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SPSM-CA_22.11.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: November 16, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-71469Eligibility Team Report Description Dataflow to Profile

Modified data flow in the Evaluation Report, Eligibility section, Basis for Eligibility Determination field. A description will flow from the form to the student's profile even when staff does not have direct security access.

SPEDSM-72073IEP, Signature Page, IEP Team Participants Signature Text Box

Enabled the text box in IEP Team Participants to display whether the digital signature is enabled or not.

SPEDSM-72064Notice of Meeting and Assessment Plan Modifications
  • The error message that would appear in the Assessment plan document will disappear when saving the changes. Users can now select one consent.

  • Updated the Notice of Meeting document to restrict the user's choice to select only one answer for a meeting response.
SPEDSM-73308Execution of Profile Update Scripts Causes Exception
  • On executing profile update scripts, displays exception. It is a known issue and platform-dependent.
  • This issue will be fixed in a subsequent release.
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