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SPSM-CA_22.9.1.0 Release Notes

Release date: October 4, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-64890Assessment Plan, Procedural Safeguards required fields
  • Removed the checkbox requirement from consent "I have read and understand the Notice of Procedural Safeguards.."
  • Modified the procedural safeguards' checkbox to be required when the Assessment Plan meeting reason = Initial. This question is optional for Supplemental and Triennial meeting reasons.
SPEDSM-57020Assessment Plan, Signature Section - Text Change

Modified the consent text. The text now appears as follows: "I give informed consent for my child, and will make my child available, to be assessed …."

SPEDSM-65467CALPADS: Fall 1 Error Reports
  • Two new CALPADS Fall 1 Error reports are located under Reporting, CALPADS, SE Programs & CALPADS Student Services - Fall 1.
  • These reports identify data errors for records between 7/1/xx and Global Count Date (October XX). These reports must be reviewed frequently to identify and correct errors before due dates.
SPEDSM-61347IEP, Cover Page, Amendment Date - Do Not Autofill

Updated the Amendment IEP cover page to not autofill the IEP Amendment Date field upon creation. The field will remain blank for user entry.

SPEDSM-69961IEP, Signature - Added Line to Initials

Added a new drawn line to the signature page for initials when textbox or signature image is blank.

SPEDSM-59735IEP, Signature Page - PWN Due to Termination Display
  • Updated the IEP, Signature and Parent Consent section to display the checkbox labeled Prior Written Notice is attached due to termination of special education services as a result of completion of a diploma or having reached the maximum age (22) for these services. This checkbox enables only for students in Grades 7 to 12.
  • Added the ability to attach a file to the IEP.
SPEDSM-68080IEP, Signature Section - 1a & 1b access
  • Enabled agreements 1a and 1b for Parents or Guardians, and 1b will display parts of the IEP checkboxes for parent or staff selection. 
  • Answer 1b requires at least one checkbox to be selected.
SPEDSM-67972IEP, Signature Section - Medi-Cal Response

Added a new Behavior Option = Require Medi-Cal Response.
Administrators must note that the IEP Signature Page, Safeguards question "Limited Sharing/Release of Student Information for the Purpose of LEA Medi-Cal Billing Option…" can now be required by setting the option to ON.

SPEDSM-55350IEP, Special Factors - Text Change for TK

Changed the text from For students K and above to For students TK and above under English Learning/Language Development.

SPEDSM-63897Interim Placement Form - Digital Signature

Updated the Digital Signature functionality so any pending required fields will disable the Submit button for signing.

SPEDSM-67892Profile, Special Education - IEPInitiation Date

Updated the IEP Initiation Date field so that it does not clear the profile record when the IEP, Cover Sheet indicates Not Eligible or Exiting for Special Ed.

SPEDSM-51669Section 504 - Interim Placement Form

Created a new Section 504 Interim Placement form with data flow to the student's profile upon finalization.

SPEDSM-68972Section 504 Eligibility - Signatures

When the Behavior Option for signatures is ON, the user will complete the Meeting Participants area and the Participants Signature section will autofill the names from meeting participants. To finalize the form, at least one participant is required.

SPEDSM-67971Section 504, Meeting Participants - Require at Least One

Created a new rule to ensure that at least one meeting participant exists before finalization.

SPEDSM-66504Section 504, Team Members - Parent/Guardians
  • Added a new Behavior option = Include Parent/Guardians on Section 504 forms. It will be enabled when set to True. Administrators, you can want to review and possibly enable this feature.
  • Added a new checkbox to indicate if the parent was In Attendance.
SPEDSM-62239Service Plan for Parentally Placed - Parent/Guardian Signature
  • Updated the form to include a Parent/Guardian signature and date field. 
  • Removed DOS Representative and Other text and date fields.
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