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Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Each local education agency is responsible for ensuring that students with disabilities are educated alongside students without disabilities to the extent appropriate. The general education classroom is the first option within the LRE continuum that the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team must consider. The IEP Team must consider what supplementary aids and services, for example, assistive technology, special behavior strategies, or accommodations or modifications in the curriculum or assignments, will allow the student to remain in a general education classroom before considering more restrictive options such as separate classes and separate schools.


  1. Within the IEP document, navigate to Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) using the flyout menu.

  2. The system auto-populates:

    • Student Name and USI from the Student Info/Demo Part B profile.

    • Meeting Date from the IEP cover sheet.

  3. The Previous Educational Environment will display the value from the Special Education Information Profile, Least Restrictive Environment field for reference purposes. The field does not print.

  4. Based on the student's age and grade, the system will auto-check the Ages three to five and Age five and in the KG checkboxes and the applicable grid as follows:

    • Using the IEP meeting date, if the student is age three or four, the Age 3 to 5 checkbox is automatically selected, and the Age 3-5 Educational Environment grid appears. 

    • Using the IEP meeting date, if the student is six or older, the Age 5 and in KG or Age 6-22 checkbox is automatically selected, and the Age 5 and in KG or Age 6-22 grid appears.

    • Using the IEP meeting date, if the student is age 5, the system will identify the student's grade. If the student is in grade Kindergarten (Grade keyword value = KG), then the Age 5 and in KG or Age 6-22 checkbox is selected, and the applicable grid appears. If the student is not in Kindergarten, the Age 3 to 5 checkbox is selected, and the appropriate grid appears.

  5. Service Hours/Minutes in the School Day displays the Total hours in a school day from the student's Attending School in the LEA Entry/Withdrawal profile.

  6. Days per week in session displays the Total number of days per week from the student's Attending School in the LEA Entry/Withdrawal profile.

  7. Hours/Minutes in a School Week displays the value based on total hours in a school day multiplied by the days per week in session.

  8. Service Hours/Minutes Inside General Education displays the total number of minutes (duration and frequency) based on the services indicated in the Services and Dedicated Aides section where the Service type is either Special Education Services or Related Services (Consultation Services are not included) and where Setting = General Education. Upon finalization of an approved IEP, this value will flow to the student's Special Education Information profile "Total Hrs. Inside General Education".

  9. Percent Inside General Education displays the percentage based on the total hours per week and the number of hours/mins in general education. Upon finalization of an approved IEP, this value will flow to the student's Special Education Information profile "General Education Percentage."

  10. Hours/Minutes Outside General Education displays the total number of minutes (duration and frequency) based on the services indicated in the Services and Dedicated Aides section where the Service type is either Special Education Services or Related Services (Consultation Services are not included) and where Setting = Outside General Education. Upon finalization of an approved IEP, this value will flow to the student's Special Education Information profile "Total Hrs. Out of General Education".

  11. Percent Outside General Education displays the percentage based on the total hours per week and the number of hours/mins outside general education. Upon finalization of an approved IEP, this value will flow to the student's Special Education Information profile "Special Education Percentage."

  12. LRE Grid: Based on the logic indicated in step 4, check the applicable LRE value. This value will flow to the student's Special Education Information profile, Least Restrictive Environment field, upon finalization of the IEP.

    • If the Age 5 and in KG or Ages 6-21 Educational Environment grid is displayed, a total LRE percentage value will also appear, which is the value from the Percent Outside General Education.

  13. If services on the Services and Dedicated Aides section have a Setting value of Outside General Education, an additional grid is displayed. For each Service identified as Outside General Education, the user must indicate the description of the service, describe the supplemental supports and services, and describe any possible harmful effects.

  14. Click Save, Done Editing.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the IEP, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

The data flows out from the following fields of the document:

  • Service Hours/Minutes Inside General Education

  • Percent Inside General Education

  • Service Hours/Minutes Outside General Education

  • Percent Outside General Education

  • Ages 3-5 LRE

  • Ages 6 through 22 LRE

Special Education Part B

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