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Prior Written Notice

This document is to inform parents or guardians of their involvement in the decisions related to their child's special education services. The notice must be provided in writing and include specific information, such as the nature of the proposed action or change, the reasons for the action or change, and the options available to the parents.

Prior Written Notice

  1. Select a student on the Students panel.

  2. Click the Documents icon for the student.

  3. From the Create New Document drop-down list, select Prior Written Notice under Special Education Notices, and click Go.

  4. Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.

  5. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile: 

      • Student

      • USI

      • DOB

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the Special Education Part B profile:

      • Case Manager

      • Last Eligibility Meeting Date

  6. Enter a date manually or select a date using the calendar icon.

  7. The system auto-populates the parent or guardian names that have Educational Rights selected in the Student Contacts Part B profile. The user must select one parent or guardian, and the system displays their address.

  8. The system auto-populates the student's name as Dear Parent/Guardian of <student name> when the student is below 18. If the student is 18 and there is a document transfer of rights, the letter will be addressed to Dear <Student's Name>.

  9. The system auto-populates the name of the local educational agency (LEA) the student attends and the student.

  10. The system provides the three drop-down lists to confirm the LEA's response for the proposal, action, and event. If the user selects Other as an event, a required textbox appears.

  11. Enter additional details in the following long stylized textboxes:

    • Description of the proposed or refused action

    • Explanation of why the LEA is proposing or refusing the action

    • Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report used as a basis for the proposed or refused action

    • Description of other options considered by the IEP Team and reason(s) for rejecting those options

    • Description of other factors related to the proposal or refusal

  12. The system auto-populates the name of the school the student attends from the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile. 

  13. The system provides a hyperlink to the OSSE Procedural Safeguards website. 

  14. The system displays the name of the student’s Case Manager indicated in the Special Education Part B profile. The Case Manager’s Works At school, work phone and email address displays. The school’s address details are displayed from the Locations profile.

  15. Click Save, Done Editing.

  16. Finalize the document once completed. To finalize the document, click Set Document, select Status from Draft to Final, and then click Accept.

Click More, Update Document from Student Profile to refresh parent or guardian details on the document when the document is in draft mode. Parent or guardian details cannot be updated for documents in Review or Final mode.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the documents, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

PWN Date

PWN Part B


PWN Part B


PWN Part B


PWN Part B

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