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Special Considerations

Special Considerations

  1. Within the IEP document, navigate to Special Considerations using the flyout menu.

  2. The system auto-populates:

    • Student Name and USI from the Student Info/Demo Part B profile.

    • Meeting Date from the IEP cover sheet.

  3. Select a response for the following checkboxes:

    • Does the child's behavior impede the child's learning or that of other children?

    • Is the child an English learner?

    • Has the child been identified as blind or visually impaired?

    • Is the child a child that has been identified as deaf or hard of hearing?

  4. In the Communication section, confirm if the child needs support for language and communication. If the user selects Yes, the system displays a stylized text box. The user must enter at least 20 characters in the text box.

  5. In the Assistive Technology section, confirm if the child needs any assistive technology services or devices to increase, maintain, or improve their functional capabilities. If the user selects Yes, the system displays a stylized text box. The user must enter at least 20 characters in the text box.

  6. In the Other section, confirm if other factors (such as medical problems or other issues) or necessary adjustments are not already considered. If the user selects Yes, the system displays a stylized text box. The user must enter at least 20 characters in the text box.

  7. Click Save, Done Editing.

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