APR 9 - Student Count by Race/Ethnicity
The Annual Performance Report 9 (APR 9) - Student Count by Race/Ethnicity report displays the total number of students who receive special education services with a given race or ethnicity.
Submission Requirements
The report lists students between 6 to 21 years old who have active IEPs and have not exited the special education program at the time of report generation. The student’s Age at Audit from the SWD Count Summary Part B profile is considered to identify students falling in the given age range.
Generate Report
From the Reporting menu, choose Advanced Reports.
Click Part B Federal Reporting, and then click APR 9 - Student Count by Race/Ethnicity.
Click Process Schedule and update if needed.
Select a report generation schedule.
Click Process Now In Foreground
To review the latest data, click Unprocess and repeat steps 3 to 5.
Click the numbered cells to view the student services and service capture details. The columns here are customizable. User can add columns or fields using the Customize Columns For This Drilldown option.
Drill-Down Report Field Description and Criteria
Data Element | Description | Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name) | Database Field Name |
LEA ID | The system displays the student's LEA ID. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, LEA Code | {EnrollmentDistrict} LEA ID {ID} |
LEA Name | The system displays the student's attending LEA name. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, LEA Name | {EnrollmentDistrict} Name {NAME} |
School Code | The system displays the student's school code. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, School Code | {EnrollmentSchool} ID |
School Name | The system displays the student's attending school name. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, School Name | {EnrollmentSchool} |
Local ID | The system displays the student's local ID number. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Student ID | {ID:!} |
Student USI | The system displays the student's USI number. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, USI | {StateID} |
Last Name | The system displays the student's last name. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Last Name | {LastName} |
First Name | The system displays the student's first name. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, First Name | {FirstName} |
Middle Name | The system displays the student's middle name. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Middle Name | {MiddleName} |
Birth Date | The system displays the student's birth date. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Date of Birth | {BirthDate} |
Grade | The system displays the student’s enrollment grade. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Grade | {EnrollmentGrade:RF"InUse"} |
Gender | The system displays the student's gender. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Gender | {Gender} |
Disability | The system displays the student's disability (primary or secondary). | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Primary Disability Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Secondary Disability | {PrimDisability:R} {SecDisability:R} |
A column for each race is active in the system and can be assigned to the student. | The system displays the student's race or ethnicity. | Profile: SDW Count Summary Part B, Race | {Race[Asian]:R} Asian {Race[Black]:R} Black or African American {Race[Native]:R} American Indian or Alaskan native {Race[White]:R} White {Race[Pacific]:R} Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander {Race[Hispanic]:R} Hispanic/Latino |
Case Manager | The system displays the student’s case manager’s name. | Profile: Special Education Part B, Special Ed Teacher/Case Manager | {CaseManager:N} |