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SPSM-CA_22.4.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: April 29, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-59421Assessment Plan Message
  • Updated the error messages on the Assessment Plan document:
    • When the answer to the question "Are all areas of suspected disability addressed in this plan?" is blank, the error message appears as "Select a checkbox for the Suspected Disability question after setting the form to final."
    • When the answer to the question "Do you, the parent/guardian, have any prior assessments (completed within the last year)?" is blank, the error message appears as "Select a checkbox for the Prior Assessments question after setting the form to final."
  • Users must select an option to add "after setting the form to final" as requested.
SPEDSM-59724CALPADS: No Longer Eligible during a Triennial
  • Updated the Triennial IEP to include the following two records in the CALPADS Program record:
    • One with meeting type Triennial (40)
    • One Annual (20)
  • When a student is "No longer Eligible for Special Ed" during their Triennial IEP Evaluation, the exit date and exit reason will appear with the Annual (20) CALPADS record.
SPEDSM-60032Evaluation Report, Last Evaluation Date

Modified the Evaluation Report to not delete or overwrite the Most Recent Evaluation date with a blank field when the meeting date field is empty.

SPEDSM-56809IEP, Cover Page - Triennials do not have Amendments
  • Modified the Original IEP. When user selects the meeting type = Triennial Evaluation and purpose of the meeting is Amendment. The error message appears as "Triennial Meetings (40) do not have amendments. The amendment is only for the Annual (20) portion of the meeting."
  • If a revision IEP is created, meeting type = Triennial Evaluation and the purpose of the meeting is Amendment, the error message is not displayed.
SPEDSM-59715IEP, Exited student, Annual Review Due Date, Reeval Due and Case Carrier

Removed profile dates for the following fields when a student’s Eligibility status is Not Eligible or the student has left the district:

  • Annual Review Due Date
  • Re Eval Due Date
  • IEP End Date
  • Case Carrier
SPEDSM-59664IEP, Goals & Objectives text

Modified the Annual Goals and Objectives section to remove data overlap in the Goal Number field. The system was expecting a number only, not a number and text.

SPEDSM-58976IEP, Initial meeting date data flow
  • Updated the ability of the following fields in the student profile for an amendment when an initial IEP is finalized and the profile is blank, dependent on a new platform release:
    • IEP Meeting Date → EligDetermDate → Eligibility Determination Date
    • IEP Meeting Date → InitEligibilityDate → Initial Eligibility Date
    • IEP Meeting Date → InitIEPConsentDate → Initial IEP Consent Date
  • The data flow to the student's profile can be restricted until the development releases a new feature.
SPEDSM-47196IEP, PLAAFP1 - Describe Disability

Modified the IEP, Individualized Education Program (PLAAFP 1) section, field labeled "DescribeDisabilityText" to be updated from the profile field. The field is now in read-only mode on the cover page so that it can be updated or cleared depending on the profile record.

SPEDSM-59938IEP, Referral Date

Modified the ReferralDate field properties to bypassing profile security when staff finalized the document.

SPEDSM-55575IEP, Special Factors - Accommodation Changes

Added a new column in Standard Assessment to Keyword = StateAssessments to define the difference between CAA (Alternate Assessments) and Standard Assessments to display the appropriate drop-down list.

SPEDSM-60627IFSP - Interim

Updated the IFSP form for date data entry when the meeting purpose is Initial or Interim.

SPEDSM-56036Section 504 Plan, State/District Assessments
  • Added a new Behavior Option = RestrictAlternateAssessment.
  • Program defaults to False (program will continue to work as it does now, with no restrictions).
  • If an Admin changes to True, the program will restrict Alternate Assessment types in the drop-down as follows:
    • When Questions A & B is not answered (blank), the Alternate Assessments will be restricted from the drop-down list.
    • When Question B = Yes (Considered for CAA) - only Alternate Assessments will display. The type of Support/accommodations drop-down list will be removed, and the text "Embedded" will only be displayed.
  • Administrators need to review it, and they may wish to turn on this option.
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