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Classroom Accommodations

Classroom Accommodation is a standard model report that captures data from the student's Classroom Accommodations Part B profile available in the PowerSchool Special Programs state model for the District of Columbia. All students with Classroom Accommodations captured on their active Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be listed on this report along with classroom accommodation details.

Submission Requirements

The report lists classroom accommodation details for students who need classroom accommodations based on their active IEP and have not exited the special education program at the time of report generation. School-specific reports can be generated using the Organizational Location filter.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click Part B Model Reports, then click Classroom Accommodations.

  • To review the latest data, click Refresh after opening the report in the application.

  • Select a school from the Organization Location Filter drop-down menu to generate a school-specific report.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name


The system displays the student's LEA ID.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, LEA Code

{EnrollmentDistrict} LEA ID {ID}

LEA Name

The system displays the student's attending LEA name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending LEA

{EnrollmentDistrict} Name {NAME}

School Code

The system displays the student's school code.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School ID

{EnrollmentSchool} ID

School Name

The system displays the student's attending school name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School


Local ID

The system displays the student's local ID number.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Local ID


Student USI

The system displays the student's USI number.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Child USI


Student Date of Birth

The system displays the student's birth date.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Date of Birth


Student First Name

The system displays the student’s first name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, First Name


Student Middle Name

The system displays the student’s middle name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Middle Name


Student Last Name

The system displays the student’s last name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Last Name


Presentation Audio Amplification

The system displays Yes if the student needs Audio Amplification, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Audio Amplification


Presentation Braille Materials

The system displays Yes if the student needs Braille Materials, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Braille Materials


Presentation Color Contract

The system displays Yes if the student needs Color Contract, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Color Contract


Presentation Directions Available in ASL

The system displays Yes if the student needs Directions Available in ASL, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Directions Available in ASL


Presentation ASL Presentation of ELA/Literary Assessments

The system displays Yes if the student needs ASL Presentation of ELA/Literary Assessments, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, ASL Presentation of ELA/Literary Assessments


Presentation Tactile Graphics

The system displays Yes if the student needs Tactile Graphics, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Tactile Graphics


Presentation Large Print Materials

The system displays Yes if the student needs Large Print Materials, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Large Print Materials


Presentation Magnification

The system displays Yes if the student needs Magnification, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Magnification


Presentation Markup Tools

The system displays Yes if the student needs Markup Tools, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Markup Tools


Presentation Masking Tools

The system displays Yes if the student needs Masking Tools, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Masking Tools


Presentation Closed-Captioning of Multimedia

The system displays Yes if the student needs Closed-Captioning of Multimedia, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Closed-Captioning of Multimedia


Presentation ASL Presentation of Non-ELA/Literary Assessments

The system displays Yes if the student needs ASL Presentation of Non-ELA/Literary Assessments, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, ASL Presentation of Non-ELA/Literary Assessments


Presentation Paper-Based Materials

The system displays Yes if the student needs Presentation Paper-Based Materials, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Paper-Based Materials


Presentation Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Themselves

The system displays Yes if the student needs Presentation Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Themselves, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Student Reads Assessment Aloud to Themselves


Presentation Read Aloud for ELA/Literary Assessments

The system displays Yes if the student needs Read Aloud for ELA/Literary Assessments, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Read Aloud for ELA/Literary Assessments


Presentation Read Aloud for Non-ELA/Literary Assessments

The system displays Yes if the student needs Read Aloud for Non-ELA/Literary Assessments, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Read Aloud for Non-ELA/Literary Assessments


Presentation Redirect Student to Test/Materials

The system displays Yes if the student needs Redirect Student to Test/Materials, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Redirect Student to Test/Materials


Presentation Clarification/Repetition of Directions

The system displays Yes if the student needs Clarification/Repetition of Directions, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Clarification/Repetition of Directions


Presentation Screen Reader Technology

The system displays Yes if the student needs Screen Reader Technology, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Screen Reader Technology


Presentation Unique/Non Standard Accommodation

The system displays Yes if the student needs Unique/Non Standard Accommodation, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Unique/Non Standard Accommodation


Response Braille Writer or Note-Taker Device

The system displays Yes if the student needs Response Braille Writer or Note-Taker Device, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Braille Writer or Note-Taker Device


Response Non-Standard Calculation Device on Calculator Sections

The system displays Yes if the student needs Response Non-Standard Calculation Device on Calculator Sections, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Non-Standard Calculation Device on Calculator Sections


Response Technology for Constructed Response on ELS/Literacy Assessments

The system displays Yes if the student needs Technology for Constructed Response on ELS/Literacy Assessments, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Technology for Constructed Response on ELS/Literacy Assessments


Response Human Scribe, Speech to Text, Human Signer, or External Assistive Technology on ELA Assessment

The system displays Yes if the student needs Human Scribe, Speech to Text, Human Signer, or External Assistive Technology on ELA Assessment, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Human Scribe, Speech to Text, Human Signer or External Assistive Technology on ELA Assessment


Response Human Scribe, Speech to Text, Human Signer or External Assistive Technology on Non-ELA Assessment

The system displays Yes if the student needs Human Scribe, Speech to Text, Human Signer, or External Assistive Technology on Non-ELA Assessment, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Human Scribe, Speech to Text, Human Signer or External Assistive Technology on Non-ELA Assessment


Response Calculation Device on Non-Calculator Sections

The system displays Yes if the student needs Calculation Device on Non-Calculator Sections, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Calculation Device on Non-Calculator Sections


Response Answers Recorded in Test Book (Paper-Based Materials)

The system displays Yes if the student needs Answers Recorded in the Test Book (Paper-Based Materials), else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Answers Recorded in Test Book (Paper-Based Materials)


Response Unique/Non-Standard Accommodations

The system displays Yes if the student needs Unique/Non-Standard Accommodations service needs for an appropriate response, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Unique/Non-Standard Accommodations


Response Word Prediction External Device

The system displays Yes if the student needs Word Prediction External Device, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Word Prediction External Device


Setting Unique/Non-Standard Accommodation

The system displays Yes if the student needs Setting Unique/Non-Standard Accommodation, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Unique/Non-Standard Accommodation


Setting Specialized Equipment, Furniture, or Lighting

The system displays Yes if the student needs Specialized Equipment, Furniture, or Lighting, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Specialized Equipment, Furniture or Lighting


Setting Small Group Testing

The system displays Yes if the student needs Small Group Testing, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Small Group Testing


Setting Noise Buffer or Headphones

The system displays Yes if the student needs a Noise Buffer or Headphones, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Noise Buffer or Headphones


Setting Individual Testing

The system displays Yes if the student needs Individual Testing, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Individual Testing


Setting Location with Minimal Distractions

The system displays Yes if the student needs Location with Minimal Distractions, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Location with Minimal Distractions


Setting On Screen Guidance

The system displays Yes if the student needs On Screen Guidance, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, On Screen Guidance


Setting Preferential Seating

The system displays Yes if the student needs Preferential Seating, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Preferential Seating


Timing and Scheduling Extended Time

The system displays Yes if the student needs Timing and Scheduling Extended Time, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Extended Time


Timing Frequent Breaks

The system displays Yes if the student needs Frequent Breaks, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Frequent Breaks


Timing Flexibility in Scheduling

The system displays Yes if the student needs Flexibility in Scheduling, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Flexibility in Scheduling


Timing Test Administered Over Several Days

The system displays Yes if the student needs Test Administered Over Several Days, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Test Administered Over Several Days


Timing Unique/Non-Standard Accommodations

The system displays Yes if the student needs Unique/Non-Standard Accommodations, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Unique/Non-Standard Accommodations


Unique Accommodation(s)

The system displays details about any specific accommodation requested for the student.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Unique Accommodation(s)



The system displays Yes if the student is requested for additional accommodations needs than presentations, Responses, Settings, etc.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Other


Other text

The system displays details about additional accommodation requested for the student.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Text


Provide Homework List

The system displays Yes if the student needs to be provided with Homework List, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Provide Homework List


Other Provide Desktop List of Tasks

The system displays Yes if the student needs to be provided with a Desktop list of tasks, else displays No.

Profile: Classroom Accommodations Part B, Provide Desktop List of Tasks


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