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SPSM-CA_22.2.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: March 4, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-57418Assessment Plan, Signature Page
  • Updated to display error messages for required fields when a form is in draft, review, or final status. This update will not stop a district from sending the form through Digital Signature.
  • Digital Signature will no longer enable the Submit button unless all required fields are completed.
SPEDSM-56732Data Integration record for special education (144) records

Updated the CALPADS Records from Profiles script to add and update the CALPADS Record within Student Profile. This script enables data to be sent to PowerSchool SIS and includes the program code = 144, Special Education Exit Date, and SE Exit Reason.

Users can locate the script using the following path -Administration, Configuration, Profile Types, Update Scripts, and then Update CALPADS Records from Profiles.

SPEDSM-53406Delay Reason Warning Message

Changed the warning message: Meeting date is greater than 60 calendar days from Initial Evaluation Consent Date. The meeting should occur within 60 calendar days from parental consent. A Meeting Delay Code is required.

SPEDSM-56133Evaluation Report, Eligibility section
  • The Evaluation Report will no longer update the Profile, Special Education, Eligibility Status to "Not Eligible" when the Eligibility section is not included in this form upon finalization.
  • An updated script can be run separately upon district approval.
SPEDSM-56802Evaluation Report, Most Recent Reevaluation Date

Modified the Evaluation Report to no longer update the student’s profile, Most Recent Reevaluation Date field, with the evaluator’s signature date when the form is finalized.

The rules to update Most Recent Reevaluation Date field are in place.

SPEDSM-57417Evaluation Report, Signature Page
  • Updated to display error messages for required fields when a form is in draft, review, or final status. This update will not stop a district from sending the form through Digital Signature.
  • Digital Signature will no longer enable the Submit button unless all required fields are completed.
SPEDSM-55823IEP, Amendment, Signature Page agreement

An amended Initial IEP will now update Profile, Special Education, Initial IEP Consent Date with the IEP amendment meeting date, and select the Given checkbox under CONSENT when the signature page indicates "X Amendment agreed between Annual Review meetings without a new IEP" and the profile field is empty.

Process Followed:

  1. Created an Initial IEP and requested for Parent/Guardian signature. The parent did not respond.
  2. Created an Amended form and requested for Parent/Guardian signature. Parents sign the amended form, and data flows to the profile.
SPEDSM-58063IEP, Signature and Parent Consent Section: Revision error message

Fixed an issue on the Signature page when checkboxes like "Amendment agreed by parent…" and "A P/G requests additional time…" were selected simultaneously.

SPEDSM-54523IEP, Signature Page - Digital Signature initials

Initials entered during Digital Signing will now appear in the PDF.

SPEDSM-57400IEP, Signature Page - Error Messages
  • Updated to display error messages for required fields when a form is in draft, review, or final status. This update will not stop a district from sending the form through Digital Signature.
  • Digital Signature will no longer enable the Submit button unless all required fields are completed.
  • Added Initials text boxes and date fields to display in Draft, Review, and Final status.
  • Signature fields 1a-d, 2a, b will be required in Digital Signature to ensure form completion.
  • Edit Parent’s Response is used for staff access to indicate No Parent Response when needed.
SPEDSM-56956IFSP, Removal of blank Referral Date restriction
  • Removed the requirement that a referral date must be in the student's profile before creating an IFSP form.
  • A warning message will appear if the Referral Date field is blank in Draft, Review, or Final status.
SPEDSM-55824Interim Placement Form - Profile, Eligibility Determination Date

A finalized Interim Placement form will only update the Profile, Special Education, Eligibility Determination Date, and Status when the Eligibility Determination Date field is blank or the form indicates a later date.

SPEDSM-28260Interim Placement Profile and Workflow
  • Added a new profile field labeled Interim Placement Form Date.
  • Added workflow rule when an Interim Placement Form is finalized.
SPEDSM-57162Profile, Eligibility Determination Date script

Created a script to look at the latest finalized IPF, ETR, or IEP documents to update the Eligibility Determination Date field.

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