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RSMR - Delivered Service Details

The Related Services Management Report (RSMR) - Delivered Service Details report provides detailed information about the special education services delivered to students and logged using the Service Capture in Special Programs. The report contains each service log that falls within the date range selected for the report, including service logs for missed services and make-up services.

Submission Requirements

Students must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) with prescribed IEP services and service records logged for the given service to display on this report. To generate a report for all services delivered to a student within a specific date range, the user needs to select the reporting duration.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click RSMR, then click RSMR - Delivered Service Details.

  3. Enter a Start Date and End Date manually or use the calendar icon for the reporting duration.

  4. Click on Update Report with Values.

To review the latest data, click Refresh after opening the report in the application.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name


Displays the student's USI number.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Child USI


Last Name

Displays the student's last name.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Last Name


First Name

Displays the student's first name.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, First Name


Date of Birth

Displays the student’s birth date.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Date of Birth



Displays the student's gender.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Gender



Displays the student's enrollment grade.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Grade


Prescribed Service

Displays the Related and Consultation Service prescribed on the Student's IEP and is delivered. For example: Occupation Therapy.

Only the services have a service record linked to them.

Profile: Part B IEP Services, IEP Service


Delivered Service Date

The date on which the service was provided is captured on the service record.

Profile: Service Records Part B, Date of Service


Delivered Service Minutes

Total minutes for which the service was provided & logged with the given service record.

The hours and minutes captured on the service record are converted into minutes and shown here.

Profile: Service Records Part B, Duration of Service

{DurHrsPartBSC}, {DurMinsPartBSc}

Serving School Name

Attending School that is stored in the Part B Service Capture Record.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School


Delivered Logged Provider

Name of the service provider.

Profile: Service Records Part B, Staff (Reference to the Staff profile)


Make Up Service

Displayed as Yes if the logged service record is for a make-up session. Else, display No.

Profile: Service Records Part B, This is a Make-up Service


Delivered Service Type

Type of the delivered session. For example: Consultation

Profile: Service Records Part B, Service Type


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