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Services and Dedicated Aides

Special Education And Related Services

  1. Within the IEP document, navigate to Services and Dedicated Aide using the flyout menu.

  2. The system auto-populates:

    • Student Name and USI from the Student Info/Demo Part B profile.

    • Meeting Date from the IEP cover sheet.

  3. In the Special Education Services section, select a value for each of the following fields:

    • Service

    • Setting

    • Begin Date

    • End Date

    • Duration (hours and minutes)

    • Frequency

    • Provider Name: Select a name from the staff table using the lookup function. This field is not required if it is not assigned to a staff member at the time of the development of the IEP document.

    • Provider Position: The system auto-populates the position of the staff member selected in the lookup field. If the Provider Name value is blank, the system will provide a drop-down list to select from the StaffPosition keyword table.

  4. In the Related Services section, select a value for each of the following fields:

    • Service

    • Setting

    • Begin Date

    • End Date

    • Duration (hours and minutes)

    • Frequency

    • Group Size

    • Provider Name: Select a name from the staff table using the lookup function. This field is not required if it is not assigned to a staff member at the time of the development of the IEP document.

    • Provider Position: The system auto-populates the position of the staff member selected in the lookup field. If the Provider Name value is blank, the system will provide a drop-down list to select from the StaffPosition keyword table.

  5. In the Consultation Services section, select a value for each of the following fields:

    • Service

    • Setting

    • Begin Date

    • End Date

    • Duration (hours and minutes)

    • Frequency

    • Group Size

    • Provider Name - Select a name from the staff table using the lookup function. This field is not required if it is not assigned to a staff member at the time of the development of the IEP document.

    • Provider Position - The system auto-populates the position of the staff member selected in the lookup field. If the Provider Name value is blank, the system will provide a drop-down list to select from the StaffPosition keyword table.

  6. In the Assistive Technology section, select a Category to confirm the assistive technology service a child needs and type a Device name.

  7. In the Other Classroom Aids and Services section, use the text box to document aids, services, and other supports that are only provided in regular education classes or other education-related settings to enable children with disabilities to access the curriculum and are not accommodations provided in the Statewide Assessment.

  8. In the Dedicated Aides section, select a response for the Student requires the support of a dedicated aide checkbox. If the user selects No, the grid is hidden. However, if the user selects Yes, then select a value for each of the following fields:

    • Daily Schedule of Assistance

    • Setting

    • Begin Date

    • End Date

    • Duration

    • Frequency

  9. Select the required Special Considerations for the student. A required text box appears when the user selects one or more of the following checkboxes:

    • Language

    • Medical Training

    • Gender

  10. Mention more details in the Additional Information section. The user must type a minimum of 20 characters in the text field.

  11. In the Transportation section, select a response for the checkbox Should the student be considered for eligibility for specialized transportation?

    • If Yes is selected, select one checkbox that applies.

    • Based on the checkbox (MFS, ASP, or STS) selection, a new section will be added, upon saving the section, into the IEP document to be completed.

  12. Click Save, Done Editing.

  • To add additional services, click the plus icon next to each section.

  • If the Speech Only IEP checkbox is selected on the Cover Sheet page -

    • the Related Services and Consultation Services sections will be hidden.

    • a note appears above the Special Education Services section: This is a Speech Only IEP. The Speech/Language Only Special Education Service is the only applicable service that can be selected on the IEP.

    • the user must choose Speech/Language Only as a Service for the Special Education Services section to save the page. Otherwise, an error message will appear.

  • For the Special Education Services, Related Services, and Consultation Services sections, users can add up to 59 minutes in the Minutes field within the Duration column.
    If the service duration to be added is more than 59 minutes, the user should enter the hours in the Hours field and the minutes in the Minutes field. For example, if a service duration is 90 minutes, the user should enter it as 1 hour and 30 minutes in the respective fields.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the IEP, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

The data flows out from the following fields of the document:

  • Special Education Service

  • Related Service

Part B IEP Services

  • SPED Service

  • Related Service

The data flows out from the following fields of the document:

  • Dedicated Aides

    • Daily Schedule of Assistance

    • Setting

    • Begin Date

    • End Date

    • Duration

    • Frequency

  • Special Considerations

  • Additional Information

Dedicated Aides Part B

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