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Provider Credential File PCF

Provider Credential File report is a standard report that contains the credentials and qualifications of the active service providers or therapists available in the Staff profile on the PowerSchool Special Education Program state model for the District of Columbia.

The report holds details like the service provider's credentials, licenses, employment details, supervisor’s details, and other relevant information.

Submission Requirements

This report lists only active special education services providers or supervisors available on the Staff profile. This report includes the active staff with their current employment duration (employment start and end date) that falls within the reporting duration. For staff who hold multiple licenses for the same specialty, license type, and state, the report will only display their latest license per specialty code, type, and state of issue.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click Part B Medicaid, and then click Provider Credential File PCF.

  3. Enter a Start Date and End Date manually or use the calendar icon for the reporting duration.

  4. Click Update Report with Values.

To review the latest data, click Refresh after opening the report in the application.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name

Provider ID

The system displays the service provider’s ID number.

Profile: Staff, ID


Provider Last Name

The system displays the service provider’s last name.

Profile: Staff, Last Name


Provider First Name

The system displays the service provider’s first name.

Profile: Staff, First Name


Employment Start Date

The system displays the service provider's first date of work at the school.

Profile: Staff, Employment Start Date


Employment End Date

The system displays the service provider's last date of work at the school.

Profile: Staff, Employment End Date


Provider Degree Type

The system displays the abbreviated name of the provider specialty type. For example, OT, PT, and so on.

NA (Calculated report field)

NA (Calculated report field)

Specialty Code

The system displays the service provider’s specialty type name in full.

Profile: Staff and then Disciplines

DOH Specialty License #

The system displays the District of Columbia assigned license number.

Profile: Staff, Licenses, and then License Number where
Issuer Name is set to DOH.


DOH Specialty License Start Date

The system displays the District of Columbia assigned license start date.

Profile: Staff, Licenses, and then Start Date where

Issuer Name is set to DOH.


DOH Specialty License Expiration Date

The system displays the District of Columbia assigned license expiration date.

Profile: Staff, Licenses, and then End Date where

Issuer Name is set to DOH.


DOH Licensing State

The system displays the state of issuance of the DOH license.

Profile: Staff, Licenses, and then Issuer Name where

Issuer Name is set to DOH.


OSSE Specialty License #

The system displays the Office of the State Superintendent of Education assigned license number.

Profile: Staff, Licenses, and then License Number where

Issuer Name is set to OSSE.


OSSE Specialty License Start Date

The system displays the Office of the State Superintendent of Education assigned license start date.

Profile: Staff, Licenses, and then Start Date where

Issuer Name is set to OSSE.


OSSE Specialty License Expiration Date

The system displays the Office of the State Superintendent of Education assigned license expiration date.

Profile: Staff, Licenses, and then End Date where

Issuer Name is set to OSSE.


OSSE Licensing State

The system displays the state of issuance of the OSSE license.

Profile: Staff, Licenses, and then Issuer Name

Issuer Name is set to OSSE.


NPI Number

The system displays a unique 10-digit number called National Provider Identification (NPI) assigned to healthcare providers.

Profile: Staff, NPI Number


Supervision Start Date

The system displays the employment start date of the given provider’s supervisor. The report displays the most recent supervisor with employment duration within the date range of the report.

Profile: Staff then Supervisors, Employment Start Date


Supervision End Date

The system displays the employment end date of the given provider’s supervisor. The report displays the most recent supervisor with employment duration within the date range of the report.

Profile: Staff then Supervisors, Employment End Date


Supervisor Last Name

The system displays the last name of the supervisor of the providers.

Profile: Staff, Last Name


Supervisor First Name

The system displays the first name of the supervisor of the providers.

Profile: Staff, First Name


LEA Name

The system displays the Local Educational Agency (LEA) name where the service provider works.

Profile: Staff, Works At


Date Generated

The system displays the report generation date.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

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