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IEP Amendment

An IEP can be amended at any time during which the IEP is in place. Only one amendment can be created at a given time. An IEP can be amended as many times as necessary. 

Refer to IEP Amendment for Legacy IEP page if the IEP document has not been created in PowerSchool Special Programs (from a previous system).

  1. Open the finalized IEP.

  2. Click the More menu and select Create Amendment of This Document.

  3. The user can add an optional Label, for example, amendment meeting date, to display on the student's document listing, then click OK.

  4. The IEP amendment process creates a new document from the IEP and displays the IEP Amendment section to the user. All sections are copied into the amended IEP.

  5. Enter a date manually or select a date using the calendar icon in the Date of Amendment field.

  6. The latest IEP meeting date (original IEP meeting date or latest amendment) displays as read-only in the Amendment of IEP dated field.

  7. IEP Meeting Date displays the Initial or Annual Review meeting date as read-only.

  8. Select a description of the revision from the drop-down list.

  9. Check the applicable areas of the IEP to amend. When the sections are selected, the sections will be editable. The user must select at least one section.

  10. Enter the Description of the Proposed Revision(s) in the required text box.

  11. Select Participants will sign a paper copy if applicable. If digital signatures are provided, do not select the checkbox.

  12. Add team members who were involved in the IEP amendment process.

  13. Select the applicable checkboxes to confirm what this IEP Amendment revises or modifies.

    • Check the sections that will be amended in the IEP. Sections that are checked will be editable in the amendment.

  14. The system provides a long stylized text box to enter the Description of the Proposed Revision(s).

  15. If Participants will sign a paper copy checkbox is selected, the system will add a document delivery section to the IEP. 

  16. In the Team members participating in this IEP Amendment section, the system auto-populates the Student and Parent or Guardian Names and their roles from the Students Contacts Part B profile. The user can also choose the Special Education Teacher role using the lookup functionality.

  17. The system will be configured for all IEP team members to sign digitally. If the user selects Participants will sign a paper copy checkbox, parents must sign a paper copy to be uploaded.

  18. Click Save, Done Editing.

  19. Using the Flyout option, select each section of the IEP that will be amended and complete the application sections.

  20. Services and Supplemental Aids section: When the IEP is amended, the user cannot adjust previously entered data for Special Education, Related Services, or Consultation Services except for the End Date field. When adding new Services, the Begin Date must be on or later than the IEP Amendment Date.

  21. Upon finalizing the amended IEP, all applicable data flows to the student's profiles. See applicable sections of the IEP help documentation for details.

When the user amends the IEP and adds the amendment date and new services, the IEP automatically generates the end date by subtracting one year minus a day from the original IEP end date instead of using the IEP amendment date as the end date.

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