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SPSM-DC_23.11.3.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: November 29, 2023

Part B



Release Note



Changed the value of the max records from 10000 to 50000 for Part B Federal Reporting, Students with Disabilities Snapshot, RSMR Delivered Service Details, RSMR Prescribed Service Details, and RSMR Summary.


Evaluation Summary Report

Updated the document to pull the Communication/Speech and Language area of need from the Analysis of Existing Data (AED) document to the Evaluation Summary Report.


Special Education Part B Profile

Modified the calculation logic for the Initial Eligibility Date and Eligibility Outcome fields in the Initial Eligibility Information area of the Special Education Part B profile to sort them based on descending order like all other fields in this area. Before this release, the data for these two fields were pulled from the oldest records that met the criteria, while other fields in the Initial Eligibility Information area pulled the data from the newest records.

Note: This is applicable only when referral reason = Initial or Part C to Part B


Part B Medicaid Reports

Added the School Type filter to all the Part B Medicaid Reports, and by default, the report shall load the standard data.

Each of the Part B Medicaid report-specific changes are as follows:

Delivered Services

  • Once the School Type filter is applied, the data will be retrieved based on individual service capture record using the Attending School value (then reports that school’s name/ school code/school type, and the linked district LEA Name and LEA Code values).

  • Added the two new columns LEA Name and School Type and rearranged existing ones as Medicaid ID, LEA Code, LEA Name, School Code, School Name, School Type.

  • Updated the column Provider User Code to use the Globals District ID rather than the Worksat location ID.

Evaluation Report

  • Once you apply the School Type filter, the data will be retrieved based on the student’s LEA Entry/Exit record in the date range of the Date Completed value.

  • Added the columns LEA Code, LEA Name, School Code, School Name, and School Type after Service Delivery Type and before Date Generated columns.

  • The records without the Primary Disability will not be displayed in the report.

  • Updated the column Provider User Code to use the Globals District ID instead of the worksat location ID.

  • Removed Provider ID column.

  • Updated the Initial_Reeval column to display the data based on the most recent record in the Referrals Part B profile. For example, the column will display as Initial if the referral reason is Initial, Part C to B Transition or Out of State, and displays Reeval if the referral reason = Reevaluation-Parent/LEA Request.

Parental Consent

  • Once you apply the School Type filter, the data will be retrieved based on the student’s LEA Entry/Exit record in the date range of the MPC Event Begin Date value.

  • Added the columns LEA Name, School Name, and School Type.

Plan Dates - Gifted

  • Added a new report named Plan Dates - Gifted, creating a copy of the existing Plan Dates report with the columns USI, Last Name, First Name, MI, Plan Start Date, Plan End Date, Plan ID, Plan Type, LEA Code, LEA Name, School Code, School Name, School Type and Date Generated.

  • Report includes the students with a gifted tag.

  • Once the School Type filter is applied, the data will be retrieved based on the student’s LEA Entry/Exit record, which is active or open as the report is run.

Plan Dates

  • Updated the selection criteria to exclude students with a gifted tag.

  • Removed columns Gifted IEP, (Gifted) Plan Start Date, (Gifted) Plan End Date, (Gifted) Plan ID, (Gifted) Plan Type) as they are included in the new report.

  • Added columns LEA Code, LEA Name, School Code, School Name, and School Type after Service Plan Type and before Date Generated.

  • Prefixed the words IEP, Service Plan, and 504 Plan to the columns Plan Start Date, Plan End Date, Plan ID, and Plan Type so that all headers have the words IEP, Service Plan, or 504 Plan.

  • Once the School Type filter is applied, the data will be retrieved based on the student’s LEA Entry/Exit record active/open as the report is run.

Provider Credential File PCF

  • Once the School Type filter is applied, the data will be retrieved based on the staff’s Works At value.

  • Added the columns LEA Code, LEA Name, School Code, School Name, and School Type after the Provider First Name column


  • Once you apply the School Type filter, the data will be retrieved based on the Location School Type At value.

  • Added the columns LEA Name, School Name, School Type and rearranged columns as LEA Code, LEA Name, School Unique ID, Abbreviated School Name, School Name, School Type

Student List

  • Once you apply the School Type filter, the data will be retrieved based on the student’s LEA Entry/Exit record on the date the report is generated.

  • Added the columns LEA Name, School Name, School Type and rearranged columns as LEA Code, LEA Name, School Code, School Name, School Type

Transportation List

  • Once you apply the School Type filter, the data will be retrieved based on the student’s LEA Entry/Exit record on the date the report is generated.

  • Added the columns School Type after the School Name column.


My Completed Services

Resolved an error displayed on click of the hyperlink in student's completed services. Staff can now view the services without any error using the My Completed Services report.


Final Eligibility Determination Report

Added a new checkbox labeled Emotional Disability on the Disability Worksheet: Multiple Disabilities under the Eligibility Criteria section.

Added a new checkbox labeled Out of State IEP after the reevaluation checkbox on the cover page, and this gets auto-selected when the referral reason (latest record) in the Referrals Part B profile = Out of State IEP.

In addition, auto-selecting of the three checkboxes (Initial, Reevaluation, and Out of State IEP) is updated to refresh when the document is newly created, an existing document is opened, or when the document is updated from the profile.

Updated the text on the cover page to include the Out of State IEP as Is this an initial evaluation, re-evaluation or out of state IEP? 

Updated the user message to include the Out of State IEP in the referral reason along with the initial while creating a new document if there is no Referrals Part B profile record.

  • The student does not have a Referrals Part B profile record with a Referral Reason of Initial Evaluation, Out of State IEP or Reevaluation-Parent/LEA Request.

Updated the document action to include the Out of State IEP along with the initial while creating a new document if there is no Referrals Part B profile record with Parental Consent Granted

  • The student’s Part B Referral record does not have a Parental Consent Granted value. The document cannot be created.

Added data flow for Initial Eligibility Date and Eligibility Outcome to the Referrals Part B Profile for Out of State IEP on document finalization.



IEP Services Flyout Menu
Corrected an issue in the Transportation area where the Other checkboxes and Other text were suppressed on print.

IEP LRE Flyout Menu
Updated two LRE values to include the greater than sign (>) for values for In Regular Early Childhood Program greater than or equal to (>=) 10 hours per week in the general education setting and other locations.

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