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SPSM-DC_23.12.2.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: December 20, 2023

Part B



Release Note


Comparable Service Records - One-Time Script

Added a one-time update script named Comparable services data correct for Comparable services. During the release, this script will run at all OSSE sites. It will update the Service type and Names missing in the look-up while adding a Service Capture Record. It applies only to comparable service records where the service type was edited manually after the data flowed from the comparable service document.


Comparable Services Plan

Added data flow for the Transportation Yes or No checkboxes from the Comparable Services document to the Special Education Profile, Transportation area on document finalization.


IEP Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and Cover Page.

  • Added Primary and Secondary Disability fields on the IEP cover page. Data flows from the Special Education profile to the document. A primary disability field is required, so the document cannot be finalized when it's empty. There is no data flow from the document profile for these fields.

  • Resolved an issue where the document was allowed for finalization without filling in any of the information in the LRE section that is Age 3 to 5 and Age 6-22 check boxes and grid, Total Hour/Minutes in a School Week, Service Hours/Minutes Inside General Education, Percent Inside General Education, Service Hours/Minutes Outside General Education, Percent Outside General Education.  

  • The checkboxes Age 3 to 5 and Age 6-22 will be auto-selected based on the age and grade of the child, along with the LRE code. The document cannot be finalized when these checkboxes are blank.

  • I corrected the Total Hour/Minutes in a School Week field to NOT be blank as previously; users could finalize the document, leaving this field blank. A message appears when left blank: Hours/Minutes in a School Day is missing.

  • Modified the Service Hours/Minutes Inside General Education field to display the same value as Hours/Mins in the School Day when all the services on the Services page of the IEP are indicated as outside general education. The Percent Inside General Education will be 100%.

  • Modified the two fields, Percent Inside General Education and Percent Outside General Education, to always be a sum of 100%. Previously, this was calculated to be either less than 100 % or more than 100 %.


Service Records Part B - Areas Covered/Assessed Updates

Made the following changes to the SCSrvcAreasPartB keyword table, which is used in the Service Records profile (Service Capture) Areas Covered/Assessed:

Added the following new keyword values for Behavioral Support Services (deactivating the current values):

  • Individual Counseling

  • Group Counseling

  • Parent Counseling/Training with Student Present

  • Parent Counseling/Training without Student Present*

  • Crisis Intervention and Management

Added the following new keywords for Social Work Services:

  • Case Management/Social Work Services

  • Functional Behavior Assessment

  • Social History Assessment

  • Student Progress Assessment

Added the following new keywords for Counseling:

  • Individual Counseling

  • Group Counseling

  • Behavioral Management

  • Parent Counseling/Training with Student Present

  • Parent Counseling/Training without Student Present*

Add the following new keywords for Psychological Services:

  • Individual Counseling

  • Group Counseling

  • Behavioral Management

  • Parent Counseling/Training with Student Present

  • Parent Counseling/Training without Student Present*

  • Crisis Intervention and Management


IEP, Independent Student Drop-Off Section

Made the following changes in the Independent Student Drop-Off Section:

Modified the text his/her to their, now the statement is I, {ParentName}, am the parent/legal guardian of {StudentFullName} and I am authorized to make decisions regarding their care.

Removed the text By signing this form from the consent statement By signing this form, I acknowledge that OSSE-DOT is not responsible for supervision of the above-named student once the student has entered the designated premises.

Updated the document to auto-populate the Student USI value.

Modified the parent consent text as:

  • I CONSENT and authorize the Office of the State Superintendent of Education Division of Student Transportation (OSSE-DOT) to drop the student off at the address listed on the Transportation Request Form.

  • I DO NOT consent and/or authorize the Office of the State Superintendent of Education Division of Student Transportation (OSSE-DOT) to drop the student off at the address listed on the Transportation Request Form.


Child Outcome Summary Document and Reports

  • Updated the order of the fields for the exiting data so they appear more organized to match the data flow.

  • Suppressed the field Reason Exit data not collected when Exit data was collected for this child is selected as Yes.

  • Modified the COS document to make the program entry check box, program entry date, and entry information (1a-3a) read only when a new COS document is created where the document pulls in existing COS profile data.

  • Users must now select the program exit checkbox and complete exit areas (1b-3b+)+ before finalizing the document when a new COS document is created where the document pulls in existing COS profile data.

  • Upon finalization of the new COS document where Entry is selected and Exit is cleared, a message will be sent to the student's Case Manager indicating that the COS Exit scores are due no later than July 1st for student ID <insert id number>.

  • Updated the COS document where the exit information is ready only when the users select No for Exit Data was collected for this child. Also, users can now finalize the document without completing the existing information when option No is selected in Exit data, which was collected for this child.

  • Added two new reports, COS Entry Due Date Report and COS Exit Due Date Report, under the Part B Model Reports category. The two reports will provide a summary of students whose program entry and program exit are not completed. Data flows to these reports from the Child Outcome Summary student profile.


Service Capture Part B

Suppressed the Canceled label and checkbox while adding a new Service Capture record. Alignment issues have been fixed for the Duration of Service field by removing the additional space between the hours, minutes, and Duration of Service.


ESY, Special Education, and IEP Data Flow

Made the following changes to ESY and Special Education Profile:

  • Added a new editable field named Mode of Transport along with the two checkboxes (Metro Fare Card and OSSE-DOT Transport) in the Extended School Year profile under Transportation Type. Data from the IEP Transportation Eligibility Worksheet ASP - ESY section flows to this field.

  • Added a new read-only field named Mode of Transport along with the two checkboxes (Metro Fare Card and OSSE-DOT Transport) in the Special Education Profile Part B under the ESY Location of Service field. Data flows to this field from the Extended School Year profile section.


Transferred Students Status Report

Created a new report under the Transfer Envelope category to assist the LEAs with the list of students who have transferred in or out of an LEA. The LEA data values are pulled into the report from the Demographics Part B profile, Transfer Details section.


Enrollment Audit Date

  • Renamed the Special Education Count Date to Enrollment Audit Date in the Globals, LEA Calendar Information tab.

  • Removed Audit Date field.


Consent for Initial Evaluation/Reevaluation

Made the following changes in the Consent for Initial Evaluation/Reevaluation document:

  • Resolved an issue in the Document Delivery section where the Parent Consent Date accepted a date greater than the current date.

  • Renamed the label Parent will sign a paper copy to Parent/Guardian will sign a paper copy on the main page.

  • Made the Document Delivery section as not editable in Final.

  • I corrected a document action that cleared the Eligibility Outcome data in the special education profile on finalizing the Consent Initial Evaluation/Reevaluation document. Also, removed an incorrect data flow from the consent for initial evaluation/reevaluation document to the special education profile for the Eligibility Outcome field.

  • Resolved an issue on the data clearing for the Initial Eligibility Outcome field in the Referrals Part B profile on finalizing the Consent Initial Evaluation/Reevaluation document.

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