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Classroom Accommodations and Assessment Participation

Classroom Accommodations and Assessment Participation

  1. Within the IEP document, navigate to Classroom Accommodation and Assessment Participation using the flyout menu.

  2. The system auto-populates:

    • Student Name and USI from the Student Info/Demo Part B profile.

    • Meeting Date from the IEP cover sheet.

  3. In the Statewide Assessment Participation section, select one checkbox based on the assessment and accommodations requirement of the student. If the user selects the third or fifth checkbox, an on-screen message and an attached pdf file appears.

  4. When the third or fifth checkbox in the Statewide Assessment Participation area is selected, the State Assessment Accommodations section appears. Select a value for the following fields:

    • Assessment: Upon finalization of the document, data flows back to the Assessment Accommodations profile.

    • Subject: When the user selects ACCESS or Multi State Alternate Assessment (MSAA) as an assessment, there is nothing to choose in the Subject column. Upon finalization of the document, data flows back to the Assessment Accommodations profile.

    • Accommodations: When the user selects All Subjects, the only value to choose for classroom Accommodations is All classroom accommodations. Upon finalization of the document, data flows back to the Assessment Accommodations profile.

  5. In the Classroom Accommodations section, when the user selects"No Accommodations/modifications are needed," the Accommodation checkboxes are suppressed.

  6. Select the type of accommodations needed for the student from the following categories listed in the Accommodations/Modifications Needed grid:

    • Presentation

    • Response

    • Timing and Scheduling

    • Setting

    • Other: If the user selects the Other checkbox, they must describe the accommodations needed.

  7. Click Save, Done Editing.

  • To add additional State Assessment Accommodations, click the plus icon.

  • If the user selects No accommodations/modifications are needed checkbox for the student, then the Accommodations/Modifications Needed table disappears.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the IEP, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

Statewide Assessments Participation

Assessment Accommodations


Assessment Accommodations


Assessment Accommodations

State Assessment Accommodations, Accommodations

Assessment Accommodations


Classroom Accommodations Part B

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