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SPSM-CA_22.3.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: April 5, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-54956CALPADS 504 Programs
  • Added the ability to update the CALPADS Program Eligibility records for Section 504 (101) and Special Ed (144) to be sent to PowerSchool SIS. 
    Profile Type, Update Script, "Update CALPADS Records from Profiles" will populate the PowerSchool Special Programs Profile, CALPADS Records. Reporting, PowerSchool Export, S_CA_STU_CALPADSPrograms_C uploads data to PowerSchool SIS. The following fields are included:
    • Education Program Code = 101 (Section 504 Accommodation Plan)
    • Membership Category = 1 (Eligible) | Profile Section 504 field= Five04Eligibility = Yes
    • Education Program Membership Start Date | Profile Section 504 field= Five04EffectiveStart
    • Education Program Membership End Date = | Profile Section 504 field = Blank or ExitDate504
SPEDSM-57296Data Integration, Student Contacts

Modified the update script "COPY_STUDENT_CONTACTS_INTO_STUDENTS" to eliminate an error.

SPEDSM-52013Disable IEP creation when Referral or Assessment Plan does not exist

Created a new rule to stop IEP creation when a Referral, Assessment Plan, or both have not been finalized.
The following error message appears for the users: The Individualized Education Program cannot be created because of the following reason(s): IEP Referral and /or Assessment Plan documents must be completed or finalized – including the Plan signature page, before creating the Initial IEP document.

SPEDSM-58743IEP warning messages
  • Updated the system to display warning messages (at the draft, review, and final status) when required fields are not completed.
  • Removed the requirement to stop processing if a required field was not completed.
  • Updated to disable the digital signature Submit button when a required field is not completed.
SPEDSM-59086IEP, Educational Setting - Age 5 Federal Setting Amendment

Modified the IEP amendment process for students transitioning to Age 5 and Grade = Kindergarten to calculate the age at the amendment meeting date to determine the proper federal setting. A warning message will now appear if an early childhood setting is displayed for those students.

SPEDSM-47707IEP, ESY - Services

Added a rule to stop IEP finalization when ESY services exist, but in the ESY section, ESY question is blank or answered No. And, the following message appears for users: The student is not ESY. Remove the service or correct the ESY section.

SPEDSM-48516IEP, IEP At a Glance - Supplemental Assessments

Added Supplemental Support Assessment questions and hours per week to the IEP at a Glance report.

SPEDSM-54660IEP, Signature Page

Updated the following changes to the Signature page:

  • Added new text boxes for Comments, Signature, and Parent Signature lines. 
  • Added Date controls for signature rows.
SPEDSM-56296IEP, Signature Page - No Parent Response

Modified digital security to enable the following checkboxes to be available when "Edit Signers Response" has been selected:

  • No Parent Response
  • Final Attempt
SPEDSM-54668IEP, Special Factors - Assessment changes 2021
  • IEP, Special Factors, English Learner/Language Development: 
    • Added new statement when English Learner response is Yes. 
    • If Yes, the student is dual Identified as EL and will take the ELPAC Initial and Summative or Alternate Assessment "Transition Kindergarten to Age 22."
  • IEP, Participation in State/District-Wide Assessment Programs:
    • Added additional text "Transition Kindergarten - Age 22 (if applicable)" when the answer to question B is Yes.
  • Participation in State/District-Wide Assessment Programs:
    • Modified title to include ELPAC: Indicate student's participation in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, CAASPP and ELPAC below:
  • Other State-Wide/District-Wide Assessments:
    • Removed the text "State-Wide" from the checkbox labeled "Other..(Accommodations/Modifications)." The checkbox and text box remain the same.
    • Added stylized text with an insert statement capability.
SPEDSM-57479IFSP, Disability

Enabled the Primary and Secondary Disability drop-down lists when the purpose is Initial or Interim.

SPEDSM-55994Interim Placement Form - Age 5 Federal Setting Amendment

Modified the IPF amendment process for students transitioning to Age 5 and Grade = Kindergarten to calculate the age at the amendment meeting date to determine the proper federal setting. A warning message will now appear if an early childhood setting is displayed for those students.

SPEDSM-55825Interim Placement Form - Disabilities

Enabled the Disability 1 and Disability 2 drop-down lists on the IPF form, even if the Student's Profile indicates Not Eligible, as this could be from a previous evaluation. The form cannot be finalized when a disability is blank and "Student no longer eligible for services as determined by previous school district" is not indicated on the IPF form.

SPEDSM-56807Interim Placement Form, Signature Section: Signer title

Added rule to IPF to prevent finalization for missing signatures. The Signer title is mandatory to prevent the user from submitting the document for finalization.

SPEDSM-54152Prior Written Notice Revocation: Annual Review due date & IEP End Date

Modified the Student's Profile to not display future due dates for the IEP End Date and Reevaluation Due Date fields when a Prior Written Notice for Revocation is completed for the following documents:

  • Prior Written Notice
  • Individualized Education Program [IEP]
  • Service Plan for Parentally Placed Pvt Sch Student [ISPPSS]
  • Individualized Family Service Plan [IFSP]
SPEDSM-57069Service Plan for Parentally Placed Private School Student - Federal Setting filters

Added additional filters to stop user errors as follows:

  • Do not allow an ISPPSS document to be created for students under age 2 or over age 22.
  • Filters for ISPPSS School-Aged (ages 5 to 22 and Grade K-12):
    • Codes displays in the drop-down list: 200,300,301,400,401,402,403, 500
    • Code 200 (Home) should only display for students under age 7.
    • Do not display Code 203 (Separate Class) and 204 (Service Provider Location).
  • Filters for ISPPSS, Preschool (ages 3 to 5, Grade PK):
    • Only display Codes: 200, 201, 203, 204, 300, 301,103
  • Filter for School (age 5 and Kindergarten)
    • Do not display Codes for students Age 5 and Grade = Kindergarten - 401, 402, 403, 500
  • Age 5, Grade = Kindergarten
    • Regular E/C codes (4) no longer appear in a brand new IEP when they are indicated as "No" in the keyword table, Federal Settings, and prior IEP has blank Fed Setting. User should select 400 (Active code) when blank.
    • Section Action: When the student is in Kindergarten and Regular Early Childhood is displayed in the (5-22) drop-down list, the user must select a school-age setting.
    • Displays a message "Please select the proper Age 5-22 Federal Setting as the student's age/grade has changed." when a preschool code is selected in error for Age 5, Kindergarten student.
SPEDSM-57157Student Display
  • Removed the HAS FLAG implemented last month. 
  • Added a new behavior option DoNotDisplayExitedStudent+s+ set to false. It returns student display as it was (only removes students that have left the district). 
    • When the user sets this option to True, it will remove the display of students exiting the district and those with an Exit Date in a Profile of Special Education, or Section 504, or RTI. 
      Note: The removal happens the day after the Profile, Exit Date.

Note to Administrator: You can check out this new option for your district.

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