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Cover Sheet

When creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), on-screen messages with context-sensitive explanations will assist the user in creating compliant documents.

Create an IEP

  1. Select a student on the Students panel.

  2. Click the Documents icon for the student.

  3. From the Create New Document drop-down list, select Individualized Education Plan (IEP) under Individualized Education Plan, and click Go.

  4. The system will verify if the student is Eligible for Special Education. If the student has a Special Education Exit Date on the Special Education Part B profile, the system will not create the IEP document. If the student is not eligible for special education, identified on the Special Education Part B profile Initial Eligibility Information, Eligibility Outcome or Eligibility Determination, and then Eligibility Outcome, the system will not create the IEP document.

  5. Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.

  6. The system displays all available sections for the IEP document.

  7. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile:

      • Student

      • USI

      • Local ID

      • DOB

      • Gender

      • Language

      • Student Address

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the Special Education Part B profile:

      • Case Manager

  8. In the LEA Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • LEA Enrollment

      • School Site

    • From the Locations profile:

      • School Address

      • School Phone

  9. In the Eligibility/IEP Information section, the system auto-populates the following information from the Special Education Part B profile:

    • Last Eligibility Meeting Date

    • Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date

  10. In the IEP MEETING DETAILS section, select the Type of Meeting from the drop-down list and enter the Meeting Date.

  11. If the user selects the Participants will sign a paper copy checkbox, the system will add a document delivery section to the document. Document delivery will be required to finalize the document and will be suppressed during printing and viewing.

  12. The user must select a response for the Is this a recreation of a previously completed IEP in a previous system checkbox.

    • If No is selected, the user must complete all the sections of the IEP.

    • If Yes is selected and the cover page is saved, the system auto-populates all the services from the IEP Services Part B and Extended School Year profiles. The system adds all the service details to the Services and ESY sections where the IEP Service Part B records have the same IEP meeting date or a later date than the date indicated on the IEP cover page.

  13. If the user selects The Parent/Guardian requests a Service Plan checkbox, the system will create a draft Service Plan if there are no draft or review service plans exist in the same school year folder. It will copy any data from the IEP into the Service Plan. A message appears when the user saves this page: A Draft Service Plan document has been created.
    For the checkbox to appear, the Globals Part C checkbox needs to be clear, and the student's attending school (LEA Exit/Entry Attending School) is a school in which the Location record has the Can write Service Plans checkbox selected.

  14. Select the Speech Only IEP checkbox when applicable. The label and checkbox are suppressed on print. If the user selects the Speech Only IEP checkbox, the following note appears above the Student Information section: Speech Only IEP’s will only display Special Education Services. Any previously entered Related Service or Consultation Service on the IEP will be removed and the grids will be hidden. The Related Service and Consultation Service grids on the Services and Supplemental Aids and ESY section are suppressed when the checkbox is selected. When the Speech Only IEP checkbox is selected, the user can only save the IEP Services or ESY sections where the Special Education Service is Speech/Language Only as a valid service. This field is not editable in an amended IEP document.

  15. In the Signature of IEP Team Participants section, the individuals' roles and names are listed in the Participant Role and Name column who participated in the IEP meeting to develop the IEP. Users can enter the participant's name using the lookup function. In addition, all parents/guardians listed in the Student Contacts profile where the Educational Rights checkbox is selected will appear in the grid.

  16. Select the attendance type from the Attended Meeting drop-down list.

  17. Click the arrow under the last entry in the participant grid to add additional participants.

  18. Click Save, Done Editing.

  • The Secondary Transition section will automatically be added to the IEP document if the student is 13 years of age or older on the IEP meeting date.

  • While Digital Signature is configured for all IEP team members, signatures do not constitute agreement or disagreement with the decisions made during the IEP meeting, agreement or disagreement with the content of the IEP, or authorize consent for the provision of special education and related services.

  • Users can only create an IEP document for a student when their Eligibility Outcome is set to Eligible under the Eligibility Determination section within the Special Education Part B profile.

  • When selecting Initial IEP as the Type of Meeting, ensure to complete the Document Delivery section.

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