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SPSM-CA_22.12.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: December 16, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-72158IEP, Special Factors, Participation in Statewide Assessment Accommodations 2022-23 Update (Regulatory)

Updated the STSE keyword table to match the latest DOE version for selection on the IEP. The keyword table is now admin editable.

SPEDSM-71618AckMediCal, Date Fields for Signature Should Be Editable

Added calendar control for the Date field next to the Signature. The date field is now editable; staff can enter a date before sending the document for Digital Signature. Once the document is digitally signed, the system displays both dates if they are different (one entered by staff and the other digitally signed by the parent).

SPEDSM-71696Service Plan, Signature Page - Parent Name or Date

Modified the parent signature area at the bottom of the Service Plan by adding a textbox for Signature and calendar control for the Date field. Parent/Guardian information will be auto-populated based on the student's contact information in Demographics. It is applicable when Digital Signature = On or Off.


IEP, Bulk Printing the IEP at a Glance Section – Failing With Google Chrome

Users can now complete bulk printing of the IEP at a Glance section of the IEP document in google chrome without any errors.


Section 504 Eligibility Form: In Participant Signatures - Date and Signature Information Are Not Saved

Updated the Section 504 Eligibility form so that it saves the following information in the Participant Signatures area when the user click Save, Done Editing:

  • Date
  • Signature
SPEDSM-71692AckMediCal: Document With Missing Text and a Typo
  • Added the missing text to the Voluntary Consent. The text now appears: Your consent to access public benefits if your child is enrolled in Medi-Cal is voluntary and can be revoked at any time. If you decide to revoke consent, the revocation is not retroactive (i.e. It does not negate any billing that occurred after consent was given and before it was revoked).
  • Fixed a typo in the Third-Party Insurer row. The text now appears: As was authorized when you signed your application for Medi-Cal coverage, If your child is enrolled in Medi-Cal and is also covered by a third-party insurer, the Department of Health Care Services may attempt to recover third party liability.
SPEDSM-74851Notice of Meeting: Information for DistofEnrollment Does Not Auto-Populate 

It is a known limitation. 
As a workaround, users can perform the following:
Enter the details in the Time Begin and End fields to avoid errors and to ensure staff details such as Title, Phone, and Email are auto-populated from the Staff Profile.

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