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Progress Report

This report shows a student's progress toward achieving the goals and objectives outlined in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP is a legal document that outlines the student's unique educational needs and the services and accommodations required to meet those needs. When the Progress Report is created, the system identifies the most recently finalized Active IEP and will display all goals, including any Secondary Transition goals.

Progress Report

  1. Select a student on the Students panel.

  2. Click the Documents icon for the student.

  3. From the Create New Document drop-down list, select Progress Report under Individualized Education Plan, and click Go.

  4. Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.

  5. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile: 

      • Student

      • State USI

      • DOB

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the Special Education Part B profile:

      • Case Manager

      • Last Eligibility Meeting Date

      • Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date

    • The date of finalization of this report.

  6. Select a marking period (MP) value from the Reporting Period drop-down list. After the user selects a marking period, the system displays the marking period and the associated first and last date values identified through Administration, Configuration, Settings, School Year Settings, and then Marking Periods. These dates are not editable. It suppresses the marking period value on print and prints the first and last dates.

  7. The system auto-populates the Goal Area and Goal text from the active IEP, Present Levels of Performance And Goals (PLOP) page.

  8. Select a Status from the drop-down list.

  9. Identify the Progress Monitoring used: select a value from the drop-down menu. The field is required.

  10. Evaluation Schedule: select a value from the drop-down menu. The field is required.

  11. Comments are required for a Status of Regressing, Not Introduced and No Progress with a 20-character minimum, otherwise, comments are optional.

  12. Enter a date manually or select a date using the calendar icon in the Date field. This field is required.

  13. The system displays the Secondary Transition area when the Secondary Transition section is selected within the active IEP document.

    • The system populates the following corresponding goals from the active IEP, Secondary Transition page:

      • Employment

      • Post Secondary Training and Education

      • Independent Living

  14. Click Save, Done Editing.

  15. Finalize the document once completed. To finalize the document, click Set Document, select Status from Draft to Final, and then click Accept.

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