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APR 12 - Early Childhood Transition

The Annual Performance Report 12 (APR 12) - Early Childhood Transition report focuses on the state's efforts to ensure a smooth and effective transition for students with disabilities who are receiving early intervention services (Part C) and will be transitioning to preschool special education services (Part B).

Submission Requirements

To generate a report identifying students referred for Part C to B Transition, the user must choose a reporting timeframe. The report will list all the students referred for the transition who are three years old or will turn three within the reporting timeframe selected.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click Part B Federal Reporting, then click APR 12 - Early Childhood Transition.

  3. Enter a Start Date and End Date manually or use the calendar icon to select the reporting duration.

  4. Click Update Report with Values.

To review the latest data, click Refresh after opening the report in the application.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name


The system displays the student's LEA ID.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, LEA Code

{EnrollmentDistrict} LEA ID {ID}

LEA Name

The system displays the student's attending LEA name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending LEA

{EnrollmentDistrict} Name {NAME}

School Code

The system displays the student's school code.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School ID

{EnrollmentSchool} ID

School Name

The system displays the student's attending school name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School


Local ID

The system displays the student's local ID number.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Local ID


Student USI

The system displays the student's USI number.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Child USI


Student Name

The system displays the student's full name.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Student's Name

{@CHARACTER(FirstName+" "+MiddleName+" "+LastName+" ")}

Date of Birth

The system displays the student's birth date.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Date of Birth



The system displays the student's gender.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Gender


Initial Eligibility Date

Displays the initial eligibility date of a student.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Initial Eligibility Date


Eligibility Status

Displays the student's eligibility outcome or status. If there is no outcome but the Initial Eligibility Date is present, the system displays the word Missing in red color, indicating a correction required on the student’s record.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Eligibility Outcome


Initial IEP Date

Displays the Initial IEP Date. If the student's Eligibility Status is Eligible and no date is populated as the Initial IEP date, the report displays the word Missing in red color, indicating a correction required on the student’s record.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Initial IEP Date


Was IEP Completed by 3rd Birthday?

Indicates if the student received their initial IEP before or on their third birthday. Displays Yes or No accordingly.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Initial IEP Before 3rd Birthday?


Reason for Delay

Displays the delay reason for transition (if applicable). If the answer is No for the Was IEP completed by 3rd birthday? field and no reason is available, the report displays the word Missing in red color, indicating a correction on the student’s record.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Part C To Part B Delay Reason


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