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First provision of specialized instruction


  • The student's most recent LEA Entry/Exit with a Stage 5 enrollment value.

  • Students up to 5 years and 11 months of age are included.

  • The parent consented to the initial provision.

  • The student has not exited special education.

  • The student must be eligible for special education.

First provision of specialized instruction

The Local Education Agency (LEA) provides the first provision of specialized instruction to students under six years old.

  1. From Search, click Students and search for a student.

  2. Click the Documents icon.

  3. From the Create New Document list, select First Provision of Specialized Instruction from Special Education Notices, and click Go.

  4. Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.

  5. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile: 

      • Student

      • USI

      • DOB

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the Special Education Part B profile:

      • Case Manager

      • Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date

  6. The system auto-calculates and provides a date (parental consent date or the initial provision of services plus one day) when the LEA should provide specialized instructions to the student.

  7. Select a response for Was specialized instruction provided on or by <<date>>?

    • If you select No, select a value from the Indicate why specialized instruction was not provided timely drop-down.

    • Enter a date manually or select a date using the date picker icon in the Date of first provision of specialized instruction field.

  8. Click Save, Done Editing.

  9. Click Set Document, select Status from Draft to Final, and then click Accept to finalize the document.

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