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Letter of Invitation

This page outlines the purpose of the meeting, which is to review the student's progress and to develop a plan for their education over the coming year. It also provides information about the date, time, and location of the meeting and any other relevant details.

Letter of Invitation to a Meeting

  1. Select a student on the Students panel.

  2. Click the Documents icon for the student.

  3. From the Create New Document drop-down list, select Letter of Invitation to a Meeting under Special Education Notices, and click Go.

  4. Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.

  5. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile: 

      • Student

      • USI

      • DOB

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the Special Education Part B profile:

      • Case Manager

      • Last Eligibility Meeting Date

  6. The system auto-populates the parent or guardian names that have Educational Rights selected in the Student Contacts Part B profile. The user must select one parent or guardian, and the system displays their address. When the user selects the Red Flag checkbox in the Student Info/Demo Part B profile, the parent/guardian addresses will be suppressed.

  7. The system displays the student's name as Dear Parent/Guardian of <student name> within the letter, asking parents or guardians to meet to discuss their child's educational needs.

    • Enter a date manually or select a date using the calendar icon for the meeting.

    • Enter a time manually or select a time using the clock icon for the meeting.

    • Select a location using the lookup function, or type a free-form location, and click non-lookup for the meeting.

  8. Select a value for The purpose of the meeting field. When the user selects Other, a required textbox appears.

    • When the user selects Eligibility, the system displays a text and provides two checkboxes to discuss appropriate evaluation data to determine whether the student is eligible for special education.

      • When the user selects Other, a required textbox appears.

    • When the user selects IEP, the system displays a text and provides a series of checkboxes to review and update the student’s present level of functioning, needs, goals, and objectives and to develop a plan to provide special education and related services.

      • The user must select at least one checkbox.

      • When the user selects Other, a required textbox appears.

  9. In We anticipate the following individuals to be in attendance at this meeting field, the system provides a series of checkboxes.

    • The user must select at least one checkbox.

    • When the user selects a checkbox, the following message appears: The LEA must ensure participation of the mandatory IEP Team member(s) or reschedule the meeting for a mutually agreed upon date and time.

    • When the user selects Other, a required textbox appears.

  10. The system inserts the date and time in the body of the letter.

  11. Select a name from the staff table using the lookup function.

    • The system auto-populates the selected staff position and phone number from the Staff profile.

  12. Enter a date manually or select a date using the calendar icon in the Date Sent field.

  13. The system displays the name of the student’s Case Manager indicated in the Special Education Part B profile. The Case Manager’s Works At school, work phone, and email address displays. The school’s address details are displayed from the Locations profile.

  14. Click Save, Done Editing.

  15. Finalize the document when completed. To finalize the document, click Set Document, select Status from Draft to Final, and then click Accept.

  • Click More, Update Document from Student Profile to refresh parent/guardian details on the document when the document is in draft mode. Parent/guardian details cannot be updated in Review or Final mode.

  • When the Student Holds Educational Rights checkbox is selected within the Student Info/Demo Part B profile, the letter will be addressed to Dear <Student's Name> and parent or guardian names will not appear for selection.

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