeting {School} course requirements and proficiency standards constitutes a change in placement. A student's right to a free appropriate public education terminates upon graduation with a regular high school diploma or upon reaching the maximum age eligibility (22) for a free appropriate public education under Section 56026.

SPEDSM-52217IEP, Signature and Parent Consent restricted

Modified finalization for the last signature and type of signer to be restricted if the fields are not complete.

SPEDSM-56132IEP, Signature Page - 1a-d messages appearing in error

Updated all of the following rules on this page for accuracy:

  • Require 1a-d unless request Additional Time, Time constraints, and No Parent Response is selected.
  • No Parent Response disables 1a-d, 2a,b, ability to select Additional Time and Time Constraints in error.
  • Amendment form where Amendment agreed by parent & district will not require selection of 1a-d.
  • The signature at the bottom requires a name to be entered in the text box and person type to pass validation.
SPEDSM-56517Interium Placement Form - Disabilities
  • Updated to allow two disabilities to be selected on the IPF form when the Profile, Eligibility Status is blank. 
  • Suppressed printing the title, Secondary Disability on the form when the field is blank.
SPEDSM-54529Notice of Meeting - Parent Response checkboxes

Updated parent response checkboxes to be required before they are submitted as signed.

SPEDSM-56045Notice of Meeting - signature line

Modified the Notice of Meeting Parent/Guardian/Adult Student field to display a signature line before the date field.

SPEDSM-53405Progress Reporting

Made the following changes on the Progress Reporting page:

  • Added a new row labeled Current Grade. It will default to the student’s current grade, and user can change the grade from the following dropdown if needed. 
  • Only columns with a progress date indicated will print.
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