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Scripts execute a series of commands, typically to update an extensive data set in a single process. 

Menu Path

Navigate to AdministrationConfigurationProfile Types, and then Update Scripts.

Executing a Script

  1. Click the magnifying glass associated with the script to execute. A summary of the script, the script content, the schedule to run, and the last time the script ran are listed.

  2. Click the Execute Script button.

  3. Click OK on the dialog box to confirm the execution of the script. When the script processing is completed, a message will appear listing the number of successfully processed records.

Part B Scripts



Part B Caseload

This script will update the child's Caseload profile and works as follows:

  • Removes any staff name where Manually Added = No.

  • Insert the student's Special Ed Teacher/Case Manager from the student's Special Education Part B profile.

  • Insert the Assigned Provider name from the student's Part B IEP Services profile where the service is within 15 days from the current date (today).

Set Profile Tags

When the script is executed, it will validate the student data as described below and will display REF as the student tag as follows:

  • The student does not have an active IEP (IEP tag is not displayed) or active Service Plan (SP tag is not displayed) and

  • Where the Initial Eligibility date on the Special Education Part B profile is blank and

  • The student's latest Referral Part B profile reason is Initial, Out of State IEP or Part C to Part B Transition and

  • Where the Consent Response on the Referrals Part B profile does not have any of the values selected or

  • Where the Consent Response on the Referrals Part B profile has the Consent Granted checkbox selected

When the script is executed, it will validate the student data as described below and will display IEP as the student tag as follows:

  • The student's Initial Eligibility Outcome or Eligibility Outcome on the Special Education Part B profile is Eligible and

  • The student's Special Education Exit Date on the Special Education Part B profile is blank and

  • The IEP Start Date on the Special Education Part B profile is not blank or

  • The Initial IEP Date on the Special Education Part B profile is not blank and

  • LEA Entry/Exit latest enrollment record has a blank Enrollment Exit Date value or

  • LEA Entry/Exit latest enrollment record has an exit reason not equal to Died or is permanently incapacitated, Exited state; exited to home-schooling or a public, private, or online diploma-granting school in a different state, Exited the state public school system to attend a private school in the same state, Exited to a school outside of the United States, Exited to an institution that is not administered or tracked by DC public or public charter schools (for example, military, Federal Bureau of Prisons, DC Jail programs not administered by DCPS, etc.), Received a state diploma from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Received a technical certification or nationally or state-recognized vocational education certification, Student voluntarily discontinued education after enrolling in an adult education program in a DC public or public charter school, Withdrawn due to reaching the maximum age served by the LEA or because student will reach the maximum age served by the LEA before completion of school is possible, Withdrawn for ineligibility reasons (for example, immunization or residency); eligible to seek re-enrollment, or Withdrawn from school, under the age for compulsory.

Update Staff LEAPOC Field

This script will set the Staff LEAPOC flag for Staff members imported into a Part B district tenant.

Populate SWD Count Summary

This script is set to run when the Special Education Count Date in the Global profile equals the current date. It will populate the SWD Count Summary child profile for students meeting the script's selection criteria. 

OSSE Trigger - Set

This script sets the OSSE Trigger flag to inform the State|Regional Module that the staging data is ready to be processed.

OSSE Trigger - Unset

This script unsets the OSSE Trigger flag to indicate that the State|Regional Module has processed the data. 

Insert/Update Historical Disability Profile

The script will create a new primary or secondary disability record in the student's Disability History Part B profile based when the student's Eligibility Outcome (under Initial Eligibility Information or Eligibility Determination sections of the Special Education Part B profile) has a value of Eligible. The script will use the student's Most Recent Eligibility Start Date (or Initial Eligibility Date if the Most Recent date is blank) as the Disability Start date. The script will use the Primary or Secondary Disability values on the Special Education Part B profile to create the Disability History records.

The script will end existing Disability History records when the student has a later date value in the Special Education Part B profile, Most Recent Eligibility Start Date that is greater than the Disability History start date and the disability (primary or secondary) is different than the existing Disability History profile has reported.

The script will end existing Disability History records when the student has a value of Not Eligible on the Special Education Part B profile, Eligibility Outcome.

Update IS_ELL

Displays the ELL profile tag for the student if the ELL Student Status value on the ELL Student Student Demographics/Academy History profile is Served ESOL, Eligible for ELL services, Monitored Year 1, Monitored Year 2, or Early Intervention.

Part B Deactivate Students

The script will deactivate a student's record if the Globals Part C checkbox is not selected and where the student's Part B Demographic Exit Date has a value.

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