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Calculate time with non-disabled peers

PowerSchool Special Education can now display two separate grids for Fields 8-10 depending on session selections in Section 11 > Services.

This feature avoids overcounting minutes for each school year an IEP may span.

The simplest way to calculate Time with Non-disabled Peers is Total School Hours - Service time outside of the regular class.


Each row now has a column called Session, where the user can select IEP Range, Current, Summer, or Next. PowerSchool Special Ed combines the IEP Range and Current Year services on Row 1 and IEP Range and Next Year on Row 2.

  • If only IEP Range is selected, only a single row of Fields 8-10 will appear.

  • If two sessions are selected, except for summer, two rows will appear.

  • If only IEP Range and Current are indicated, and the current dates end early, you must have a Next session for two grids to appear and calculate properly.

    • Example: Current - 9/10/17- 6/30/18 and IEP Range 9/10/17 - 9/9/18 Only a single grid will appear and add both services unless a Next service is added or the IEP Range record is split into Current/Next sessions.

  • Summer sessions are excluded from the calculations below.


The IEP can select various frequencies of services (Minutes, Hours, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, etc.). As outlined below, the system converts the frequencies selected into minutes for Fields 8-10. Any number entered as less than 7 assumes the time represents hours and converts it into minutes for accurate reporting. For example, 2 months is calculated as 2 x 60 = 120 x 0.25 = 30 Minutes per week. If 120 is entered instead, the calculation remains the same, 120 x 0.25 = 30 minutes per week.

Fields 5 - 10 Calculations

Field Number


Description of Calculation


Length of School Day

Denoted in minutes.

  • If the user enters 355 minutes, the system uses that number for the calculations and divides that by 60 to return hours for Field 8.

  • If Field 5 is blank, the system defaults to using total hours = 6.

  • A number 8 or less is converted into minutes behind the scenes, and returns as Hours for Field 8.

For example, 6 hours x 60 minutes = 360 minutes.


Number of Days/Week

Denoted in days, the upper limit is seven (7) days.


Length of School Year

Denoted in days, the upper limit is 366 (including leap years).


Total School Hours/Week

Denoted in hours.

  • If Field 5 (Length of School Day) = 355 minutes, then the value in this field is calculated as 355/60 x 5 = 29.58 Hours per week.

  • If the number is less than 8, it displays the number of hours.

For example, 6 hours x 5 days = 30 hours.

Since the system calculates for the current and next year, fields 8 to 10 are repeated in the Current and Next Year rows.


Special Education Hours/Week

Calculates all Special Education Services on the top half of the IEP grid regardless of the site number identified. The system now calculates various frequencies in minutes to perform the final calculations.

A review of IEP and SEDAC documentation finds that data is rounded off to two decimal points. Based on this information, the following weight codes were created. Weight codes are located in Keyword Table: FrequencyIEP. This table is administrator-editable, and you may modify it to fit your district's needs.

  • Minute(s) Weight Code = 1

  • Hour(s) Weight Code = 60

  • Weekly Weight Code = 1

  • Monthly Weight Code = .25

  • Semester (12 weeks) Weight Code = .08 (.0833)

  • Quarterly (16 weeks) Weight Code = .06 (.0625)

Calculation examples:

  • 60 Minutes: 60 minutes x 1 = 60 minutes per week

  • 1.5 hours: 1.5 x 60 = 90 minutes per week

  • 60 Minutes Monthly: 60 x .25 = 15 minutes per week

  • 60 minutes Quarterly: 60 x .06 = 3.6 minutes per week

  • 60 Minutes Semester: 60 x .08 = 4.8 minutes per week

    • Student Calculations: The system calculates all Special Education services into minutes and then converts them to hours.

For example, Total Minutes 1715 /60 = 28.58 hrs per week.

In the illustration below, special education services for the Current Year is calculated as 30 + 90 = 120/60 = 2 hours = Field 9 (Special Education Hours/Week).

Similarly, special education services for the Next Year calculates as 60 + 90 = 150/60 = 2.5 hours = Field 9 (Special Education Hours/Week).

This field does not include Related Services in the calculation. As illustrated in the example above, it adds all the minutes and converts them to hours for reporting.


Time with Non-disabled Peers

Denoted in hours.

  • Add Special Education (SE) Services with settings = 2/3 only + Related Service (RS) settings =2/3 divided by 60 minutes = X hours.

  • Once you have the number of hours, subtract that from the value in Field 8 to get the value for this field.

For example, Field 8: 30 minus Field 10: 120 minutes (SE Service setting 2/3)+ 135 (Related Service) = 255 /60 = 4.25 hours = 25.75 hours per week Field 10.

For the Current Year, 120 minutes (SE) + 135 minutes (RS) = 255/60 minutes = 4.25 hours. 4.25 - 30 = 25.75 hours.

Similarly, for Next Year, 150 minutes (SE) + 120 minutes (RS) = 270/60 minutes = 4.5 hours. 4.5 - 30 = 25.5 hours.

A setting other than 2 or 3 would not be counted for Related Services. A session of Summer is also not counted in either Special Education or Related Services.

For example, if Special Education Services and Related Services for sites 2 and 3, the calculation for the Current Year is: 60 x 25 = 15 minutes + IEP Range 2 x 60 = 120 minutes = GT135; similarly, the calculation for Next Year is: 2 x 60 = 120 minutes.


IEPManual, Page 26: Information in fields 8, 9, and 10 are reported in the Department's special education data collection, currently known as SEDAC.

When information about hours is reported to the Department, minutes are reported as decimals and rounded up; thus, 15 minutes are .25 but rounded up to .3; similarly, 30 minutes are reported as .50; 45 minutes are reported as .75 but rounded to 8.

PowerSchool Special Education follows the following rounding formula to report four (4) digits (00.00) to match the latest SEDAC value.

So if a calculation is 25.056, the system will round to 25.06.

Information: CT DOE IEP Manual

SEDAC State Reporting Manual, dated 11/9/17, Page 54, 55: Special Education (Hours/Week)

Values: Valid range: 00.01 - 99.99

Source: ED620 form / IEP page 11

Information: SEDAC Handbook

Revision History

3/11/19: Modified Services Field 5 to calculate 8 hours or less when minutes are not utilized. A few students were in school for a 7.5-hour day.

  • Restricted Field 6, Number of Days/Week, to 7 days

  • Restricted Field 7, Length of School Year, to 366 days (leap year)

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