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Parental Consent

Parental Consent report is a standard report that lists all the students who have received parental consent to bill Medicaid for the special education services provided to them. The report lists all the students for whom the consent is granted in the past year from the date of report generation.

Submission Requirements

The report lists students who have received parental consent for Medicaid, which can be determined using the Medicaid profile. This report includes students whose parent or guardian has granted Medicaid consent within the last 365 days from the report generation date. School-specific reports can be generated using the Organization Location filter.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click Part B Medicaid, then click Parental Consent.

  • To review the latest data, click Refresh after opening the report in the application.

  • Select a school from the Organization Location Filter drop-down menu to generate a school-specific report.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name

Student USI

The system displays the student's USI number.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Child USI


First Name

The system displays the student’s first name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, First Name


Last Name

The system displays the student’s last name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Last Name



The system displays the student’s middle name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Middle Name


Date of Birth

The system displays the student's birth date.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Date of Birth


MPC Event Date

The system displays the date when consent was entered for Part B.

Profile: Medicaid Part B, Consent Received Date


MPC Event Begin Date

The system will show the date one year before the parental consent was received. For example, if the consent was received on January 1st, 2022, the consent begin date is January 1st, 2021.

Profile: Medicaid Part B, Consent Received Date

N/A (Calculated report field)

MPC Event End Date

The system displays the date when parental consent ends, which never expires. To represent this, an imaginary future date is currently generated.

N/A (Calcluated report field)

N/A (Calcluated report field)

LEA Code

The system displays the student's LEA ID.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, LEA Code

{EnrollmentDistrict} LEA ID {ID}

School Code

The system displays the student's school code.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School ID

{EnrollmentSchool} ID

School Name

The system displays the student's attending school name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School


Date Data Refreshed

The system displays the report generation date.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

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