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Extended School Year

The IEP team must determine whether the provision of extended school year services is necessary for the provision of free appropriate public education on an annual basis, using at least three months of progress monitoring data from the current school year or any current data or information if three months of data is not available.

Set up Extended School Year

  1. Within the IEP document, navigate to Extended School Year using the flyout menu.

  2. The system auto-populates:

    • Student Name and USI from the Student Info/Demo Part B profile.

    • Meeting Date from the IEP cover sheet.

  3. In the ESY Eligibility section, the system provides the required text boxes. The user must type a minimum of 20 characters in each text box.

    • Impacts on Critical Skills: Describe the impact of the break-in services on the student's critical skills, including analyzing relevant progress monitoring data from the current school year.

    • Likelihood and DEgree or Regression: Describe the likelihood and degree of regression related to previously attained or emerging critical skills, including the IEP team's analysis of relevant student data to support the IEP team's conclusion.

    • Time for Recoupment: Describe the time required for the recoupment of previously attained or emerging critical skills, including the IEP team's analysis of relevant student data to support the decision.

  4. Select a response for each checkbox associated with the text boxes.

    • When No is selected for any of the three checkboxes, the system displays The student IS NOT eligible for ESY services at the end of the section.

    • When Yes is selected for all three checkboxes, the system displays The student IS eligible for ESY services at the end of the section.

  5. When the student is eligible for ESY services, Special Education Services, Related Services, Transportation and Location sections appear.

  6. In the Special Education section, select the following:

    • Service

    • Begin Date: The date cannot be before the IEP meeting date on the cover page.

    • End Date: The date cannot be more than one year minus a day from the IEP meeting date on the cover page.

    • Setting

    • Duration (Hours and Minutes)

    • Frequency

  7. In the Related Services section, select the following:

    • Service

    • Begin Date (date cannot be before the IEP meeting date on the cover page)

    • End Date (date cannot be more than one year minus a day from the IEP meeting date on the cover page)

    • Setting

    • Duration (Hours and Minutes)

    • Frequency

  8. In the Transportation section, the system auto-selects an appropriate checkbox (IS or IS NOT) for the first statement, The student IS or IS NOT eligible for specialized transportation during the regular school year, based on the answer in the Services and Dedicated Aids sections.

    • Select a response for the Is the student eligible for ESY-related specialized transportation? checkbox. If Yes, select the appropriate ESY-related transportation eligibility category from the list.

  9. Click Save, Done Editing.

  • To add additional services, click the plus icon at the end of each section.

  • If the Speech Only IEP checkbox is selected on the Cover Sheet page -

    • the Related Services section will be hidden.

    • a note appears under the Student Information section: This is a Speech Only IEP. The Speech/Language Only Special Education Service is the only applicable service that can be selected on the IEP.

    • the user must choose Speech/Language Only as a Service for the Special Education Services section to save the page. Otherwise, an error message will appear.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the IEP, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

  • Student Eligibility

  • Services

  • Begin Date

  • End Date

  • Setting

  • Duration

  • ESY-related transportation eligibility category

  • Location

  • Extended School Year

  • Part B IEP Services

  • Part B IEP Services

  • Part B IEP Services

  • Part B IEP Services

  • Part B IEP Services

  • Extended School Year

  • Extended School Year

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